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Sentence Corrections American Literature. Correct the Sentences a. henry wadsworth longfellow, who was born in Portland Maine on the atlantic coast was.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Corrections American Literature. Correct the Sentences a. henry wadsworth longfellow, who was born in Portland Maine on the atlantic coast was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Corrections American Literature

2 Correct the Sentences a. henry wadsworth longfellow, who was born in Portland Maine on the atlantic coast was a nineteenth century poet b. the poem the cross of snow is a petrarchan sonnet

3 Corrections A. H enry W adsworth L ongfellow, who was born in Portland, Maine, on the A tlantic coast, was a nineteenth- century poet. B. T he poem “T he C ross of S now ” is P etrarchan sonnet.

4 P etrarchan Original Italian sonnet form in which the sonnet's rhyme scheme divides the poem's 14 lines into two parts, an octet (first eight lines) and a sestet (last six lines). The rhyme scheme for the octet is typically abbaabba. There are a few possibilities for the sestet, including cdecde, cdcdcd, and cdcdee.

5 Iamb  A metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable or a short syllable followed by a long syllable, as in delay. Used in Tide Rises Tide Falls....this line also included a spondee. Where the last metrical foot has two long syllables.

6 Fix them... a. the word transcendental refers to the idea that one must go beyond everyday experiance b. Transcendentalists were idealists they beleived in human perfectibility

7 Corrections T he word transcendental refers to the idea that one must go beyond everyday experience. b. Transcendentalists were idealists ; they believed in human perfectibility.

8 Sentence Correction 2/13 a. imagine building a house for $28.12 exclaimed Mrs Hebert b. thats how much Thoreau spent; when he built his house at Walden Pond she explained

9 The Answers a. “Imagine building a house for $28.12!” exclaimed Mrs. Hebert. b. “That’s how much Thoreau spent when he built his house at Walden Pond,” she explained. [semicolon deleted]

10 Sentence Corrections a. the movie Dead Poets Society includes quotations from Thoreaus book Walden b. Walden also inspired the musician Don Henley to found the Walden Woods Project to preserve the area in it’s natural state

11 The answers a. The movie Dead Poets Society includes quotations from Thoreau’s book Walden. b. Walden also inspired the musician Don Henley to found the Walden Woods Project to preserve the area in its natural state.

12 Journal: Answer the following  What are the similarities and differences between non-conformity and alienation?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of alienation and non- conformity?

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