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Chapter 4 Anthropology – systems of land use Technology: An Agent of Social Change.

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2 Chapter 4 Anthropology – systems of land use Technology: An Agent of Social Change

3 Schedule CCA proposal part 2 – Ms. Gluskin Attendance Introductions Brainstorm Brief history of agriculture Theory of McDonaldization Beef Inc. Breakout groups Debrief Ticket out

4 Success Criteria I can explain key points in some theories (such as the McDonaldization of society). I can use this theory to explain how technology affects social change. I can compare and contrast agriculture with the idea of agribusiness, and explain how this relates to social changes in terms of health and wellbeing of the society. I can explain how agriculture has changed through the use of newer technologies, and how people’s lives have been determined as a result.

5 Where did this meal come from? Golgowski, N. (2012, Sept. 12). Want 1,600 calories with that burger meal? Mail Online News.Retrieved from country-week.html

6 Debrief What are some common themes? It’s sometimes difficult to see our connection with agriculture and technology. Discuss sheet 35 of Course Handouts We’ll begin with a brief history agriculture.

7 Hunter-Gatherers All cultures started as hunter-gatherers. Ate wild plants and animals they hunted. Nomadic – lots of land needed. Until about 10, 000 yrs ago, foraging was the only way to subsist. Big change – technology of domestication (taming of plants & animals, aka horticulture)

8 Agricultural Societies Horticultural Societies Extensive - Intensive Intensive Agriculture Irrigation, flood irrigation Plough, draft plough

9 The Draft Plough Jones, A. (2014). A brief histrory of the plough. Retrieved on Oct 24, 2014 from

10 How has Agriculture Changed? Agriculture has transformed society Key developments in 20 th C relate to 3 rd great social revolution (p.125) Industrialization led to increased mechanization of the farming industry. Small family farms - - - Agribusiness Number of farms decreased, area of farms increased.

11 Fires from Space NASA Earth Observatory. (2002, Sept. 14). Slash and burn agriculture in Brazil. Retrieved March 31, 2014 from

12 Ritzer’s McDonaldization theory 1. Efficiency- complete a task with the least amount of cost and effort 2. Calculability- emphasis on things that can be calculated 3. Predictability – guaranteed uniformity of products 4. Control over Uncertainties – through automation, outcomes are predictable 5. Non-human technology – machinery leads to predictability of product and efficiency

13 Beef Inc. Activity = Think of a question you’d like to learn from the video. Write it at the top of your page. Goal: to examine cultural changes that came about as a result of changes in land use, brought on by advances in technology. The film examines feedlots in Quebec, Alberta and the USA Talks about the shift from traditional farming to agribusiness Feedlot = a place where beef cattle go to get “fattened up” before going to slaughter.

14 4 Corners Activity on Modern Farming Please choose a question that interests you and go to the corner of the room where it is posted. 1. Apply Ritzer’s McDonaldization theory to your issue/question. 2. Have 1 note-taker to report back to the group

15 Canada’s Food System “… an increasingly small group of companies have gained enormous power over Canada's food supply. … four retailers control more than 70 per cent of grocery sales; two companies control 95 per cent of finished cattle slaughter; two control two-thirds of flour production; Adapted from Webb, M. (2009, Oct. 15). Canada needs a national food strategy. Toronto Star. Retrieved Oct. 15, 2009 from

16 Canada’s Food System cont’d globally, just 10 multinationals control two-thirds of proprietary seeds, the basis of food. Many Canadian farmers … see little future in independent food production here, which is shocking given increasing world hunger. More than a third of our farmers, holding half of all farm assets, are set to retire and most don't want their children to farm. Corporations are most likely to snap up those farms.” Adapted from Webb, M. (2009, Oct. 15). Canada needs a national food strategy. Toronto Star. Retrieved Oct. 15, 2009 from

17 Wrap-Up Review How has the use of technology in agriculture affected society? Critical analysis question: what is the cost of the new agriculture, and is it worthwhile?

18 Ticket in for tomorrow’s class On a piece of paper please: 1. Write your name 2. Answer two (2) of the following questions: Where do you think agriculture is headed in the future? What technologies might be invented to use in agriculture in the future? (e.g. Will land still be used to grow food?) In which ways would McDonaldization still affect society in the future/not affect it anymore? Based on today’s lecture, what areas could you study further?

19 Homework: Take notes on GM foods from pages 130-131 CCA

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