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Wordsplash Ms. Garza Ms. Knorowski. Your job:  Get in Groups  I will ‘splash’ a group of words on the board  Your group’s task is to create a piece.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordsplash Ms. Garza Ms. Knorowski. Your job:  Get in Groups  I will ‘splash’ a group of words on the board  Your group’s task is to create a piece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordsplash Ms. Garza Ms. Knorowski

2 Your job:  Get in Groups  I will ‘splash’ a group of words on the board  Your group’s task is to create a piece of writing using the words shown (i.e. a poem, song, rap, story, etc.)  There is only one rule: you must use EVERY word! ( It can be non-sense or make sense.)  You will have 10 – 15 minutes to create your piece.  Each group will share at the end!  You may use the link to “hear” the pronunciation of the new vocabulary Lesson Plan:Day 1

3 daft gregarious latent paragon ratiocinate recapitulate placate cadence ostracized elocution recalcitrant tedious cavorted verbose myopic Lesson Plan Day 1 con't.

4 There is only 1 rule:  You must use EVERY word!

5 “Transformation”  Copy the Prefix/Root/Suffix in Cornell Notes  Listen to the song Transformation by Flocabulary  List all Wordsplash vocabulary you hear on the song in Cornell notes.  Read: Transformation & underline the key vocabulary words as we read  Circle any words or phrases that are still unfamiliar to you.  You must use correctly 10 or more of the 40 “Transformation” vocabulary in your writing pieces for the month of September. Lesson Plan Day 2

6 Transformation: You tube video  Watch Video Here! Watch Video Here!

7 Word Parts: Prefix/Root/Suffix:  log/logue= word; thought/ ex: dialogue  verb= word / ex: verbose  re= again / ex: recapitulate  -tion= quality or state of ex: elocution/circumlocution  -ic= relating to ex: myopic  ology= the study of/ ex: entomology

8 Endings that change the meaning of the word are called "derivational suffixes." -ismforms a noun -istnoun -fulnoun -ableadjective -ationnoun -nessnoun -mentnoun -ifyverb -fyadjective -itynoun -lyadverb -ise, -izeverb Lesson Plan Day 3

9 Wrap - Up  What words did you use correctly in your creative writing pieces?  What words were new or had meanings that surprised you?  What was the general “theme” or context that most of these words could be categorized under?

10 Word Bank 1.myopic 2.ratiocinate 3.render 4.recapitulate 5.loquacious 6.verbose 7.gregarious 8.elocution 9.circumlocution 10.cogent 11.seminal 12.meritorious 13.redact 14.placate 15.tedious 16.tome 17. peruse 18. entomology 19. ostracize 20. pariah Spelling/ Definition test August Part I 1.persevere 2.latent 3.burgeon 4.diligent 5.paragon 6.commodious 7.clairvoyant 8.cosmopolitan 9.vast 10.voluminous 11.recalcitrant 12.exorbitant 13.extravagant 14.colossus 15.synopsis 16.cadence 17.cavort 18.boisterous 19.daft 20.deft Spelling/ Definition test August Part II

11 Copy the Vocabulary Sentences & Parts of Speech for each word. Lesson Plan Day 4.Homework

12 Flocabulary: Transformation 1. He has criticized the government's myopic diplomatic policies. (adj.)[=shortsighted] 2. The academic decathlon team ratiocinates on a variety of provoking topics. (v){to think} [rash-ee-os-uh-neyt] 3. The sight of her rendered him speechless. {to say or make} (v) 4. We understood your point, there's no need to recapitulate {to repeat}(v). 5 Many citizens consider President Obama a loquacious leader. {talkative} (adj). 6.She has a verbose writing style.{wordy} (adj) 7. She is outgoing and gregarious. (adj){sociable} 8. He took lessons in elocution. {the art of public speaking} (n) 9. I'm trying to avoid circumlocutions in my writing. {indirect language} (n) 10. The recalcitrant prisoner refused his last meal before his execution.{defiant} (adj) 11. She offers some cogent reasons for building new schools. [=intelligent,viable](adj) 12. Shakespeare’s Othello was considered a seminal tragedy in Elizabethan times. {original;groundbreaking} (adj) 13. She was given an award for meritorious service. {deserving of praise or merit} (adj) 14. The newspaper editors often redact the writing of the less experienced columnists. {revise;edit} (v) Lesson Plan Day 4.Homework

13 15. The administration placated protesters by agreeing to consider their demands. {soothe; appease} (v) 16. The work is tedious, but it needs to get done. {dull; boring} (adj) 17. They have a tome on European history in their home. [tohm] {a large book} (n) 18. Would you like something to drink while you peruse the menu? [examine carefully] (v) 19. I think many curious teens should declare entomology as their major in college.{study of insects.} (n) 20. The other girls ostracized her because of the way she dressed. {to exclude from a community} (v) 21. He's a talented player but his angry outbursts have made him a pariah in the sport of baseball. {an outcast}(n) 22.She persevered in her studies and graduated near the top of her class. {to persist} (v) 23.The house they bought had latent defects.{present but hidden} (adj) 24.The market for collectibles has burgeoned in recent years. {to come forth; blossom) (v) 25.Many hours of diligent research were required. [=painstaking, careful] (adj) 26.The company is a paragon of modern manufacturing techniques. {model of perfection} (n) Lesson Plan Day 5. homework

14 27. The college coeds wanted to rent a commodious apartment. {spacious} (adj) 28. Why does it seem that moms have clairvoyant powers? {able to see and detect things that others cannot.} (adj) 29. Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town's younger generations. {worldly; sophisticated} 30. She has a vast amount of knowledge on this subject. {enormous; immense} (adj) 31. The downtown loft has high ceilings and voluminous spaces.{large; ample}(adj) 32. They were charged exorbitant rates for phone calls. {excessive}(adj) 33.He went to extravagant lengths to impress his boss. [=elaborate, extreme] (adj) 34. The pyramids are an ancient Egyptian colossus.{an enormous structure} (n) 35. She gave us a brief synopsis of the story. {summary} (n) 36.Boat oars moved back and forth in smooth cadence. {rhythm} (n) 37. Otters cavorted in the stream. {to prance; dance about} (v) 38. A large and boisterous crowd attended the concert. {loud; energetic} (adj) 39. He's got a daft sense of humor. [=silly, daffy] (adj) 40.The photographer is known for her deft use of lighting. {skilled;adept} (adj) Lesson Plan Day 5. homework

15 Lesson Plans  Day 1: Pronounce word splash words and have students repeat the 15 words from the slide.  Group work of creative writing piece.  Each group leader reads piece to class.  Class listens for groups’ mispronunciations and models teacher’s correct pronunciation of the word.  Homework: handout #1: First 21 sentences using vocabulary words. Students are to copy each sentence, definition and part of speech.  Day 2 : Cornell Notes  Copy/Listen/List/Read/Circle Slide  Homework : Write 2 nd set of sentences 22-40.  Day 3: Cornell Notes: Endings that change the meaning of words. Derivational suffixes  Complete word study handout for each suffix.  Homework: Chapter 2: Transformation handout. Synonym matching; sentence completion; Reading Comprehension pp14-17.  Day 4: Revise Creative Writing piece so that the story makes sense. Minimum of 7 words used correctly.  Create a 1-2 minute drama using pre-determined vocabulary. Teacher will assign vocabulary to groups.  Homework : Vocabulary 3x each and definition 1x.  Day 5: Dramatic presentations.  Wrap Up Slide  Practice: Students must incorporate 10 of the 40 words into their writing for the current month.

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