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Digital Submission Standard HagTag Hamilton County Local Government GIS Technical Advisory Group Carmel Fishers Noblesville Westfield Hamilton County.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Submission Standard HagTag Hamilton County Local Government GIS Technical Advisory Group Carmel Fishers Noblesville Westfield Hamilton County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Submission Standard HagTag Hamilton County Local Government GIS Technical Advisory Group Carmel Fishers Noblesville Westfield Hamilton County

2 H T Who are we? Terry Krueskamp – Carmel Mike Cranfill – Fishers Mike Morris – Noblesville Eric Becker – Westfield Suzie Mills – Hamilton County

3 H T What are we here to discuss? A single technical standard for submitting digital data  Secondary plats  Water  Storm sewer  Sanitary sewer  Easements  Signs  Sidewalks, multi-use paths

4 H T Digital Submission Standard Who? Where? When? Why? How?

5 H T Where are we? Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization

6 H T Where are we? We are the fastest growing county in Indiana. For several years, we have been adding about 4,000 new parcels each year. We have over 5,000 new parcels for the year ending March 1, 2005. March 1, 2006 – 6,383 We don’t expect the rate of growth to slow down.

7 H T Why are we doing this? Why Digital Drawing File Submittal Standards? Why Collaborate with Others?

8 H T Why are we doing this? Official: Federal Mandates!  Problems looking for Solutions GIS: Solutions looking for Problems  Infectious Enthusiasm Developers/Engineers: Look to the source  We need the data they already have Public: Check cost of Government  Save Money

9 H T Why are we doing this? MS4 Program  AKA: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Program  A storm water management program federally mandated by the EPA to control polluted discharges into our nations’ waterways  Specifically for GIS is the need to develop storm sewer maps as well as locate and identify points of illicit discharge/illegal dumping.  Some of you may know it as Phase II that is for areas with a population of 100,000 or less.

10 H T Why are we doing this? GASB 34  Another mandate from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.  Imposed fundamental changes to the financial reports that local governments must produce.  Has to do with how things like roads and the cost to maintain verses an annual depreciated value, what ever…it’s Asset Inventory and its something that GIS can be an integral part of in the process.

11 H T Why are we doing this? GIS Family Crest GIS is...."An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to effectively capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information.“ --ESRI, 1995

12 H T Why are we doing this? GIS !!! Limited funds at Local Level  Staff (Less staff…Less Taxes)  Maintenance Look to the Originators of Data Maximize Technology Improve data quality  Accurate  Complete  Current Promote quality growth

13 H T Why are we doing this? Why Collaborate?  Collaboration helps define collective priorities  Promotes consensus on decisions  Promote understanding of whole process  Define critical standards  Meet future needs

14 H T How did we do this? Discussed Guidelines Met with Engineers Implemented Ordinances Implemented Standards

15 H T How did we do this ? (page 2) Benefits to us and others  One Standard  Less Paper  Better Use of Data  Data Availability:  Orthophotography,Parcels,Road centerlines  Lakes, rivers, & streams, Regulated Drains  Contours and spot elevations, corner records

16 H T Digital Submittal Requirements 1.0 General Requirements 2.0 As-builts - Infrastructure 3.0 Secondary Plats 4.0 Record Drawings

17 H T 1.0 General Requirements CD-ROM in a jewel case CD Label 1.3 The CD label shall include the following:  1.3.1. Engineering Company Name with prepared by statement  1.3.2. Project Name  1.3.3. Date that data is burnt onto CD  1.3.4. Designate CD as As-built, Construction Plan or Other

18 H T 1.0 General Requirements Bloopers …

19 H T 1.0 General Requirements Bloopers…

20 H T 1.0 General Requirements And More Bloopers…

21 H T 1.0 General Requirements Files … 1.1. Files must be submitted in the native file format (DWG or DGN) and DXF 1.4. File names should make sense to a viewer who may not be familiar with the consulting firms naming conventions and be indicative of the contents of the file.

