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WELCOME PRESENTED BY K. M. Faruk Lecturer (Islamic History & Culture) Bhatpur Alim Madrasa Sreebordi, Sherpur.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PRESENTED BY K. M. Faruk Lecturer (Islamic History & Culture) Bhatpur Alim Madrasa Sreebordi, Sherpur."— Presentation transcript:



3 PRESENTED BY K. M. Faruk Lecturer (Islamic History & Culture) Bhatpur Alim Madrasa Sreebordi, Sherpur.


5 Result of learning The end of this lesson students….. a)Find out syllable. b)Find out deferent sentences. c)Find out deferent Parts of speech.

6 CatPassage Banana Composition

7 Computer Umbrella Examination Pencil

8 a)Hasan is a good boy. b)May Allah bless you. c)What’s your father’s name? d)Do the sum. e)He is not a bad boy. f)Hurrah! We have won the game. g)Please give me a glass of water. h)How are you? বিভিন্ন প্রকার বাক্য

9 Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Preposition Adjective বিভিন্ন প্রকার Parts of speech

10 Today’s Lesson a)Syllable. b)Sentence. & c)Parts of speech.

11 What is Syllable? শব্দের যে অঃশটুকু একবারে উচচারিত হয় তাকে Syllable বলে।

12 Cat Passage Banana Composition Mono Syllable Di Syllable Poly Syllable Tri Syllable

13 What is Sentence? কয়েকটি শব্দ পাশা পাশি বসে যখন সম্পূর্ণ মনের ভাব প্রকাশ করে তখন তাকে Sentence বলে।

14 SENTENCES Hasan is a good boy. Where are you going now? Alas! Rahim’s father has died. Assertive Sentence (Aff.) Exclamatory Sentence Interrogative Sentence

15 May Allah bless you. SENTENCES He is not a bad Boy. Read your English grammar. Assertive(Negative) Optative Sentence Imperative Sentence

16 What is Parts of Speech? বাক্যে ব্যবহার হয় এমন অর্থবোধক প্রত্যেকটি শব্দকেই এক একটি Parts of speech বলে।

17 TallAdjective Man Noun UpPreposition Eat Verb VeryAdverb ButConjunction HePronoun AlasInterjection

18 Evaluation 1. How find out sentence?

19 Thank you

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