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SYLLABLES or “chunks” of sound Remember: 4 Every syllable has one vowel sound. 4 A syllable may or may not contain any consonants. 4 All words have at.

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Presentation on theme: "SYLLABLES or “chunks” of sound Remember: 4 Every syllable has one vowel sound. 4 A syllable may or may not contain any consonants. 4 All words have at."— Presentation transcript:


2 SYLLABLES or “chunks” of sound

3 Remember: 4 Every syllable has one vowel sound. 4 A syllable may or may not contain any consonants. 4 All words have at least one syllable. 4 Sometimes the rules do not work, but most of the time they do.

4 RULE 1 The number of vowel sounds in a word equals the number of syllables. Every syllable has to have a vowel sound. canwin-dowmag-net-ic

5 RULE 2 When two consonants come between two vowels, the word is usually split between the consonants. but-ter hap-py cam-pus sel-dom

6 RULE 3 A compound word is divided between the two words that make the compound word. for-get snow-man rain-coat

7 RULE 4 Consonant blends and digraphs are never separated. mush-y rock-et

8 Click on the word that has been divided correctly:

9 pan-cake panc-ake


11 TRY AGAIN Remember: A compound word is divided between the words that make the compound word.

12 bus-hel bush-el

13 Try Again Remember: Consonant blends and digraphs are never separated.


15 treat tr-eat

16 Try Again Remember: The number of vowel sounds in a word equals the number of syllables. Every syllable has to have a vowel sound.

17 Correct

18 penc-ils pen-cils

19 Try Again REMEMBER: When two consonants come between two vowels, the word is usually split between the consonants


21 sea-weed seaweed

22 sea-weed seaweed

23 Try Again REMEMBER: A compound word is divided between the words that make the compound word.



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