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Simile/Metaphor Pop Quiz Write your name and period # on a piece of paper, and number to 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Simile/Metaphor Pop Quiz Write your name and period # on a piece of paper, and number to 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simile/Metaphor Pop Quiz Write your name and period # on a piece of paper, and number to 15.

2 1. Similes and metaphors are examples of: a. foreshadowing b. symbolism c. figurative language

3 2. What is a simile? a. a comparison that uses the words “like” or “as” b. a comparison that does not use the words “like” or “as” c. a special kind of adverb

4 3. Which of these sentences contains a simile? a. I’m quiet. b. The mouse was quiet. c. I’m as quiet as a mouse.

5 4. Which of the following could be added to the sentence, “My cat is black.” to form a simile? a. …as night b. …and white c. …all over

6 5. What is a metaphor? a. comparison that uses the words “like” or “as” b. a comparison that does not use the words “like” or “as” c. a special kind of adverb

7 6. Which of the following is a metaphor? a. His hair is red like a flame. b. In the sunlight, his hair is a flame. c. His hair is red.

8 7. Which of the following sentences contains a metaphor? a. The house was a carnival. b. The house was really, really noisy. c. The house was noisy like a carnival.

9 8. Which of the following sentences contains a simile? a. He is a crazy baboon. b. He’s crazy and cranky. c. He’s crazy like a baboon.

10 9. Which of the following sentences contains a simile? a. She runs like a gazelle. b. She runs too fast for me. c. She runs barefoot.

11 10. Which of the following sentences contains a metaphor? a. Life is fun. b. Life is a game. c. Life has its ups and downs.

12 11. Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball back over the net. This metaphor compares Brian to a wall because __________. a. He was very strong. b. He was very tall. c. He kept returning the balls. d. His body was made of cells.

13 12. We would have had more pizza to eat if Tammy hadn’t been such a hog. Tammy was being compared to a hog because she __________. a. looked like a hog b. ate like a hog c. smelled like a hog d. was as smart as a hog

14 13. Cindy was such a mule. We couldn’t get her to change her mind. The metaphor compares Cindy to a mule because she was __________. a. always eating oats b. able to do hard work c. raised on a farm d. very stubborn

15 14. The poor rat didn’t have a chance. Our old cat, a bolt of lightning, caught his prey. The cat was compared to a bolt of lightning because he was __________. a. very fast b. very bright c. not fond of fleas d. very old

16 15. Even a child could carry my dog, Scruffy, around for hours. He’s such a feather. This metaphor implies that Scruffy __________. a. is not cute b. looks like a bird c. is not heavy d. can fly

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