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Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity – Protists Diversity.

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2 Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity – Protists Diversity

3 For Lecture, Make sure you know the names and characteristics of the taxa at the levels indicated by the red arrows. Water Molds (Oomycota)

4 Characteristics Nucleus (Eukaryotic) Membrane-bound organelles Ribosomes (80s) Unicellular, Colonial, and Multicellular types Four Supergroups: Excavata SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolata, Rhizaria) Archaeplastida (includes land plants) Unikonta (includes animals and fungi)



7 Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Diplomonads ex. Giardia “excavated” groove on one side of the body (lack plastids, lack DNA in mitochondria, two _______ nuclei, flagella, simple cytoskeleton) haploid

8 ex. Trichimonas (Causes Trichomoniasis) “excavated” groove on one side of the body (lack plastids, lack DNA in mitochondria, ___________ __________) Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Parabaslids Undulating Membrane

9 Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Euglenozoa “excavated” groove on one side of the body Move by flagella with spiral or crystalline rod 2 Groups: – Euglenids – Kinetoplastids

10 Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Euglenozoa Group: Euglenids ex. Euglena (anterior pocket with flagella)

11 ex. ___________ (single large mitochondria with kinetoplast - organized mass of DNA) Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Euglenozoa Group: Kinetoplastids Trypanosoma

12 Supergroup: SAR Clade: Alveolata Supergroup Char: DNA Clade characteristics: Contain Alveoli (membrane-bounded sacs) beneath their cell surface 3 Groups: – Dinoflagellates – Apicomplexans – Ciliates

13 Supergroup: SAR Clade: Alveolata Group: _____________ (2 flagella located within a groove, xanthophyll) Dinoflagellates

14 group: Apicomplexans ex. __________ (parasitic, apical structure) Supergroup: SAR Clade: Alveolata Plasmodium


16 Supergroup: SAR Clade: Alveolata Group: Ciliates (have Cilia used for movement)

17 Supergroup Char: DNA Clade characteristics: Have hair- like projections on flagella Four Groups: – Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) – Golden Algae (Chrysophyta) – Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) – Water Mold (Oomycetes) Supergroup: SAR Clade: _____________ Stramenopiles

18 Overlapping silica test pigments: carotene, xanthophyll, -Diatomaceous earth, -Filters -Fertilizing the oceans Supergroup: SAR Clade: Stramenopiles Groups: Diatoms

19 cell wall: ________ pigments: carotene, xanthophyll Supergroup: SAR Clade: Stramenopiles Groups: Golden Algae (Chrysophyta) Silica

20 cell wall: cellulose, algin Alternation of generations Supergroup: SAR Clade: Stramenopiles Groups: Brown Algae

21 pigments:none cell wall: cellulose, coenocytic (aseptate) hyphae Irish Potato Famine, French Wine Crisis (1800’s) Supergroup: SAR Clade: Stramenopiles Groups: Water Molds (Oomycota)

22 Thin pseudopodia Used for movement and feeding Groups: – Cercozoans – Foraminiferans – Radiolarians SAR (Rhizaria)

23 Supergroup: SAR Group: Cercozoans Plastids surrounded by four membranes (secondary endosymbiosis). 2 from cyanobacterium 3 rd from alga’s plasma membrane 4 th from heterotrophic food vacuole.

24 porous shells – made of ____________ Supergroup: Rhizaria Group: Foraminiferans (Forams) Calcium Carbonate

25 Actinopods (fused plates – silica with axopodia) Supergroup: Rhizaria Group: Radiolarians

26 Ancient protists that engulfed a cyanobacterium Three Groups: – Red Algae (Rodophyta) – Green Algae (Chlorophyta) – Land Plants Supergroup: Archaeplastida

27 Supergroup: Archaeplastida Group: Rhodophyta (Red) Red Algae Phycoerythrin

28 Supergroup: Archaeplastida Group: Chlorophyta (& Charophytes) Green Algae Have Chloroplasts similar to plants

29 Supergroup: Unikonta Very Diverse Group Molecular Systematics links groups (but highly debatable) – Two Clades: Amoebozoans Opisthokonts

30 Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Many With Lobe or tube shaped _____________ Pseudopodia

31 Produce fruiting body that aids in spore dispersal Plasmoidial – NOT ________________ From a plasmodium (feeding stage) single mass of cytoplasm with many nuclei – diploid Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Multicellular

32 Produce fruiting body that aids in spore dispersal ___________ (feed like individual amoebas) – aggregate to breed or during stress Haploid Organisms Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Cellular

33 Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Most are Free-living Amoebas

34 Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Most are parastic amoebas Entamoeba histolytica 3 rd eukaryotic after Malaria and Schistosomiasis

35 Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Opisthokonts Group:Nucleariids Group:Choanoflagellates Very Diverse Group: Nuceariids = most closely related to Fungi Choanoflagellates = most closely related to animals

36 Amoebas that feed on algae and bacteria Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Opisthokonts Group:Nucleariids

37 Similar in morphology and DNA to animals Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Opisthokonts Group:Choanoflagellates

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