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GoAnimate!. Start at: GoAnimate is a website to make your own videos or animations. -Make a viral video -Create an animation lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "GoAnimate!. Start at: GoAnimate is a website to make your own videos or animations. -Make a viral video -Create an animation lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 GoAnimate!

2 Start at: GoAnimate is a website to make your own videos or animations. -Make a viral video -Create an animation lesson for your class -Make a demo movie for your project. Try it for free! What is the different? Paid membership can have more characters, scenes, and upload their own sound tracks for making movies.

3 1. Your personal “HOME” Click here to make a quick video Here is your video & movie list When you finish one piece, you will receive a badges to award you! Connect to your social network to build your audience base System message System setting You can change your personal Icon, and some information here

4 2. Make a Video Step 1. Click either one to start a video Step 2. Choose your scene FYI, we will talk about how to make a movie later…

5 3. Settings & Actors 1.Select a setting 2. Choose actors

6 4. Dialogue Type your dialogue You also can record your own voice here To Delete the line To Add another line Watch your masterpiece! LOL! Change the cue / facial expression / accent or language

7 5. Title & Description Provide a title and description for the video Enter your social network account and password, GoAnimate can help you publish to the site. You can copy the URL website address and put the video on your own website.

8 6. Make a Video: Full-Featured 1. Click 2. Choose “Full-Featured Video Maker”, and select your scene.

9 7. Cue 1. Select the background (you also can upload your own background here.) 2. Choose your roles and drag them to where you want them to be set. After you drag the role to the point, you can: - Change the size, flip, bring the front/ backward, or delete. 3. You can Add the Dialog box, more background, hand held, music, and other special effects by directly dragging the element to the scene.

10 8. Edit Your Role Edit your role’s action Type the role’s line change the language, and accent. Or, recode our own voice for the role.

11 9. Edit the Time Frame, Save & Share - Use the “+” to add each scene, - Move the music to ensure it will play in your desired cue. To share your work: Go to “Your Video”, press “Publish as public” Then, you can see “Share” icon shows. Of course, you can unpublish or stay in private mode anytime.

12 10. Copy the Embed Code Step 1 Step 2 Step 1: Click “share”, Step 2: Click the embed code icon Step 3: Copy the html code, (if at first it doesn’t work, try the second one.) Step 4: Launch your desired webpage in Dreamweaver

13 11. Add the Video to Dreamweaver Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 5: Click the to open the html code Step 6: Click where you want to place the video on the page Step 7: Paste the the html code into the html field. Step 8: Save the page and preview in the browser. When it is working then upload the page to the server.

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