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Phrases Another lovingly created grammar power point for my favorite sophomores. The art is Dali’s...

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2 Phrases Another lovingly created grammar power point for my favorite sophomores. The art is Dali’s...

3 Phrase (Definition)  A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain a verb and its subject.

4 There are many types of Phrases  Preposition  gerund  infinitive  participle  appositive

5 Prepositional Phrases  Definition: A prepositional phrase is a group of words beginning with a preposition and usually ending with a noun or pronoun. Ex: Jared and Nat were standing near the door. The teacher gave the grade to MJ. Even though Zoe was late when she came to class, the teacher still adored her.

6 Fun Fact: Prepositional phrase (the object)  The noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase is the object of the preposition. Phrase: Beyond the hill Through the science building. At Pinkberry

7 Two Types of Prepositional Phrases  Adjective phrase  Adverb Phrase

8 Adjectival Prepositional Phrases  Phrases that modify nouns or pronouns in the same way as single word adjectives. Ex. A hopeful sign ---------------a sign of hope Sprinkles cupcake------- a cupcake from Sprinkles

9 Adverb phrases  A prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is an adverb modifier. Ex. The Beverly freshman hid behind her books. At lunch, Vera sat by the tree.

10 2 Fun Facts about: Adverbial Phrases  Adverb phrases tell when, where, why, how and to what extent.  Unlike adjective phrases, which always follow the words they modify, adverb phrases can appear at different places in the sentence. More than one adverb can modify the same word.

11 Examples of the Adverbial Phrase:  The class grew quiet when the teacher was angry.  David and Michael peered down Heath Avenue  This summer we’re going by car.  Again: Adverb phrases say when, where, why, how and to what extent.

12 Verbal Phrases Verbals are forms of a verb that are not used as verbs but as other parts of speech. There are three kinds of verbals:  Participle  Gerund  Infinitives

13 Participle phrases  Verb form used as an adjective. Since the participle is part verb and part adjective, it might be called a verbal adjective.  The simmering pot of gumbo smelled yummy.  A blistered heel can be irritating.

14 Present participles  Consist of the plain form of the verb plus –ing. Ex.  The smiling yoga teacher did a handstand against the wall.  Plotting to make grammar fun, the English teacher finally changed her approach.

15 Past participles  Consist of the plain form plus –ed. Ex: Discovered by the principal, the startled sophomore was led away from the student store. Pleased to have arrived to class on time, Sharlene smiled demurely.

16 The Participial Phrase A participial phrase consists of a participle and its related words, such as modifiers which act together as an adjective. Ex: Sliding into class late, I felt embarrassed as I put down my mat. (sliding into class modifies I) I heard the other yogis whispering about me. (whispering about me modifies yogis)

17 Gerund Phrase (Lucky you! There’s a trick to this one)  Consists of a gerund together with its complements and modifiers which act as a noun. (trick- replace phrase with it to determine if it is a gerund).  Grace enjoys running on the treadmill. (The gerund phrase is the direct object of verb enjoys.)

18 How to identify participial or gerund phrases?  Participial have –ing or –ed.  Gerund phrases can be replaced with it. If it can’t be replaced with it, the phrase is a participial

19 Infinitive Phrases  An infinitive is a verb form, usually preceded by to, that is used as a noun, adj. or adverb  To err is human  I want to work in my garden. *See 83, bottom of page for exceptions

20 Infinitive Phrases  An Infinitive Phrase consists of an infinitive together with its complements and modifiers.  To do a handstand in the center of the room is very difficult. [the infinitive phrase is used as a noun and is the subject of the sentence].

21 Appositives and Appositive Phrases  An appositive is a noun or pronoun that follows another noun or pronoun to explain it. (2 tricks- appositives can always be cut out; or pausing the sentence)  An appositive phrase is made up of an appositive and its modifiers. Ex:  My student, Carli Wright, is excellent at grammar.

22 Example of an Appositive phrase:  Her teacher, Ms. Goler, visited Maachu Pichu, an example of an ancient Incan Empire,  A veteran traveler of South America, Ms. Goler is desperately trying to reach her goal, of traveling to South Korea.

23 Congratulations!  You have been awarded an opportunity to demonstrate your phrase erudition.  HW: Page 89,90, exercise d and e  Post Test 1 on page 91  These are due on the block day, at the beginning of class.

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