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Published byMaria Robertson Modified over 10 years ago
Rules of the syllable in Spanish Why do we say it like that???
La sílaba…syllable In Spanish all syllables have at least one vowel. We take into account how the word is pronounced and not how it is written Remember “letra” y “sonido”
Examples….. The letter “h” has no sound The letter “x” has two sounds The letter “ch” has two letters, but one sound The letter “ll” has two letters, but one sound The letter “rr” has two letters, but one sound
How do we separate the sounds??? VCV – one consonant in between two vowels The consonant will go with its neighbor vowel on the right, and form a syllable Hora – ho-ra Hour Perro – pe-rro Dog Abanico – a-ba-ni-co Fan
VCCV Two consonants that are the same or different that are next to each other are split VC-CV to form syllables. Leccion – lec-ción Lesson Concepto – con-cep-to Concept Respecto – res-pec-to Respect
CC- Consonant Consonant special rule!!!!! Any combination of B,C,D,F,G,P,T with either “r” or “l” will not be seperated Br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, tl Abrazar – a-bra-zar Hug/Embrace Hablador – ha-bla-dor Talker,Chatty Ofrece – o-fre-ce Offer
Three consonants in a row CCC This pattern has 2 rules First we will separate C-CC if the third consonant is “r” or “l” Imprime – im-pri-me Print Desplazar – des-pla-zar Displace
2 nd Rule CC-C We will separate the last consonant from the two previous if the SECOND consonant is an /s/ Obstaculo – obs-tá-cu-lo Obstacle Transporte – trans-por-te Transport Only when there is a group combination of ns- C, bs-C, rs-C, ls-C, ds-C, ks-C, can there be two consonants at the end of a syllable
Four consonants together CCCC These words will be separated by CC-CC and they combine the previous two consonant rules Instrumento – ins-tru-men-to Instrument Construcción – cons-truc-ción Construction
Now it’s your turn..Separate the following words using the rules Calle Carretilla Perenne Dirección Lector Transcurrir Instinto Atrevido Madrina Deprisa Templo Influye Instructor Subscribir Tema Capaz
Respuestas….Answers Ca-lle Ca-rre-ti-lla Pe-ren-ne Di-rec-cion Lec-tor Trans-curr-ir Ins-tin-to A-tre-vi-do Ma-dri-na De-pri-sa Tem-plo In-flu-ye Ins-truc-tor Subs-cri-bir Te-ma Ca-paz
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