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2 Говорение – вид речевой деятельности, посредством которого осуществляется устное вербальное общение

3 Диалогическая речь – форма речи, при которой происходит непосредственный обмен высказываниями между двумя или несколькими лицами. Единицей обучения диалогической речи является диалогическое единство (микродиалог) – несколько реплик, связанных по содержанию и по форме.


5 ДИАЛОГ 1 ||


7 ЭТАПЫ РАБОТЫ НАД ДИАЛОГОМ Аудирование Вокабуляр Лексико-грамматические структуры Диалог: подготовленный - неподготовленный

8 СВЯЗУЮЩИЕ ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ (Linking Words, Fillers) Связующие элементы монолога Связующие элементы диалога Once……………… While…………… Then……………. Did you hear about (what happened to) …? You may not/won’t believe it, but.. How did you feel then?

9 CONVERSATION TOOLS Starting stories/news Did I ever tell you about…? Did you hear about (what happened to) …? Did you see the latest news on TV last night? I don’t believe I did Was it on TV …. No, what? No, I missed it.

10 CONVERSATION TOOLS Surprising news Guess what! You may not/won’t believe it, but.. You’d better sit down! Do you know what! I’ve got news for you

11 CONVERSATION TOOLS Showing interest How interesting What happened then? How did it happen? What did you do then? How did you feel then? Why did you do that?

12 CONVERSATION TOOLS Encouraging conversation Right/OK Yes? And? Really? And then? Did you/are you/is he?….

13 CONVERSATION TOOLS Being sympathetic Oh no! What a pity Poor you That’s too bad How awful/terrible/terrifying! You must have felt terrible

14 CONVERSATION TOOLS Asking to expand What makes you think so? What makes you say that? What do you mean?

15 CONVERSATION TOOLS Summarizing So … So you mean… I hope/I suppose… In short…

16 CONVERSATION TOOLS Interrupting Excuse me for interrupting Can I say something here? Can I ask a question?

17 CONVERSATION TOOLS Changing topic Talking of…/Speaking of… That reminds me, …(of) By the way…/Before I forget…

18 CONVERSATION TOOLS Returning to the topic In any case.. Anyway… Coming back to what I was saying…

19 CONVERSATION TOOLS Agreement Exactly Definitely I’ll say

20 CONVERSATION TOOLS Finishing the story To cut a long story short So, in the end So, in short All in all

21 1. Listen and fill in the blanks I’m often _______________ at weekends, especially if there is a football match or a demonstration. I’m there to see things don’t get out of control. I think you have _______________ this type of work because it isn’t easy and can be _______________. You serve the public and you’re there to protect them, but they don’t always _______________ what you’re trying to do. The pay and conditions are all right, which is a _______________ because you can’t go on strike.

22 I’m often on duty at weekends, especially if there is a football match or a demonstration. I’m there to see things don’t get out of control. I think you have to be cut out for this type of work because it isn’t easy and can be dangerous. You serve the public and you’re there to protect them, but they don’t always appreciate what you’re trying to do. The pay and conditions are all right, which is a good thing because you can’t go on strike.

23 Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper Phrasal verb from the box. get by on smth. be cut out for smth. go in for smth. get on in life get smb. down 1.She has to survive on a very small salary. 2.Are you sure you really have the qualities for being a trapeze artist? 3.Being a teacher is really rewarding and worth choosing as a career. 4.She still hopes someday she will be successful. 5.His lack of social life was beginning to depress him.

24 She has to survive on a very small salary. (get by) Are you sure you really have the qualities for being a trapeze artist? (cut out) Being a teacher is really rewarding and worth choosing as a career. (go in for) She still hopes someday she will be successful. (get on in life) His lack of social life was beginning to depress him. (get him down)

25 ABC 1. doing medical research 2. working as an archaeologist 3. writing for a newspaper 4. being a politician 5. conducting an orchestra 6. being wealthy and not having to work 7. being a secret agent 8. taking care of sick people seems sounds must be could be would be pretty difficult fascinating nerve-racking kind of boring fantastic pretty awful really rewarding very challenging

26 + opinion I think I guess I believe In my opinion To my mind For me + because because since as

27 Example: For me, taking care of sick people would be really rewarding. Example: For me, taking care of sick people would be really rewarding, as you relive their sufferings.

