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THE GENERAL EPISTLES: Hebrews, James, Peter (1&2), John (1,2,&3), Jude

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Presentation on theme: "THE GENERAL EPISTLES: Hebrews, James, Peter (1&2), John (1,2,&3), Jude"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GENERAL EPISTLES: Hebrews, James, Peter (1&2), John (1,2,&3), Jude
Also referred to as “catholic” (universal) These are not OCCASIONAL Letters so much as general correspondence to churches in a wider geographical area Each grouping deals with a rather specific audience and specific themes Two of the books (Hebrews and James) are more like sermons than letters

2 HEBREWS Author: One of the most disputed issues in New Testament studies – we don’t know! A student of Paul, Apollos, Barnabas or Luke? Audience: Hebrews – Jewish people... Again, we just don’t know! Jewish Christians? Date – AD – Testing… Need to Endure! THEME of Hebrews: The Supremacy of Jesus …Jesus is superior to all, the covenant he establishes between us and God is superior!

3 The Structure of HEBREWS
Sections of Exposition (telling us what God has done) followed by Exhortation (telling us how we are to live in light of the exposition) Jesus, God’s Final Word …LISTEN! (1:1-3) Jesus, our Pioneer and Priest… COME BOLDLY TO THE THRONE (4:14-16) Jesus, our Great High Priest… DON’T FALL AWAY, GROW UP! (6:1) Jesus, the Mediator of a Better Covenant…

Abraham… Isaac, Jacob, Joseph… Moses… Gideon, Samuel, David… Our Greatest Faith Hero – Jesus Himself CALL TO PERSEVERE (12:1-3) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us run with perseverance the race…keeping our eyes on Jesus… Consider him who endured… so you don’t lose heart!

5 JAMES Author – James, the brother of Jesus (Gal 1:19) – a prominent leader of the church in Jerusalem Audience – Jewish Christians of the Diaspora (dispersion) assembling in synagogues instead of churches Date – possibly before 62 AD (when James was believed to be martyred). THEME of James – Instructions on Christian Living (paraenesis) – akin to Wisdom Literature

6 JAMES – Key Verses / Ideas
Testing of faith is a good thing – develops endurance and maturity (1:1-12) Be doers of the word, not just hearers (1:22) No partiality or favoritism in the church (2:1-13) Faith without works is dead (2:14-26) Guard your tongues (3:1-12) Patience in suffering (5:7-12) Praying for the sick (5:13-20)

7 PETER Author – Peter, the disciple of Jesus – the great apostle of Pentecost – the rock… Audience – Jewish / Gentile Christians of Asia Minor Date – if Peter, before 68 AD, if a later scribe who wrote in Peter’s name, AD. THEME of 1 Peter – Encouragement to believers to live holy lives, distinctive lives, and to persevere in a time of severe trial and persecution. THEME of 2 Peter –Living faithfully in this world until the Lord returns

8 PETER As God, who calls you is holy, you be holy in all your conduct (1 Peter 1:15) You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s peculiar treasure… (1 Peter 2:9) Live as resident aliens (1 Peter 2:11) Suffering – trust God and do good (1 Peter 4:19) God’s power gives us everything we need to live a godly life – great promises – that we may share in the very life and being of God (2 Peter 1:4)

9 JOHN Author – John, the disciple of Jesus – the great apostle
Audience – Churches of Asia Minor Date – AD, a time of persecution under Domitian, and syncretism THEME of 1 John – Encouragement to believers to walk in the light, to love one another, and a warning against being led astray. THEME of 2 John – Continue in the truth of Christ THEME of 3 John – Proper behavior in church

10 JOHN Walk in the light. (1 John 1:9) Do not love the world. (1 John 2:15) We will be like him (1 John 3:1-3) Love means laying down your life for another (1 John 3: 16-17) Love one another (1 John 4:7-11) Jesus has come in the flesh

11 JUDE Author – Jude – a servant of Jesus and brother of James – half-brother of Jesus Audience – Jewish Christians Date – if Jude, AD 55-80 THEME of Jude – Stay true to the gospel of Christ, don’t fall or turn away “Build yourselves up on your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20)

12 REVELATION Author: John, the Apostle
Audience: The seven churches of Asia Minor facing oppression and persecution Date: AD 95-96, during the reign of Domitian THEME of Revelation – The Lamb Has Overcome!

13 THEMES OF REVELATION God is in control of history
God is holy and worthy to be praised The Lion of Judah is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 5) Evil is defeated – Red horse (war), Black horse (famine), Pale green horse (death) White horse – the conquering One (6, 19) New heaven / New earth (21-22)

14 Theological Themes of the General Epistles/Revelation
In this world, the church will encounter trials, hostility, and persecution Testing and hardship develop character Stay true to God, no matter what Don’t ever give up – persevere Love one another God has triumphed - in Jesus, the Lamb We too shall triumph – in Jesus, our Lord

15 THE STORY OF GOD CREATION – made for relationship
CRISIS – we have turned away COVENANT – God calls to us CYCLE – we continue to go our own way CROSS – God is with us, for us, in us COMMUNITY – We are God’s people CONSUMMATION – all things new!

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