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Geographical Distribution of Grape Growing Chapter 3.

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1 Geographical Distribution of Grape Growing Chapter 3

2 North America Is the native habitat of 70% of the grape species of the world. Is the native habitat of 70% of the grape species of the world. In the US, every state but Alaska, grapes are grown. In the US, every state but Alaska, grapes are grown.

3 California - 6 geographic regions NC = North Coast NC = North Coast SC = South Coast SC = South Coast SV = Sacramento Valley SV = Sacramento Valley CV = Intermediate Central Valley CV = Intermediate Central Valley SJV = San Joaquin Valley SJV = San Joaquin Valley HD = Hot Desert HD = Hot Desert

4 South America Argentina Argentina Brazil Brazil Bolivia Bolivia Chile Chile Peru Peru Uruguay Uruguay

5 Australia South Australia South Australia Victoria Victoria New South Wales New South Wales Climate is similar to California except more rainfall during the summer. Climate is similar to California except more rainfall during the summer.

6 Europe 5/6 of the worlds wine is produced in Europe. 5/6 of the worlds wine is produced in Europe.

7 Africa Algeria Algeria Egypt Egypt Libya Libya Tunisia Tunisia Union of South Africa Union of South Africa

8 Asia Cyprus Cyprus Turkey Turkey Israel Israel Syria Syria Iran Iran Afghanistan Afghanistan

9 Grapes in the Tropics India India Thailand Thailand

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