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Russia’s exit, America’s entrance and the flawed Treaty of Versailles

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1 Russia’s exit, America’s entrance and the flawed Treaty of Versailles
Assignment #7:Conclusion of WWI This is also the topic of HW #3 DUE Monday 1/26 Russia’s exit, America’s entrance and the flawed Treaty of Versailles

2 Write on Assignment #7 Warm-up questions (think about HW #2)
How was the war going for the Russians on the Eastern Front? What benefit did the Russian Army have? 2. What were some reasons colonial peoples got involved in the war?

3 The WORLD at war

4 Major Development #1: Russia Pulls Out of War
Russia army was LARGE but poorly equipped Shortage of food, guns and ammunition lead to huge Russian casualties Kept Germany busy on Eastern front but anti war sentiment grows By late1916, Russia reduces efforts & in 1917 exits war totally War sparks civil war in Russia – Communists overthrow & execute the Czar Leader of USSR (no longer Russia) Vladimir Lenin agrees to a peace treaty with Germany in early 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: gives up former Russian territory in exchange for German promise to stop fighting on Eastern front

5 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918)
Area Lost by Russia in Treaty Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918)

6 Major Development #2: USA enter WWI …Why? A combination of many factors Unrestricted submarine warfare & sinking of the Lusitania

7 US trade w/Allies & Renewal of Unrestricted
US trade w/Allies & Renewal of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (April 1917)

8 Zimmerman Telegram

9 Coded Telegram Translated Telegram

10 Based on what you just heard….
Summarize what arguments America might make against Germany at the trial. Talk to the person next to you in your group of four.

11 President Wilson’s Idealistic 14 Points for world peace &
Promise that the US will “make the world safe for democracy”

12 US Congress votes to enter war in April, 1917 US supplies huge amounts of food, supplies & weapons to Allies Germans attempt last ditch “spring offensive” on Western Front in 1918…gain some territory But 10,000 US soldiers arriving on the Western Front each day break German morale 110,000 Americans die & 250,00 wounded…a fraction of other combatants in “Great War”

13 Major Development #3: War Ends after Central Powers
alliance crumbles and their leaders reach out to Allied leaders seeking a truce or armistice agreed on 11/11/18

14 Impacts of “TOTAL” war - each flag/skull = 100,000 dead
Discuss: What information does the map give you about various country’s experience in the war?

15 Armistice followed by a meeting of victorious nations in Versailles to discuss a new map of Europe

16 and sews seeds of World War II
Major Development #4: The flawed Treaty of Versailles officially ends World War I and sews seeds of World War II

17 Take notes on the terms of the Treaty
Treaty of Versailles – A Flawed Peace – WHY? Take notes on the terms of the Treaty 14 Points PROMISES Asian & African Colonies Territories Limitations of the League of Nations Allies control League – Central Powers shunned Germany & Russia excluded Little power to actually enforce peace US becomes isolationist, rejects Treaty and does not join League of Nations No secret treaties Freedom of the seas Less militarism “Self determination” for all people Peaceful solutions to conflicts (League of Nations) Germany stripped of all colonies in Asia & Africa, but England & France do not give their colonies independence No “Self Determination” for Asians & Africans leaves them angry

18 Treaty of Versailles – Punishment for Germany
Reparation Payments “War Guilt” Clause German Military Restrictions Allies (especially French) want to punish Germany and add Article 231 saying that: Germany solely responsible for war Leaves Germans bitter & resentful Germany forced to pay $33 Billion to Allies Germans feel angry & cheated. Hurts German economy for years Greatly limits the size of the German Army Germany banned from buying or manufacturing of war materials No German subs or planes

19 German, Austrian & Ottoman
Treaty of Versailles – What about the other Central Powers? German, Austrian & Ottoman Territorial Losses Germany loses territory in Europe (Ex: Alsace-Lorraine, Sudetenland) Several new nations founded as Austria-Hungary collapses in Eastern Europe Ottoman Turks lose Middle Eastern empire to British & French What specific problems do you predict will arise out of this treaty?

20 Differing Attitudes on the Treaty of Versailles:
WHY WOULD these people say this given their country’s experience? The terms are in many respects terrible terms to impose upon a country.   Terrible were the deeds which it requites...   Germany not merely provoked, but planned the most devastating war the earth has ever seen...   She deliberately embarked upon it, not to defend herself against assailants, but to aggrandize herself at the expense of her neighbours.   I cannot think of a worse crime.               [The aim of the Treaty is] to compel Germany, in so far as it is in her power, to restore, to repair and to redress.   Yes, and to take every possible precaution of every kind that is in our power against the recurrence of another such crime - to make such an example as will discourage ambitious peoples from ever attempting to repeat the infamy. David Lloyd George, England America is far away, protected by the ocean. Not even Napoleon could defeat England. You are both sheltered; we are not… Georges Clemenceau, France The disgraceful Treaty is being signed today.  Don’t forget it! We will never stop until we win back what we deserve. German newspaper, 28 June 1919.

21 Major Development #5: Treaty of Versailles redraws the map of
Europe and European colonies around the world

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