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Ana Garcia Saguar Fusion Agreements Research DG European Commission Renewal of the Mobility Agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Ana Garcia Saguar Fusion Agreements Research DG European Commission Renewal of the Mobility Agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ana Garcia Saguar Fusion Agreements Research DG European Commission Renewal of the Mobility Agreement

2 Outline Background Why an update? What has been changed? What has not been changed? Timing Eligible personnel Eligible costs Eligible assignments

3 Background Support mobility of researchers between organisations participating in the Fusion Programme –to enhance collaboration and integration of the fusion Programme and –to foster international collaboration

4 Why an update? Legal decision required to obtain a new budget for mobility ITER Agreement : need to adapt the mobility agreement to new international and European framework Simplification and clarification of provisions

5 Timing Where are we today? –The quorum of signatures has been reached at the end of September : 2/3 –The new mobility agreement in enforced since 30th September 2009 for an initial period of 5 years

6 What has been changed? The structure, mainly for clarification of: –Definitions –Eligible personnel –Procedures –Categories of eligible assignments Rewriting of some articles in view of providing full information in the document (ex: IPR)

7 What has NOT been changed? Basic content : –Procedures (mobility plan, reporting) –Eligible assignments –Ceilings –Reimbursement of costs (except for ITPA meetings in EU)

8 Eligible personnel

9 Staff employed by an Associate or by a non- profit research entity (in the territory of the Community or of an Associated third State) co- operating with the Associate (Art.4.1) Contract of employment shall subsist during the Assignment (Art.4.2) Contract of employment shall cover health insurance, any other insurance… (Art.4.3)

10 Eligible personnel Not eligible : students, retired staff members unless they have such a contract, scientists coming from outside the Community

11 Type of Mobility Actions

12 The Mobility Actions 2 types of mobility actions –Secondments –Missions

13 Secondments a continuous stay by one person, of a minimum duration of 28 calendar days at the Host Organisation multiple stays of minimum cumulative duration of 98 days per period of 12 months at the Host Organisation (Art. 7.2.2)

14 Missions Any other stay i.e. : –Stays of less than 28 continuous days of day –And missions outside the “98 days collaboration” referred in Art. 7.2.2

15 Eligible costs

16 Missions: only subsistence allowance is eligible for mobility support Secondments (more than 28 days) : subsistence allowance and travel are eligible for mobility support

17 Eligible Assignments

18 Eligible assignments Standard mobility actions for research work inside the Community Art. 6.1 + Art. 7 - Assignment of personnel between Associates or non- profit research entities in the territory of the Community or of an Associated third state co-operating with an Associate to carry out research work

19 Eligible assignments International mobility actions for research, (e.g. mobility actions to USA, Japan) Art. 6.2 + Art. 8 - Assignment of personnel for carrying out research work outside the territory of the Community or of an Associated third state Highlight : Associated 3rd state: to FP7 (e.g.Swiss Confederation) 3rd state: other (e.g. Bilat Agreements)

20 Eligible assignments European coordination meetings ( e.g. EFDA Meetings ) Art. 6.3 + Art. 9 - Assignment for participating in meetings for the purpose of carrying out coordinating research activities within the programme

21 Eligible assignments International coordination meetings :  ITPA Topical Groups and Coordinating Committee meetings Meetings of the Coordinating committees of bilateral co- operation agreements Meetings of the Executive Committee of IEA Implementing Agreements High level meetings of the Broader Approach agreement Meetings of the ITER Council and other high level ITER meetings Art. 6.4 + Art. 10 - Assignment for participating in meetings in the framework of international co- operations included in the Programme

22 Eligible assignments Exceptional cases Art. 6.5 + Art. 11 - Assignment requested by the Commission responsible Authorising Officer

23 Non eligible assignments Any other type of mission or secondment not above mentioned. Other type of meetings, workshops, conferences, missions in order to write papers, publications, etc.

24 Thank you for your attention Any further questions?

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