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1 ADVERB PHRASE 016940392 LAY SENGHOR. 2 What is an adverb phrase? lay senghor Definition: An adverb phrase is a group of words that does the work as.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ADVERB PHRASE 016940392 LAY SENGHOR. 2 What is an adverb phrase? lay senghor Definition: An adverb phrase is a group of words that does the work as."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 What is an adverb phrase? lay senghor Definition: An adverb phrase is a group of words that does the work as an adverb. The adverb phrase has as its head an adverb, which may be preceded by pre- modifier and ( less common) followed by post-modifier. LAY SENGHOR

3 3 STRUCTURES OF AN ADVERB PHRASE LAY SENGHOR Pre-modifier + adverb Pre-modifier + adv + Post- modifier

4 4 What is pre-modifier of adverb? Adverbs are pre-modified only by intensifying adverbs. The most common premodifying intensifyier is very. I wear this occasionally but very rarely now. LAY SENGHOR

5 5 What is post-modifier of adverb? Two adverb intensifiers- enough and indeed- commonly postmodify adverbs. It was quoted often enough in the recent debate in the other place. LAY SENGHOR

6 6 FUNCTIONS OF ADVERB PHRASE The major functions of adverb phrases are as pre-modifier of adjectives and adverbs and as adverbs and complements of a verb. LAY SENGHOR

7 7 1) Pre-modifier of an adjective We are far too close to it. 2) Pre-modifier of an adverb I am going to give you a prescription to clear up the infection, then you need to have your teeth extremely cleaned, as soon as possible. LAY SENGHOR

8 8 3) Adverbial Refunds of fee are not normally available. 4) Subjective predicate I thought he was here. 5) Pre-modifier of a preposition But I have a feeling they might be right by the door………………….. LAY SENGHOR

9 9 6) Pre-modifier of a pronoun When I look around at my friends, virtually all of them seem to have got job careers. 7) Pr-modifier of a determiner Everybody knows that the results in fact have absolutely no meaning and can be interpreted any way you like. LAY SENGHOR

10 10 8) Pre-modifier of a numeral The chaps around forty are called Jonh. 9) Pre-modifier of a noun phrase This is really quite a problem I imagine. 10) Post-modifier of a noun phrase Your friend here speaks English well. LAY SENGHOR

11 11 11) Post-modifier of an adj- or adverb Well right that is fair enough then. 12) Subjective predicate At least we’re outside. 13) Objective predicate Shall I move these away? 14) Complement of a preposition Oh I should have thought he’ve had before now LAY SENGHOR

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