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Certified Mold Free Mold Free High Rise Construction.

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1 Certified Mold Free Mold Free High Rise Construction

2 2 Prior to Construction Peer review building design to make sure: Design allows for cost effective operation to control indoor humidity and provide adequate ventilation. Designed to prevent problems with moisture intrusion. Are plan details regarding moisture control elements clear to the builder and subs? Are they sufficient to solve the problem? Are they consistent with industry best practices? Do the builder and subs have the ability to construct?

3 3 During Construction on a Weekly Basis Inspect/document that building complies with original design in regard to elements involved in preventing water intrusion and preventing related construction defects. Document that building is being built mold and moisture free. When problems occur, make sure that they are handled properly and so document.

4 4 Upon Completion of Construction Test indoor air for absence of elevated mold levels as required to issue Mold Free Certificate. Certificate states that the building is free from detectable mold and defects at C.O. Our program establishes a bar to legal claims for mold and moisture related construction defects prior to C.O. while reducing construction costs and delays. Our cost is very reasonable at less than 10% the cost to purchase specialty mold loss insurance.

5 5 After Construction Monitor and electronically record Indoor humidity level. Fresh air meets code (recommended levels if no code). Mold will not grow without water (humidity <65% = No Mold Growth). Monitor and document “water events” just like OSHA requires logs for injured workers. Quality AC air filters must be used and changed out on pre-determined schedule.

6 6 Track Water Events When “water events” are dried up within 48 hours (including drying out wet wall cavities) … NO MOLD GROWTH. Facilities Managers must be trained to recognize and respond to water events Can they handle in-house? Do they need outside help? Does the building need re-certification after water problem?

7 7 Keys to Mold Free Construction Drywall installed with gap at floor (as recommended by Gypsum Association) so water not wicked up into drywall during “water event” Materials checked for mold prior to installation Buildings designed with mold resistant materials in select moisture-prone locations. No cellulose ceiling tiles Upgraded energy efficient A/C component that provides the fresh “outside air” (O/A unit.) AC ducts mold resistant Quality air filters on AC system. Third party to document mold free materials, construction & compliance Final test … Mold Free Certification. All at minimal cost except upgraded AC.

8 8 Upgraded AC Current building codes and Federal Building Standards require ALL commercial and government buildings comply with ASHRAE standards for bringing in fresh air. ASHRAE is the industry AC engineering society. In almost all cases, buildings are built to Cheat on bringing in fresh outside air. Inefficient and ineffective outside air (O/A) units are specified by builders to reduce up front cost. With smoking banned in buildings and now that energy costs have risen, O/A units are often times only turned on during testing and inspection.

9 9 Upgraded AC Cont’ Operating a building cost effectively while meeting ASHRAE fresh air requirements requires the specification of energy efficient O/A units prior to construction. Virtually all commercial (office and school) buildings are run out of compliance with fresh air guidelines. And note that there are No fresh air requirements for residential buildings. The result is many sick people (and sick kids in schools) from indoor pollution that includes molds, dust mites, bacteria, viruses, etc.

10 10 Upgraded AC Cont’ So when we say earlier that requiring an energy efficient outside air component is the only expensive part to a mold free building …. In reality (at least in office buildings) this is already required by code But continuously meeting outside air (fresh air) requirements is almost never monitored in an operational building … and almost never complied with. People are then cooped up with tighter and tighter buildings with no windows that open and no fresh air … no wonder more and more people are getting sick at work. No wonder there are more Sick Buildings and more Sick People!

11 11 Cellulose Based Wall Board Along with the tight buildings and no open windows. Along with high energy costs that cause the outside air (fresh air) to be turned off. The industry over the last 30 years has moved from plaster interior walls to (cellulose covered) drywall. Drywall is an excellent product … but if drywall gets wet -- Mold will start to grow. And if there is no outside air to dilute out the mold contaminated indoor air, and/or no good air filtration system to mitigate the contamination …

12 12 The Cost of Defects is Very High Sick people and Sick Building Syndrome. Loss of productivity, and … Reduced building valuations & loss of income stream.

13 13 Self Healing Buildings When the humidity is under control (<65%) … water problems dry much, much faster. When drywall is hung with a gap at the floor rarely … unless there is a major flood... will the walls get wet and mold problems will be avoided. In new high rise buildings there is very little wood (unlike with low rise buildings). The elimination of wood in high rise construction is what allows one to have cost effective Mold Free programs. Even if there is some mold growth and there always will be in older buildings: Bringing in the appropriate amount of fresh outside air will dramatically reduce any health problems for mold or other indoor contaminant by virtue of dilution. (There is no Sick Building Syndrome in third world countries that leave windows open.) And appropriate air filters will dramatically reduce indoor particulates and the problems they can cause.

14 14 Fewer Sick People in General Keeping the humidity under control; with the air filtered; and with outside fresh air intake as specified by code results in healthy occupants. Keeping the humidity under control: Fewer airborne bacteria and viruses; No mold growth; No dust mites … Reduced respiratory problems overall.

15 15 Summary Imagine a program that would result in Mold Free buildings. Imagine the savings on claims from water damage. Image if all Lenders required such coverage for Class A office and High Rise residential buildings … before funding construction.

16 16 Conclusion Today Mold Free certification programs are already in existence for new construction and are far more popular than buying mold coverage insurance (that will not cover you, anyway, if the problem is due to a construction defect.) And maintaining a Mold Free building is straight forward if you start with Mold Free construction. There are no technical reasons why all new high rise buildings could not be built and operated Mold Free.

17 17 About CMF Certified Mold Free Corp has offices throughout the U.S. We specialize in mold loss prevention programs for high rise buildings. We have a $5M E&O policy with mold (pollution) coverage. Our program, or programs like ours, are the preferred form of mold loss protection recommended by leading construction attorneys. Ask your attorney to review our program today! For more information visit us on the web at

18 18 Atlanta, Dallas, Ft. Lauderdale, Las Vegas, Newport Beach Documentation, Testing, Certification for Large Commercial Projects

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