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The Sacramento Regional Groundwater Model Derrick Whitehead Roseville City - Roseville, CA Norm Jones Aquaveo - Provo, UT Michelle Smilowitz Heatwave Data.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sacramento Regional Groundwater Model Derrick Whitehead Roseville City - Roseville, CA Norm Jones Aquaveo - Provo, UT Michelle Smilowitz Heatwave Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sacramento Regional Groundwater Model Derrick Whitehead Roseville City - Roseville, CA Norm Jones Aquaveo - Provo, UT Michelle Smilowitz Heatwave Data - Miami, FLA

2 Project Setting Roseville

3 Local-scale issues – Aquifer storage and recovery – Migration of contaminants Regional-scale issues – Long-term demand – Water conservation strategies – Banking and exchange Objectives


5 Model Domain

6 Hydrogeologic Characterization

7 3D Cross Sections

8 GeoVolumes

9 Model Grid Layering

10 Ancestral Streams

11 Stresses Rivers, Streams, CanalsSupply Wells

12 US Army Corps of Engineers Simulates – 2D overland flow – 1D streamflow – 1D infiltration – Evapotranspiration – Deep percolation Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA)

13 GSSHA Results

14 GIS workflow – Shape files – Tables – Time series – Geoprocessing tools Outputs – Summary tables – Pumping files – Recharge files – Lateral inflow files Water Demand Model

15 Land Use Patterns

16 Water Unit Demand Factors

17 Steady State Calibration

18 October 2006 through September 2050 Monthly time steps Two versions – With conservation measures – Without conservation measures Predictive Model The Water Conservation Act introduced by Senator Steinberg sets a goal of reducing per capita urban water use by 20% by December 31, 2020, with an intermediate goal of reducing per capita water use by at least 10% by December 31, 2015.

19 Aquifer Storage and Recovery

20 Current and Future ASR Wells

21 Local-Scale Model


23 Sample Results

24 Thank You Derrick Whitehead


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