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CPPE AND IFAD’s PROJECT CYCLE P. Kolsteren and P. Lefèvre.

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Presentation on theme: "CPPE AND IFAD’s PROJECT CYCLE P. Kolsteren and P. Lefèvre."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPPE AND IFAD’s PROJECT CYCLE P. Kolsteren and P. Lefèvre

2 Objective of this presentation n Illustrate how CPPE can help answering some of IFAD’s concerns within the proposed new project cycle

3 Plan of the presentation n What is CPPE n CPPE main features n CPPE and participation n CPPE and flexibility n CPPE and implementation n CPPE and M & E n BSF experiences with CPPE n How can CPPE improve impact n IFAD’s “new project cycle” requirements n What needs to be solved

4 CPPE n Comprehensive n Participatory n Planning n Evaluation Answers the changes in planning paradigms from “ centralised planning” to reaching a consensus between actors or pluralistic planning

5 Main features of CPPE n An approach not a method n participation : all actors in planning and evaluation, different stakeholders n global : respect of context n flexibility n implementation-oriented n use of specific “models” to reach the above characteristics

6 CPPE and participation n Full participation = participate in the decision and not contribute. From identification of the problem with diagnosis to selection of interventions, planning and project evaluation n All actors have an equal place sponsors responsibles implementers / field staff beneficiaries n Why participation ? increases comprehension of the problem and the needs improves the operations (one knows what has to be done and why) improves information flux and motivation n Participation = need for specific instruments workshops models

7 CPPE and flexibility n Improves the planning - evaluation cycle, models are the same, regular revisions n Accent on the steps and its objectives models are instruments, not the aim other instruments are possible n No juxtaposition with a method results can be translated in any framework (Logframe) first thinking together, filling forms comes later n Changes can be made in the steps

8 CPPE and implementation n Accent on processes (quality, efficiency) and outputs Are we doing a good job ? Are we obtaining the results we are responsible for ? Explanations and corrections ? n Justification of outcomes n Integrated and continuous evaluation

9 CPPE and monitoring and evaluation n Built in evaluation. Monitoring, evaluation and replanning become continuous n Formulation of evaluation questions by all stakeholders to improve the identification of qualitative and quantitative (indicators) information n Definite place for qualitative information n Identification of “confounding factors” n Explain why results are not obtained

10 BSF experiences with the CPPE n Very high degree of acceptability enthusiasm, motivation satisfaction, willingness to collaborate n Participation is guaranteed Workshop format with actors, integration of experts and use of instruments n Formative: accent on approach = logic and objectives of steps. Capacity building. n Good insight in the activities, the objectives n Efficiency Operational Formulation of recommendations and feedback Identification of data Quality of the questions (50% operational) Quality of the answers

11 How can CPPE improve impact ? n Through stakeholder participation n Integrated and continuous evaluation n Implementation-oriented n Planning and evaluation become a cycle

12 IFAD’s “new project cycle” requirements n Longer implementation periods n Flexible design n Better M& E n More participation n Local ownership n Partnership building n Cost-centre approach n Recasting PDT n Unified design

13 IFAD’s “new project cycle” requirements n Longer implementation periods n Flexible design  CPPE n Better M& E  LF + CPPE n More participation  CPPE n Local ownership  CPPE n Partnership building  LF + CPPE n Cost-centre approach n Recasting PDT n Unified design  LF + CPPE

14 What needs to be solved n CPPE for which projects ? n When ? n How to integrate/translate CPPE outputs in the Logframe ? n Links to AWPB ? n Use by Program Development and Implementation Partnership ?

15 Possible solutions for integration

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