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Nature vs Nurture. Genes or Environment? Oxford University figures: 57.5% of places went to applicants from the state schools. 42.5% to applicants from.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature vs Nurture. Genes or Environment? Oxford University figures: 57.5% of places went to applicants from the state schools. 42.5% to applicants from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature vs Nurture

2 Genes or Environment? Oxford University figures: 57.5% of places went to applicants from the state schools. 42.5% to applicants from the independent schools. DFE – UK 3,941 maintained secondary schools, 3,708,143 pupils, in the UK. 2,500 independent schools in the UK, with around 615,000 children. Of this there are around 700 Secondary independents with about 360,000 pupils. This is 7% of all pupils, rising to around 18% of pupils aged over 16.


4 Nature or Nurture?

5 Nature The theory that the most important defining feature in who we are and how we are is controlled by genes inherited from our parent – Inherited factors that we cannot change

6 Nurture The theory that the features that define us and make us are controlled by what we learn and what we experience - Our Environment

7 Nature? Athletic Children are often born to athletic parents Certain Nationalities / Races are far more successful in certain sports

8 Evidence?

9 Frank Lampard Snr and Frank Lampard Jnr

10 Evidence? Frank Lampard Snr and Frank Lampard Jnr Gary and Phil Neville

11 Evidence? Frank Lampard Snr and Frank Lampard Jnr Gary and Phil Neville North African Long Distance Runners

12 Nurture? Successful Athletes or footballers are often born to families with no History of sporting success

13 Evidence

14 Wayne Rooney

15 Evidence Wayne Rooney Working Class family

16 Evidence Wayne Rooney Working Class family Mother was a Dinner Lady

17 Evidence Wayne Rooney Working Class family Mother was a Dinner Lady Father Unemployed Labourer

18 Nurture or Nature? Strong evidence to suggest that we are an important blend of both Behaviour/conditionEstimated heritability IQ0.4-0.7 Homosexuality0.3-0.65 Antisocial behaviour0.5 Schizophrenia0.66-0.8 Manic depression0.45-0.7 Bulimia0.04

19 Nature or Nurture? Can the following be attributed to Nature, Nurture or both? Eye Colour Spoken Language Accent Scars Weight Musical Ability

20 Task Read the News Article “Before he had no future. Now he is a talented Star Pupil” Does it favour Nurture or Nature? Can you give Reasons / explanations for his expulsion and then his success at the new school What does it tell us about behaviour, culture, society? Is there equal opportunity in Society?

21 Task Critically review the Following assertion: “Genetics is the most important factor in an individual’s life chances. With the right genes, success will always be forthcoming” Make sure you make points that examine both sides of the Nature/Nurture Debate and give evidence where possible

22 Review Read through the article “Bullies inherit bad behaviour” Identify – Arguments from Authority Identify - Nurture and Nature supporting facts and opinions

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