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California Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Why CCSS? Technology. Financial. Globalization. Demographics.

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Presentation on theme: "California Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Why CCSS? Technology. Financial. Globalization. Demographics."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

2 Why CCSS? Technology. Financial. Globalization. Demographics.

3 College and Career Readiness

4 Riverside County Office of Education4

5 5

6 Introduction to California Common Core Standards

7 What does ELA CCSS Focus on? Rigor. Application of learning to real world situations. Technology and media sources. Justification and evidence. Communication/collaboration. Expository reading and writing. Research.

8 What does Math CCSS Focus on? Conceptual understanding. Number sense in elementary. Application to real world problems. Rigor. Success in algebra and higher level mathematics.

9 Flows of K-8 Standards Leading to Algebra I 9 Algebra K12345678 F1 Operations & Algebraic Thinking K-5 Expressions& Equations 6-8 F2 Number & Operations in Base 10 K-5 The Number System 6-8 F3 Number & Operations – Fractions 3-5 The Number System 6-8

10 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

11 CCSS Fewer. Clearer. Higher. Different.

12 Assessmen t Riverside County Office of Education12

13 Changes in Assessment Application. Feedback. Formative. Adapted. Integrates technology. Riverside County Office of Education13






19 Jigsaw Each person at a table selects a different area. Review the sample performance tasks. Highlight key ideas. Share your findings with your table. Riverside County Office of Education19

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25 Assessment Summative –Selected response. –Extended constructed response. –Technology enhanced. –Performance tasks. –Writing prompt. –Oral response. Riverside County Office of Education25

26 Expository Text Percentage Proposal 4 th grade-50%. 8 th grade-55%. 11 th grade-70%. Riverside County Office of Education26

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43 Table Discussion What are some changes in assessment that you have observed? What are the implications for instructional practice? Assessment practices? What do we need to do to prepare for next generation assessments? Riverside County Office of Education43

44 Similarities and Differences Riverside County Office of Education44

45 What is the Same? Still a standards based system. Still assessing. Still focused on student mastery. Most of the skills remain the same. Many standards remain in the same grade level. Requires high quality instructional practices. Riverside County Office of Education45

46 What is Different in ELA? Added debate and argumentation across the curriculum. Writing across the curriculum. 2/3 expository. Research. Text complexity. Collaboration, creativity, argumentation critical thinking, and leadership embedded. Give examples. More coherence. Riverside County Office of Education46

47 What is Different in Math? More conceptual. Focus on number sense in k-5. Big leap in math for middle school. Fractions now starts in 3 rd instead of 2 nd Integers has moved from 4 to 6. Multiplication has moved from 2 nd to 3 rd. k-2 is all about addition and subtraction. math mostly number sense with more depth in elementary. Lays a better foundation. Broader ideas with more specificity-clarity. They go deeper. Riverside County Office of Education47

48 Future Planning

49 How to Prepare Set moral purpose. District implementation timeline and team. Technology. Rigor/application. Plans. Mathematical practices. Expository reading and writing. Literacy across the curriculum.

50 2011-2012 RCOE Support RIMS Regional Conference  September 26, 2011 Common Core Overview Trainings for Administrators  Monday, October 3 – Indio  Tuesday, October 4 – Riverside  Wednesday, October 5 – Rob Reiner Children’s Center, Perris  Monday, February 27 – Indio  Tuesday, February 28 – Murrieta  Wednesday, February 29 – Riverside Common Core Network Meetings Updates

51 California Department of Education Common Core State Standards Resources Overview of California Common Core State Standards alOverview01_07_11.ppt alOverview01_07_11.ppt California Common Core State Standards Parent Handbook ardsParentsHandbook.pdf ardsParentsHandbook.pdf National Common Core State Standards Initiative Parents Guide to Student Success Proposed Timeline Frequently Asked Questions – – athAdministratorSnapshot01-07_11.pdf athAdministratorSnapshot01-07_11.pdf 51

52 Math Common Core State Standards for Mathematics _recommendations.pdf _recommendations.pdf Inside Mathematics National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics California Common Core State Standards-Mathematics (CaCCSS-M) Resources Mathematics Administrator Snapshot 20Core%20Tools/CCSMathAdministratorSnapshot01- 07_11.pdf 20Core%20Tools/CCSMathAdministratorSnapshot01- 07_11.pdf Riverside County Office of Education52

53 English Language Arts Common Core State Standards for English- Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical a_ccs_recommendations.pdf a_ccs_recommendations.pdf English language Arts Administrator Snapshot a=v&pid=sites&srcid=bW9kb2Njb2UuazEyLmNh LnVzfG1vZG9jLWNvdW50eS1vZmZpY2Utb2Yt ZWR1Y2F0aW9ufGd4OjVkMWRjZGFjOWEwNz BlY2Y&pli=1 Riverside County Office of Education53

54 Group Discussion What are some possible next steps? How can your district begin with preparation?

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