22 H T 1.0 General Requirements Bloopers … Volume in drive E is Carmel Volume Serial Number is 8947-D91D Directory of E:\ 08/24/2005 09:33a 2,957,296 C501-AS-BUILT-07-21-05.dwg 1 File(s) 2,957,296 bytes 0 Dir(s) 0 bytes free

23 H T 1.0 General Requirements Bloopers … Volume in drive E is New_Compilation Volume Serial Number is D4E9-8339 Directory of E:\ 10/13/2005 01:08p 6,623,964 41760S1.dwg 10/13/2005 01:10p 2,270,90941760S2.dwg 2 File(s) 8,894,873 bytes 0 Dir(s) 0 bytes free

24 H T 1.0 General Requirements And More Bloopers … Volume in drive E is Wexley Chase Volume Serial Number is 901A-CEDD Directory of E:\Record Drawings 10/06/2005 10:08a. 10/06/2005 10:08a.. 10/06/2005 10:07a 1,007,392DEST2636.tif 10/06/2005 10:07a 2,774,675DEST2637.tif 10/06/2005 10:07a 2,454,285DEST2638.tif 10/06/2005 10:07a 1,493,244 DEST2639.tif 10/06/2005 10:07a 1,207,592DEST2640.tif

25 H T 1.0 General Requirements 1.10. Projection shall be referenced to NAD83, Indiana State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, using U.S. Survey Feet and per the Hamilton County datum…

26 H T 1.0 General Requirements And Still More Bloopers…

27 H T 1.0 General Requirements And Still More Bloopers…

28 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Excel Spreadsheet (use template) Object Data Table (use template) Storm Water BMPs included As-Built information  Input procedures  I.E - Structure ID’s, Lines snapped to insertion point and drawn in direction of flow PDF of signed As-Built documents

29 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Excel Spreadsheet (use template)  Hamilton County Digital As Built Submittal Spreadsheets (Ver. 1.2).xls  Tabs  Directions  San Structure  San Pipe  Storm Structure  Storm Pipe  BMP Non Structure  BMP Types  Water Node  Water Line  Signs

30 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Excel Spreadsheet – San Structure Example

31 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Excel Spreadsheet – San Pipe Example

32 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Object Data Table (use template)  Use in place of Excel  Autodesk Map  Object Data Tutorial  This document describes the workflow and detailed procedures to populate the Object Data Table with As-Built data required by the digital information submittal format. All Instructions and Illustrations contained in this document were derived from Autodesk Map 2004. For use with Autodesk Map products 2004 and current.

33 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Storm Water Structure BMPs included

34 H T 2.0 Infrastructure Storm Water Non-Structure BMPs

35 H T 2.0 Infrastructure As-Built information  Input procedures  I.E - Structure ID’s populating Block ID

36 H T 2.0 Infrastructure As-Built information  Input procedures  Lines snapped to insertion point of block

37 H T 2.0 Infrastructure As-Built information  Input procedures  I.E - Lines drawn in direction of flow

38 H T 2.0 Infrastructure PDF of signed As-Built documents  Digital reduces paper  Allows for quicker access  Allows for hyperlinks in a GIS

39 H T Submittal Matrix List each item in the specs  I.E. 1.9 - Separate layers for structures, pipes, annotation etc. with a logical description for each layer List each participant and what items they require

40 H T Submittal Matrix

41 H T 3.0 Secondary Plats Included layers Must match recorded plat exactly PDF of the recorded plat with the recording stamp

42 H T 3.0 Secondary Plats Bloopers… (Again)

43 H T What’s Not Specified DWG, DGN or DXF Version Layer Names* Text Size Colors Line styles & Weights File Names Software you don’t have

44 H T What’s Not Specified Layer Names purge (pûrj) v. purged, purg·ing, purg·es 1. To free from impurities; purify. 2. To remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing. 3. To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement.

45 H T\Surveyor\HAGTAG

46 H T Questions?

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