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SOBEK in Jakarta FEWS.

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1 SOBEK in Jakarta FEWS

2 Sobek in this course Today (with Daniel Tollenaar):
1. The role of SOBEK in “Jakarta FEWS” 2. What does SOBEK RR do (as in Jakarta)? 3. What does the SOBEK 1D-2D do (as in Jakarta)? Next Monday (with Eelco Verschelling): The development of the Jakarta Sobek model - How is it build? - Where is it build for? - What can (and can’t) you do with it? Objective: not to build a Sobek model yourself, but to understand what is happening when you turn on the “run Sobek workflow” in FEWS

3 “Modules” of Jakarta FEWS
P source (ACCESSA) FEWS P transformation SOBEK (RR - 1D - 2D)

4 SOBEK 1D / 2D integrated modelling environment for integral solutions

5 About SOBEK Rural Urban River

6 About SOBEK State-of-the-art modelling framework for:
river and estuarine systems, drainage and irrigation systems and wastewater and storm water systems Including hydrodynamics, hydrology, morphology, water quality Established in the nineties Over 80 members of staff Software development, sales, support, training Part of Deltares Active in 70 countries worldwide Agents in Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Germany

7 About a Sobek RR-1D-2D model (as for Jakarta)
SOBEK 1D SOBEK 2D Start End Sobek RR - 1D -2D Hydrology (rainfall-runoff) Hydro-dynamics

8 Sobek RR (in general) Many concepts available within Sobek:
SOBEK 1D SOBEK 2D Start End Sobek RR - 1D -2D Many concepts available within Sobek: - For river schematizations: Sacramento, HBV, SCS - For urban schematizations (sewers): NWRW “inloop” model - For rural schematizations (polders): “Unpaved”, “Paved” and …. models Note: also routing (Muskingum) can be applied within Sobek-RR!

9 Sobek RR (in Jakarta) Lumped conceptual hydrological model.
Some parameters can be directly linked to physics (Ogink). Others have to be optained by calibration Figure: the Sacramento concept In some catchments, a runoff delay is applied using the Muskingum method

10 Sobek RR (in Jakarta)

11 Rainfall-Runoff in FEWS
What if you want to apply your own rainfall-runoff model and still use the hydro-dynamics of SOBEK (or of another model)? Thats where FEWS can help you! Rainfall-Runoff in Sobek Seperate rainfall-runoff concept P source (ACCESSA) FEWS P transformation SOBEK (RR - 1D - 2D) P source (ACCESSA) FEWS P transformation SOBEK (1D-2D) Rainfall-Runoff model

12 Sobek 1D Basic components of a 1D model Cross sections define the
grid nodes cross sections reach segments Cross sections define the geometry of your river/canal Sobek calculates for each time step: - water levels at grid nodes - discharges/velocities at reach segements

13 Sobek 1D-2D 1D-2D is a 1 dimensional network combined with a 2 demensional grid 1D network and 2D network communicate via 1D grid nodes and underlying 2D cells

14 Example 1:Katrina New Orleans, USA

15 Example 2: Polder inundation from boezem

16 Example 3: Serious gaming (1953 floods)

17 Example 4: Inundation plantation schemes Musi

18 Discussion: some questions
- When do we need a 1D and when a 2D model? - What do we require for building a good 1D-2D model? - What do we require for simulating with a RR-1D-2D model? - How do you communicate model results? - ……

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