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Chapter 1: Making the Most of Your Life Do you know who you are and what is important to you? Why is a better understanding of yourself beneficial.

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2 Chapter 1: Making the Most of Your Life Do you know who you are and what is important to you? Why is a better understanding of yourself beneficial

3 1. What are the three main characteristics of personality? Emotional Social Intellectual.

4 2.What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem? Self-concept: How your see yourself. Self-esteem: The value or importance you place on yourself.

5 3.What are two advantages of having high self-esteem? Any two: More confidence.  More likely to have healthy relationships.  Avoiding harmful risks.  Positive outlook.  Lets you make the best of life.

6 4.Name five ways to boost self-esteem. Any five: Learn to accept praise.  Focus on your strengths.  Accept yourself as you are.  Learn from your mistakes.  Use your strengths to help others.  Take responsibility for your own life.

7 5. What is a positive way of viewing mistakes that you make? Seeing them as learning experiences and figuring out how to do things differently the next time.

8 6.What is potential? Capability of becoming more than you are right now.

9 7.How does procrastination keep people from reaching their potential? They get sidetracked by the tendency to put things off until later.

10 8.How is personal growth accomplished? Working toward your potential by learning and practicing new skills.

11 9.What are two common barriers to making positive changes? Any two: Not wanting to make effort.  Fear of failure.  Thinking you have to do it all yourself.  Forgetting that change takes time.  Procrastinating.

12 10.What is the connection between competence and confidence? Increasing your competence by developing skills builds your confidence, which in turn encourages you to build even more competence.

13 11.How does success contribute to confidence? Each time you succeed, your confidence grows stronger.

14 12. How can a positive attitude help you meet life’s challenges? A positive attitude helps you keep gong instead of giving up.

15 13. What does it mean to be resilient and persevere? Resilient: Able to recover from or adjust to change or misfortune. Persevere: To work patiently to overcome challenges.

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