28 CARD 3 A: I guess, (doing)……… would be really B: Exactly! It sounds very …….., since …

29 Монолог форма речи, обращенная к одному лицу или к группе слушателей (собеседников), иногда – к самому себе

30 Этапы работы над монологом Накопление вокабуляра Работа с грамматическими структурами Использование связующих элементов (linking devices)

31 Накопление вокабуляра готовые диалоги и тексты мини-тесты подстановочные упражнения интерактивные формы (игры, дискуссии и т.д.)

32 Подстановочные упражнения МОНОЛОГ MY HOROSCOPE My horoscope claims I’m _______________ It means I__________. That’s true for me because __________. In addition to this I’m __________. I mean I ________________. For instance, I really like _________.

33 Where is this taking place? Who is in the clown suit? What did he/she do? What is he/she thinking? What is the police officer thinking? What is the child thinking/feeling who is perhaps watching the event?

34 Why is the nun so happy at the computer? What is she doing? How long has she been a nun? How does she feel about her calling? What is her dream in life?

35 How will they explain this mistake to the foreman? What happens next? How is this both funny and sad at the same time?

36 Работа с грамматическими структурами I don’t mind it when people are straightforward with me. It bothers me when people aren’t reliable. ______________ when people are direct and say exactly what’s on their mind. ______________ when a person corrects my English in front of others.

37 Использование связующих элементов She is kind-hearted. She is cooperative. She is kind-hearted as well as cooperative. She is kind-hearted. In addition / Besides / Moreover she is cooperative. He is usually well-behaved. He can be naughty at times. He is usually well-behaved. However he can be naughty at times. Although he is usually well-behaved, he can be naughty at times.

38 Rewrite the following ideas using linking phrases from the table above Roger is friendly. Roger is caring. He is intelligent. He is self-centered. Andrew is stubborn. Andrew is disorganized. She is decisive. She can be rude at times.

39 What kind of person are you? I’m __________ as well as __________. What do you mean? I mean I don’t mind it when __________. What does your horoscope say about you? My horoscope says I’m __________, however I can be __________. How come? I mean it bothers me when __________.

40 Опорные схемы My horoscope claims I’m __________. In other words I’m a person who__________. It’s not true for me because __________. I’m __________ as well as __________. In addition to this __________. I mean I __________. For instance, it really bothers me when __________.

41 My horoscope claims I’m creative It means I’m good at thinking up new ideas. That’s true for me because I really like arranging surprise parties. In addition to this I’m versatile. I mean I’m good at doing a lot if different things. For instance, I really like singing and dancing.

42 I’m creative as well as versatile. I mean I don’t mind it when I have to do a lot of things at the same time. I can think up new ideas how to do it. My horoscope says I’m sociable, however I can be reserved at times. I mean it bothers me when people ask questions about my private life.

43 Оценка качества говорения соблюдение структуры диалога и (или) монолога; использование всего необходимого лексического материала; использование всего необходимого грамматического материала; использование всех необходимых связующих элементов.

44 КАЧЕСТВЕННЫЕ ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ ГОВОРЕНИЯ степень соответствия высказывания студентов заданной теме полнота раскрытия темы использование языкового материала

45 ВИДЫ КОНТРОЛЯ текущий тематический периодический итоговый

46 ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ИСТОЧНИКИ Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. Аркти – Москва, Глосса, 2000. Гайсина А.Я. Иноязычные тексты для различных целей обучения монологической речи в неязыковом вузе. – М., 1999. Ладыженская Т.А. Система упражнений по развитию связной речи // Совершенствование методов обучения русскому языку: Сб.ст. Пособие для учителей. – М.,Просвещение, 1981. Нестерова Е.П., Пирогова М.А. Approaches to Teaching Conversation. // Сборник по материалам 7-ой конференции FEELTA “Building Bridges with Languages and Cultures”, 2008 – Владивосток, Издательство ДВГУ, 2008. Allen, J.P.B. and Widdowson H.G. Teaching the communicative use of English. // The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. Ed. C.J. Brumfit, K. Johnson. – Oxford University Press, 1998. – pp.122-142. Deacon B., Murphey T. Deep impact storytelling. – Forum, V.35, №1, 1997 – p 11. Larsen-Freeman, D. Techniques and principles in language teaching. – Oxford University Press, 2000. – 208 p. Shuming, Kang. Developing Adult EFL Students’ Speaking Abilities // Forum, Vol.35 # 3, 1997, pp. 8-13. Beare K. Teaching Conversational Skills - Tips and Strategies. (10.12.2009) Kayi H. Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language. (10.12.2009)


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