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Accent Aigu é The accent goes up from left to right

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1 Accent Aigu é The accent goes up from left to right
It make the e sound like a It is only found on the letter E Example: Enchanté = Pleased to meet you

2 Accent Grave è The accent goes down from left to right
When on the letter e, it makes the sound go down. On other letters it differentiates words that otherwise would be spelled the same. Examples: Père = father, ou = or, où = where

3 Cedille ç The accent is only found on the letter c.
It makes the c sound like s. Example: français = French

4 Circonflèxe The circonflèxe is often found where there would be an S in an English word. Examples: forêt = forest, hôpital = hospital

5 Trema ö The trema is used when two vowels are next to each other.
It tells you to pronounce both vowels. Example: Noël = Christmas

6 Quelle est ton adresse e-mail?
It’s… C’est @ arobase point

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