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400 Montgomery Street, Suite 805 San Francisco, California February 5, 2007 West Hills Community College District School Facilities Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "400 Montgomery Street, Suite 805 San Francisco, California February 5, 2007 West Hills Community College District School Facilities Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 400 Montgomery Street, Suite 805 San Francisco, California February 5, 2007 West Hills Community College District School Facilities Improvement District #1 (Firebaugh SFID) Board of Supervisors of Fresno County Prepared by:

2 Overview and Election History

3 West Hills Community College District 3 Overview  West Hills Community College District is celebrating its 75th anniversary this school year having been founded in 1932, with the establishment of a college for the Coalinga Union High School District  Strong history of serving the educational needs of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley; it is recognized as an Hispanic Serving Institution  District encompasses about 3,464 square miles and includes large portions of Fresno County and Kings County as well as portions of Madera County, Monterey County and San Benito County  Three Campuses: Coalinga, Lemoore and Firebaugh (North District Center or NDC)  More than 12,000 students enrolled; 75% of students are first generation college students and almost half of the students are Latino

4 West Hills Community College District 4 District Has Eight Underlying School Districts District - Underlying K-12 School Districts Dos Palos - Oro Loma Joint USD Coalinga - Huron Joint USD Firebaugh - Las Deltas Joint USD Lemoore HSD Golden Plains USD Mendota USD Reef - Sunset USD Riverdale Joint USD Total 225,278,247 $1,520,315,356 513,710,353 2,006,868,123 741,473,113 527,644,660 495,129,360 774,774,012 $6,805,193,224 Assessed Value District

5 West Hills Community College District 5 District has History of Failed Election Attempts  West Hills CCD has attempted five bond elections since 1998; four of these failed  The three most recent attempts (all Proposition 39 elections requiring 55% voter approval and all District-wide) failed: –Measure B in November 2005 for $36 million - To meet the needs of student growth, expand campuses through construction of new buildings, provide continued access to education and technology, repair and upgrade existing facilities and furnish and equip buildings. –Measure B in June 2006 for $49.4 million - To improve the quality of education for students and the community, shall the West Hills Community College District improve classrooms and educational facilities at all campuses including constructing instructional buildings for computer, math, and social science classes, upgrading electrical systems and technology, building a multipurpose wellness center, and qualifying the District for over $79,000,000 in State-matching funds by issuing $49,400,000 in bonds at legal rates, with annual audits, a citizens' oversight committee and NO money for employees’ salaries? –Measure W in November 2006 for $49.4 million - To improve the quality of education for students and the community, shall West Hills Community College District improve classrooms and education facilities at all campuses, including constructing instructional buildings for computer, math and social science classes, upgrading technology, building a multipurpose wellness center, and a new Ag Expo/rodeo arena, by issuing up to $49,400,000 in bonds at legal rates and qualifying for over $79,000,000 in state matching funds not otherwise available, with annual audits, and a citizens' oversight committee? District’s Election History

6 West Hills Community College District 6 Support for Bond Measures Varied by Area of the District District’s Election History  While the District failed its last three attempts, support for the District’s bond elections varied considerably depending upon where the voters lived  Voters tended to be less supportive in areas like Kings County and West Fresno County; voters tended to be more supportive in North Fresno County and Monterey County  Recent measures consistently received the highest support from the voters in the Firebaugh North District Center area  Voters in Fresno County North District Center residing in Mail Ballot Only Precincts also were supportive, approving the measures with over 55% voting yes Greatest support was in the Firebaugh area of the District where 63.1 to 65.3% of voters approved the measures. Reviewing architect's rendering of a new south wing of North District Center, Firebaugh

7 West Hills Community College District 7 Firebaugh Voter History Voter analysis for Proposed SFID #1 Firebaugh Source Fresno and Madera Counties.

8 West Hills Community College District 8 Firebaugh Voter History Source Fresno and Madera Counties. Voter analysis for Proposed SFID #1 Firebaugh (continued)

9 SFID Formation

10 West Hills Community College District 10 Recommendations to District District Will Form Three SFIDs  Given the geographic size of the District, the formation of three separate School Facility Improvement Districts (SFIDs) is being proposed to serve the three campuses of the District  The three proposed SFIDs are as follows: –Firebaugh North District Center - SFID #1 would benefit those residents attending the North District Center in Firebaugh. The SFID would encompass the Mendota Unified School District, Golden Plains Unified School District, Firebaugh-Las Deltas Joint Unified School District and that portion of the Dos Palos-Oro Loma Joint Unified School District that lies in Fresno County. –Coalinga Campus - SFID #2 would benefit those residents attending the Coalinga campus. The SFID would be coterminous with the Coalinga - Huron Joint Unified School District boundary. –Lemoore Campus - SFID #3 would mainly serve the residents attending the West Hills College Lemoore campus. The boundaries for SFID #3 would include the Lemoore High School District, Riverdale Joint Unified School District and the Reef - Sunset Unified School District.

11 West Hills Community College District 11 Proposed Map of District SFIDs  The formation of three SFIDs, based on the communities served by each of the three campuses, would allow voters in their respective communities to decide whether or not to approve a bond to make improvements to their local campus The creation of SFIDs would increase the District’s chances of passing a G.O. bonds SFID #2 Coalinga SFID #1 Firebaugh SFID #3 Lemoore $12,662,009 $16,882,678 $27,434,352 $1,520,315,356 $2,008,106,373 $3,276,771,495 Assessed ValueLocationBond Proceeds

12 West Hills Community College District 12 Survey Support 65% and 73% of Voters Prefer a Separate Measure Survey Question: “… the District is considering separate bond elections for each of the three campuses. To do this, voters from the three communities would vote on their own bond election and monies raised from the three communities could only be spent on their local campus. If an election were held today, would you prefer to vote on one measure for the entire district or a separate measure that represented your local college campus?” Coalinga Area Voters Lemoore Area Voters

13 West Hills Community College District 13 Survey Support 61.4% of Voters in the Proposed Firebaugh SFID Support a Bond Measure Survey Question: “The District is considering placing a bond measure before voters in your community to improve the quality of education, construct new classrooms; renovate existing classrooms … and make the District eligible for an estimated $15.7 million in State-matching grants; shall the District issue $12.0 million of bonds with spending annually reviewed by an independent citizens’ oversight committee, and no money for salaries?" Firebaugh NDC Area Voters

14 West Hills Community College District 14 Proposed SFID Program  Purpose: acquire land, construct new classrooms, renovate existing classrooms, repair roofs, upgrade plumbing and sewer systems, replace HVAC systems, make health and safety improvements, improve energy efficiency, upgrade electrical systems, improve student access to computers and modern technology  District would be eligible for an estimated $15.7 million in State-matching grants  Anticipated Tax Rate of $19.85 per $100,000 of Assessed Valuation  Bond Amount $12,000,000  Election on June 3, 2008  If voters pass the election, first series of bonds will be issued in early 2009 District would be able to fund about $35 million of projects within the SFID

15 West Hills Community College District 15

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