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CSU Update WACAC Spring Conference June 10, 2014.

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1 CSU Update WACAC Spring Conference June 10, 2014

2 The CSU: Student Access & Success The CSU has committed an additional $50 million to advance student achievement and bolster degree completion. This year, the CSU will be enrolling 8,000 more resident students than last fall. Many priority investment areas to expand and enhance existing strategies that support student success.

3 The CSU: Student Access & Success Hiring 700 new tenure-track faculty Addressing bottleneck courses through use of technology (online offerings) and cross-campus enrollment Expanding Early Start to improve success rates of those with remediation needs Reducing all possible degrees to 120 units Enhancing student advising Expanding data-driven decision making Improving access and degree completion among community college transfer students Expanding high-impact practices linked to persistence such as service learning, internships, study-abroad, and participation in research Encouraging “Super Duper” Seniors to complete

4 Four-Year Graduation Pledges Currently available at – Cal Poly Pomona – Cal State Fullerton – Cal State San Bernardino – Humboldt State Legislation is being considered in Sacramento that may mandate four-year graduation pledges be available at all CSU campuses

5 Impaction Situation is Relatively Stable 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Freshmen16 16 17 Transfers 15 15 15 All campuses have one or more impacted majors Impacted in all majors: Fullerton, Long Beach, San Diego, San Jose, San Luis Obispo Likelihood that Monterey Bay will be impacted for freshmen applying for Fall 2015

6 Interest Still High in the CSU Applications Freshmen Transfers Total Fall 2014 527,000 235,000 762,000 Fall 2013 513,000 234,000 747,000 Fall 2012 473,000 193,000 666,000 Fall 2011 429,000 187,000 616,000 +23% +26% +24% Unduplicated Students Fall 2014 178,000 106,000 284,000 Fall 2013 174,000 109,000 283,000 Fall 2012 166,000 93,000 258,000 Fall 2011 151,000 90,000 241,000 + 18% +18% +18%

7 Access - Ethnic Populations of Unduplicated Freshman Applicants Ethnicity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Native Am..6%.6%.6%.6% African Am. 7.1% 6.8% 6.5% 6.0% Hisp./Lat. 34.9% 36.4% 38.2% 39.2% Asians 18.2% 18.4% 18.1% 18.2% Pacific Isle..9%.9%.9%.9% White 30.3% 28.6% 27.6% 26.7% 2+ Ethn. 6.1% 6.4% 6.2% 6.6%

8 Popular Campuses of the CSU Fall 2014 # of apps rec’dFreshmen Transfers 75,000 (LB)38,00015,000 69,000 (SD) 37,00013,000 58,000 (FUL)27,00013,000 47,000 (SF)20,000 9,000 45,000 (SLO)28,000 4,000 42,000 (NOR)22,00014,000 42,000 (LA)21,00010,000 42,000 (POM)21,000 8,000 *As of November 24, 2013

9 Degree Search

10 “I Remember a Publication You Had” It’s publishing “on-demand” Remember “CASPER?” It’s there! Plus much more

11 Early Assessment Program (EAP) Beginning in 2014-15: The grade 11 Smarter Balanced computer adaptive assessments for English language assessment and mathematics will replace the augmented California Star Tests that are used for EAP. A determination of college readiness is built into the new standards.

12 Transition to Common Core As your school courses change due to Common Core, they will be re-evaluated in light of their A-G fulfillment. We expect to see many more integrated math courses. In the transition years, students with various combinations of non- integrated and integrated math courses will be addressed by the CSU.

13 Look for a new visual look and feel this Fall Application period remains Oct. 1 through Nov. 30 Now through Oct 1, students can set up an account and use the High School Planner to get a head start on filling out academic information for their (future) application.

14 Tell Your HS Students Send ACT to ACT Scores Manager as part of CSUmentor Send SAT to CSUmentor institution code 3594 Use The EXACT version of their name for Testing AND Application Don’t try and “remember” your courses and grades for your application – use a copy of your transcript when filling out academic information.

15 The STAR Act (SB1440)

16 Financial Aid There was no tuition increase for the 2014-2015 academic year Just over 50% of CSU students pay no tuition and take out no loans for that tuition aid The “Middle Class Scholarship” for those with incomes under $150K has begun to roll out. It’s very tied to legislative appropriations and limited in this first year. Out years will see more funding and earlier awarding.

17 2014 CSU Counselor Conferences UC/CSUHSSept. 15Sacramento Conv. Center CSUHS/CCSept. 16Santa Clara Conv. Center CSUHS/CCSept. 18Fresno Convention Center CSUHSSept. 29San Diego State Univ. CSUHSOct 1Ontario Conv. Center CSUHSOct 2Long Beach Conv. Center CSUCCOct 3Long Beach Conv. Center

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