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Frankenstein (3) The Monster’s Education and Rejection by Humans.

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Presentation on theme: "Frankenstein (3) The Monster’s Education and Rejection by Humans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frankenstein (3) The Monster’s Education and Rejection by Humans

2 Outline Starting Questions Education and its Implication –Allusions –The story of De Laceys’ Rejection and Regaining Hope in Nature

3 Starting Questions Is the monster human? How do you characterize him? How is he educated? If Victor rejects him because he is ugly, what about the others such as De Lacey’s family, the little girl and Williams?

4 The Monster’s Education: From Nature to Human Civilization Human Mind as a blank slate; noble savage Human Mind as a blank slate; noble savage (with natural goodness and without the pollution of civilization) –Physical Responses and Survival (fire, food, shelter)  continued appreciation of nature (moon 103; Spring 115, 116) –Sensual appreciation of music and feeling emotions (103 birds singing, music108-, pain+pleasure) –Observation: 1) He chooses to learn from the good but not the barbarous (chap 12: 110--) –Language (112-)  learning the language like Safie (117, 118-19)  Reading (later)

5 The Monster’s Education (2): Society Self and Other: a) observation of and sympathy for the others  helps and attempts to understand and them help (115) –housekeeping—the use of wood and tapers; human interactions and connections; –Two kinds of human beauty [108-109]; –human sadness and the motives behind (e.g. poverty) (110-111) –Human kindness – Felix and Agatha’s serving the father food while they eat nothing. –Helping them carry wood (111), clearing their paths (114-15) ; sympathy (112)

6 The Monster’s Education (2) Self and Other (2): b).Self-Knowledge: Sees himself (114)  bitterness  efforts in self-improvement  more self- understanding and questions (120-21) (next)

7 The Monster’s Self-Doubt (p. 120) And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant, but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome; I was not even of the same nature as man. I was more agile than they and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded theirs.

8 The Monster’s Views on Knowledge and Virtue in Isolation Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind when it has once seized on it like a lichen ( 青苔 ) on the rock. I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling, but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death--a state which I feared yet did not understand. I admired virtue and good feelings and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers, but I was shut out from intercourse with them…

9 For your Reference: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Human Development –Physiological - The need for food, drink, shelter, warmth and relief from pain –Safety and security - The need to feel safe and secure –Social and affiliation (with the family of De Lacey) - The need for friendship and interaction with others –Esteem - The need for self esteem and the esteem for others –Self-Actualization (source)source

10 The Monster’s Self- Improvement: Finding Company c) connections and natural benevolence: hope destroyed and re-built several times –“I cherished hope, it is true, but it vanished when I beheld my person reflected in water or my shadow in the moonshine, even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.” (131) –Makes plans to approach them.

11 The Monster’s Self- Improvement: Readings [“ardent” learning of language as a “godlike science applies his whole mind to it.”// Frankenstein but with different purposes 112, 113) The Sorrows of Werter & Plutarch's Lives “I learned from Werter's imaginations despondency and gloom: but Plutarch taught me high thoughts; he elevated me above the wretched sphere of my own reflections to admire and love the heroes of past ages”(128-29) The Sorrows of Werter –individualism and sentimentalism Plutarch's Lives –heroes, wealth and social status

12 The Monster’s Education (2) – Paradise Lost (first page) The monster as Adam, or Satan. Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me? (Paradise Lost) chap 10 (pp. 100) "Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed." Chapter 11(106) "...and it presented to me then as exquisite and divine a retreat as Pandemonium( 地獄 ) appeared to the demons of hell after their sufferings in the lake of fire.",

13 The Monster’s Education (2) – Paradise Lost Chap 15 (129) Reading Paradise Lost  the beginning of rebellion and revenge. “[…] Like Adam, I was apparently united by no link to any other being in existence; but his state was far different from mine in every other respect. [Adam] had come forth from the hands of God a perfect creature, happy, and prosperous, guarded by the especial care of his Creator; […]. but I was wretched, helpless, and alone. Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition, for often, like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me."

14 The Monster’s Education (2) – Paradise Lost Chap 15 (129) Reading Paradise Lost  the beginning of rebellion and revenge. (p. 131)" ramble in the fields of Paradise, and dared to fancy amiable and lovely creatures sympathizing with my feelings and cheering my gloom; their angelic countenances breathed smiles of consolation. But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows nor shared my thoughts; I was alone. I remembered Adam's supplication to his Creator. But where was mine? He had abandoned me, and in the bitterness of my heart I cursed him.",

15 The Monster Rejected By the marginalized and the weak De Lacey Family

16 The Story of De Lacey’s Exile Influences on the Monster: – similar positions of being marginalized; – the lack of justice (// Justine, Frankenstein when Cherval is murdered) Parallel to the main story: –The “rescue” motif; Safie as a gift to Felix –her mother’s absence; – examples of Orientalism

17 The Monster’s Need for Companion A human need expressed by –Walton  Victor, –Felix  Safie –Elizabeth  Frankenstein Part of his attempt to make peace and solve his own problems when being rejected.

18 Rejection and Regaining Hope 1) The villagers and discovery of his appearance  learning the language to approach De Laceys’ 2) De Laceys’ rejection 135  declares war (136)  tranquility gained in sunshine  decides to return (137)  the family gone  has the feelings of revenge (138) 3) To search for his creator (139-)  travels in autumn and finds pleasure in nature (again 140) 4) Rejected by the little girl he saves and a rustic (141)  vows eternal hatred and revenge to all mankind  fails to appreciate nature (141-42) 5) Tries again to approach William (142) -> rejected  kills the 1st victim  attracted and softened by the portrait temporarily (143)  in rage again and seeking revenge with Justine (143-44)

19 Frankenstein’s Respones To the Monster’s Request

20 Next Week Revenge and the Learning of and in Nature The contrast between Henry Clerval and Victor Frankenstein in their responses to Nature and natural philosophy Is Victor justified in breaking his promise?

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