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About EXCEL GLOBAL LLC and our services. We are a US registered – subsidiary company of EXCEL RP INC, established specifically due to our growth experienced.

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Presentation on theme: "About EXCEL GLOBAL LLC and our services. We are a US registered – subsidiary company of EXCEL RP INC, established specifically due to our growth experienced."— Presentation transcript:


2 About EXCEL GLOBAL LLC and our services. We are a US registered – subsidiary company of EXCEL RP INC, established specifically due to our growth experienced in the supply of Asian built tooling for domestic manufacturing applications. We are an “experienced” team in the management of Off-shore – Asian built molds for U.S. Domestic Automotive Vehicle Programs offering substantially reduced cost and timing, but without sacrificing quality or increasing risk. We have legitimate partnerships with “pre-qualified” Asian Tooling Factories, Shipping and Logistics companies for complete support. We are capable of supporting any vehicle development program from initial concept build, through prototype/pilot build and up to production tool build for molded and stamped components. We support an Asian staff of English speaking Engineers, managed by an “on-site” American Managing Partner, that are experienced with US Domestic Tooling standards, by customer.

3 What makes EXCEL GLOBAL LLC unique? Unlike a “broker” or “rep” that simply submits a marked up quote from a low cost Asian tool shop then goes away after the sale, we remain directly involved with the program until delivery of tooling, offering legitimate Engineering Program Management and Tool Build Support to our domestic customers. We can support local – weekly customer program review meetings and communicate any relevant issues directly to the Asian Tool Shop, immediately following. We supply reduced cost - Asian built tooling that meets the US Domestic Tool Quality expectations with no surprises. Unlike most of our competitors, who simply “report” tooling progress with periodic digital photos of Asian sourced tooling, we assign an English speaking Engineer, who follows the tool build in Asia and reports findings, concerns and progress directly to our domestic - local Program Manager.

4 What makes EXCEL GLOBAL LLC unique? Cont. It will likely come as no shock to you that by far, most of our competitors selling Off-shore - Asian built tooling, have never even “been” there. We’ve been there…we go there…and most importantly we stay there until the tool is complete and shipped. We don’t believe a production tooling project could be successfully managed any other way than “being there”! We are the primary lead in a legitimate partnership of several companies consisting of Asian tooling factories, Shipping / Freight and Logistics company. We solve the problems associated with communication (cultural, language, design information).

5 Mold Shop Qualification There are over 6,000 Tool Shops in the Shenzhen Province alone however; based on seven (7) years presence, experience and a legitimate qualification process, by far, the majority of these shops would not meet the acceptable requirements of a domestic tool shop. All shops producing production and prototype molds for EXCEL GLOBAL LLC must first pass a detailed qualification process which includes: Facility Review to ensure that the mold factory has adequate space and is organized in a quality manner with acceptable housekeeping. Quality Operating Systems / ISO evaluation to ensure that the mold factory is practicing and documenting quality operating procedures. Tool Design Capability review to understand which types of molds the company specializes in.

6 Mold Shop Qualification Cont. CAD Software / Hardware to ensure that the mold factory can accept and handle design files from the US. Equipment Review to ensure that the plant has all necessary equipment in proper working condition to produce accurate results. Employee / Manpower Resources Review to determine output capability of mold factory. Handling Equipment Capability to determine what size molds the factory is ideally suited to produce. Pricing Evaluation Review to ensure that the mold factory offers competitive pricing. Communication Capability to bridge any cultural / language difficulties.

7 History / Experience In excess of 300 production injection molds for US domestic manufacturing have been supplied by EXCEL GLOBAL and it’s established global partnerships combined, including but not Limited to: Lighting and Lens componentry. Under – hood molded components. Consumer Product applications. Medical Supply componentry. Automotive Interior Trim and Instrument Panel componentry. Automotive Exterior Trim and Cladding componentry. After Market – Vehicle Customization componentry.

8 We Have Locations Both in the US and in China We believe that our customers should recognize only one difference when sourcing Asian built molds to our company…and that is “reduced cost”. Aside from the pricing reduction, we strive to make it transparent to our customers that their molds are being built over-seas. This can be done by having associates assigned to the program or project, in both locations. This allows us to adequately support the customer locally with proper Program Management {which is included in every quote} and also have an English speaking Engineer following and reviewing tooling progress and issues in China. In addition we feel it is important that the shipping and logistics partner have a presence in both locations to execute all export documentation to expedite shipments of completed tooling and product, without shipping, fumigation or customs delays. Bottom Line: A large part of our success is because we have a legitimate presence in both locations.

9 Local US Locations Sales and Marketing. Rapid Prototype Modeling Machines (SLA / SLS). Cost Estimating. Program Management. Data Management. (8) Full-Time Employees. (2) Office Buildings in Allen Park, Michigan(1) Office Building in Oxford, Michigan Supporting only the Shipping and Logistics disciplines. Procure freight and shipping of products to and from China. Arrange and procure all over the road trucking and rail shipping support. Arrange and procure all freight – sea (boat) shipping support. Review all necessary shipping and customs documentation. Three (3) employees.

10 Off-Shore Locations Supports the quotation of molds and tooling, competitively quoting multiple qualified tool shop partnerships. English speaking Engineers are assigned to your project/program and responsible for following the tool build and progress. Support the receipt and quoting of running Engineering – Design Revisions. Reports weekly progress reports and digital photographs of tooling progress. Present at all mold / tool tryouts reporting any issues/concerns. Supports the pre-shipping approval of all tools and molds after final tryout and prior to shipping. Currently nine (9) Full-Time employees and expected to increase soon. On site office for Logistics and Shipping personnel. (1) Office in Shenzhen, China Supports the receipt of customer provided design data from our Allen Park, MI office, and the distribution of design data to the Asian tool shops.

11 Off-Shore Locations Sales offices. Cost Estimating offices. Regional Purchasing / Procurement office. English speaking administrative support. (1) Office in Hangzhou, China (1) Office in Hong Kong {COMING SOON in 2006!} Expected to be in place by 2 nd quarter of 2006. Established specifically for improved efficiency in Shipping and Logistics disciplines. On site Sales and Marketing offices.

12 Additional Partnership Locations In addition to the above facilities, EXCEL GLOBAL LLC and its partners are co-located with on-site offices and conference facilities at several pre-qualified tool shops both in China and the United States.

13 What can EXCEL GLOBAL LLC do for you? We already have the established experienced, trustworthy relationships with the right, pre-qualified, Asian factories. We competitively quote and negotiate the best possible pricing while ensuring quality control. We overcome the language, cultural, commercial and communication barriers. We have personnel located both in the US and China to support your project. We monitor and manage your Asian built tooling project or program with bilingual Engineering and Program Management support. We include experienced – local Program Managers that remain with your tooling project from initial kick-off through delivery.

14 Kevin Foley Excel Global LLC 6531 Park Ave. Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Office: (313) 382-9195 Cell: (313) 204-3150 Fax: (313) 382-9198 Email: If your company is interested in securing a quote for reduced cost Asian built production and prototype molds and tooling without sacrificing US Tooling quality and construction standards, please contact: Contact Information

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