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Published byElinor Parsons Modified over 10 years ago
March 6, 2008 ALUC/Board Meeting
Airport Land Use Commission Meeting
Consent Agenda Items 1-2.1
Item 3 - Status Update on the Preparation of Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans For Brown Field, Gillespie Field, McClellan-Palomar Airport, Montgomery Field, Oceanside Municipal Airport, Four Military Airports, and San Diego International Airport (SDIA); Including a Report on Liberty Station Redevelopment Projects within the Runway Protection Zone of SDIA; and a Report on the Brown Field Development Plan
Status Report on the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Process for February 2008 and Items Requested at January and February 2008 ALUC Meetings Angela Shafer-Payne, VP, Planning & Operations March 6, 2008 Revised 2/29/08
ALUCP Technical Advisory Group (ATAG) Subcommittees –Military Airports MCAS Camp Pendleton, MCAS Miramar, NAS North Island, NOLF Imperial Beach –Urban Airports Brown Field, Gillespie Field, Montgomery Field, McClellan-Palomar Airport, and Oceanside Municipal Airport –San Diego International Airport (SDIA)
Urban Airports Subcommittee Risk Reduction Working Group Meeting on February 21 st Agenda Topics: Discussion of applicability of safety-enhancing construction techniques to allow higher development intensities Presentation of revised safety criteria matrix and proposed conditions Summary of areas of consensus and non- consensus to be reported to Urban Airports Subcommittee
Urban Airports Subcommittee Meeting on February 21 st Agenda Topics: Discussion of consensus on safety layer maps Discussion on issues identified by Brown Field Working Group, including the safety layer data Report on revised safety criteria matrix from Risk Reduction Working Group with further discussion Update on planned community outreach efforts
ATAG and ALUCP Status USMC –ATAG subcommittee meetings concluded –Staff drafting ALUCPs & performing environmental analysis MCAS Camp Pendleton – proposed Notice of Exemption MCAS Miramar – Scoping Meeting held February 19 th for proposed Environmental Impact Report (EIR) –MCAS Miramar EIR tentatively planned for public review release in early April
ATAG and ALUCP Status Urban Airports –Consensus on airspace protection, noise, & overflight compatibility factors –Work to be concluded on the safety matrix, including risk reduction measures and discussions of infill policies and criteria
ATAG and ALUCP Status SDIA –Consensus on the Overflight compatibility factor –Currently working on the Noise compatibility factor –Airspace Protection and Safety compatibility factors will be discussed next Navy Waiting for the Navy to finish their AICUZ studies
ATAG and ALUCP Status Community Outreach –Continue ATAG Subcommittee meetings –ATAG members conduct outreach with their respective groups –Outreach will also be conducted in accordance with legal requirements for environmental review
Estimated ALUCP Adoption Timeline ALUCP/CEQA Public Review ALUC Consideration Military Airports MCAS Miramar MCAS Camp Pendleton Spring 2008Late Spring 2008* Urban Airports Brown Field Gillespie Field Montgomery Field Oceanside Municipal McClellan-Palomar Late Spring 2008 Late Summer 2008* *ALUC consideration subject to type of CEQA documentation required
Estimated ALUCP Adoption Timeline ALUCP/CEQA Public Review ALUC Consideration San Diego International Airport Early 2009Early 2009* Military Airports NAS North Island NOLF Imperial Beach Dependent upon AICUZ Dependent upon AICUZ *ALUC consideration subject to type of CEQA documentation required
Status of Other Items Requested at 1/3/08 ALUC Prior and proposed uses for existing structures within the former Naval Training Center property Survey of existing and proposed development within SDIA Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Cost estimate for airport operator purchase of land within SDIA RPZ
ATAG and ALUCP Status Questions?
Item 4 - Consistency Determination – San Diego International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan – Liberty Station Building 358, Redevelopment of a Light Industrial Use in an Existing Building, 2885 Historic Decatur Road, City of San Diego
Revised 2/29/08 Attachment 1 Consistency Determination 2885 Historic Decatur Road, City of San Diego Responsibility The Airport Land Use Commission’s (ALUC) responsibility is to make a consistency determination on the proposed project. Issue Is the proposed project consistent with the adopted San Diego International Airport (SDIA) Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP)? Proposed Project The proposed project involves the resumption of a prior light industrial use in an existing building located inside the 80-85 dB CNEL noise contour and within the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) for SDIA. Recommendation The ALUC should determine that the proposed project is conditionally consistent with the adopted SDIA ALUCP because it is located within the RPZ, and therefore may continue the prior use, provided that the use remains at the same intensity of previous occupancy.
Project Location 2885 Historic Decatur Road, City of San Diego
Item 5 - Consistency Determination – San Diego International Airport – Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan – Construction of a New Multi-Level Parking Structure on an Existing Parking Lot, Harbor Drive and Pacific Highway Between Grape Street and Hawthorn Street, City of San Diego
Attachment 1 Consistency Determination Port District Parking Garage, Harbor Drive and Pacific Highway between Grape Street and Hawthorn Street Responsibility The Airport Land Use Commission’s (ALUC) responsibility is to make a consistency determination on the proposed project. Issue Is the proposed project consistent with the adopted San Diego International Airport (SDIA) Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP)? Proposed Project The proposed project involves the construction of a 6-story parking structure of 620,000 square feet on an existing surface parking lot located in the 70-75 dB CNEL noise contours for SDIA. The project may include ground level office and retail space. Recommendation The ALUC should determine that the proposed project is conditionally consistent with the adopted SDIA ALUCP because it requires an avigation easement for noise and height for new construction projects to be recorded with the County Recorder and a copy filed with the airport operator.
Project Location Port District Parking Garage, Harbor Drive and Pacific Highway between Grape Street and Hawthorn Street
Authority Board Meeting
Audit Committee Report
Executive Personnel Committee Report
Airport Master Plan (AMP) Parking Ad Hoc Committee Report
Military Affairs Liaison Report
SANDAG Transportation Committee Representative Report
Southern California Regional Airport Authority (SCRAA) Representative Report
SCAG Aviation Task Force
President/CEO Report
Presentation: Employee of the Quarter
Consent Agenda Items 1-12
13. February 2008 Legislative Report (Continued from the February 7, 2008 Meeting) and March 2008 Legislative Report
14. Discussion and Possible Actions Regarding the Implementation of Senate Bill 10
15. Amendment to the Classification and Compensation Plan Regarding Executive Personnel Compensation
16. Discussion and Possible Action on a Memorandum of Agreement Between the City of San Diego, SANDAG, and the Airport Authority Regarding the Airport Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report
17. Discussion and Possible Action on a Memorandum of Understanding with the California Attorney General Regarding the Airport Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report
23. Workshop: Presentation on Proposed Airport Parking Structure
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