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INTRODUCTION PUMP INTRODUCTION CASTING INTRODUCTION : R K foundry works (p) limited : Its Established in year 1970 at Jaipur, Rajasthan India. R.K.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION PUMP INTRODUCTION CASTING INTRODUCTION : R K foundry works (p) limited : Its Established in year 1970 at Jaipur, Rajasthan India. R.K."— Presentation transcript:




4 INTRODUCTION : R K foundry works (p) limited : Its Established in year 1970 at Jaipur, Rajasthan India. R.K. Foundry Works private Limited, are one of the noted organization engaged in manufacturing, exporting and supply wide range of Industrial Hydraulic Crimping tool. Pump Iron handicrafts and electrical accessories.

5 DIRECTORS : SHRI ASHUTOSH BHARGAVA SHRI B N BHARGAVA : He used to say “NEVER SAY WE HAVE MADE THE BEST PRODUCT, WE CAN ALWAYS IMPROVE OUR PRODUCT AND MAKE THEM BETTER “) SHRI R N BHARGAVA : He specialized in (a) Energy efficient operation of cupola furnace (b) Improvement of surface finish of casting



8 INTRODUCTION of PUMP : A Hydraulic machine which convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy is called pump “ Important notes ………. * A pump does not create pressure it only provides flow * Pump can pump only liquid not vapour * Pump create flow by reducing atmospheric atmospheric pressure on water

9 Centrifugal Pump : “ If the mechanical energy converted into hydraulic energy by means of Centrifugal force acting on liquid.. The pump is know as Centrifugal Pump “ Main parts of centrifugal pump :. Impeller Casing Suction pipe Delivery pipe


11 Impeller : The rotating part of pump is called impeller. It consist of series of backward curved is mounted on motor shaft. Casing : The casing of a centrifugal pump is an air tight passage around the impeller and its function is to convert K.E. of fluid into pressure energy Suction pipe : It is the pipe connecting sump to impeller eye. DELIVERY PIPE : It is the pipe connecting the impeller eye to delivery destination.


13 CASTING : Its means pouring molten metal into a mold with a cavity of the shape to be made and allowing it to solidify when solidify the desired metal object is to taken out from the mould either by breaking the mold or taking the mold apart the solidified object is called the casting.

14 FOUNDRY : “Foundry or casting is the process of producing metal/alloy component parts of desired shapes by pouring the metal/ alloy into a prepared mould and then allowing the metal/alloy to cool and solidify. The solidified piece of metal/alloy is know as CASTING “

15 Casting Terms: Flask: A metal or wood frame, without fixed top or bottom, in which the mold is formed. Its components are cope, cheek and drag. Pattern: It is the replica of the final object to be made. The mold cavity is made with the help of pattern. Parting line: This is the dividing line between the two molding flasks that makes up the mold. Core: A separate part of the mold, made of sand and generally baked, which is used to create openings and various shaped cavities in the castings.

16 Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the mold into which the molten metal is poured. Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal, from the pouring basin, reaches the mold cavity. In many cases it controls the flow of metal into the mold. Runner: The channel through which the molten metal is carried from the sprue to the gate. Gate: A channel through which the molten metal enters the mould cavity.

17 Chaplets: Chaplets are used to support the cores inside the mold cavity to take care of its own weight and overcome the metallostatic force. Riser: A column of molten metal placed in the mold to feed the castings as it shrinks and solidifies. Also known as feed head. Vent: Small opening in the mold to facilitate escape of air and gases.



20 Sand mold – opened

21 Sand mold – closed

22 PATTERN AND MOULD : A pattern is made of wood or metal, is a replica of the final product and is used for preparing mould cavity. When the mold is used for single casting,it made of sand and know as expendable mold. When the mold is used repeatedly for number of casting and is made of metal of metal or graphite are called permanent mould

23 MELTING AND POURING: Several types of foundry are available for melting metals and there selection depends on the type of metal, maximum temperature required and the rate and mode of molten metal delivery Before pouring provision are made for escape of dissolved gases. The gating system should be designed to minimize the turbulent flow and erosion of mould cavity.The other important factors are the pouring temperature and the pouring rate

24 Solidification and Cooling: – The properties of the casting significantly depends on the solidification time cooing rate. – Shrinkage of casting, during cooling of solidified metal should not be restrained by the mould material, otherwise internal stresses may develop and form cracks in casting. – Proper care should be taken at the design stage of casting so that shrinkage can occur without casting defects.

25 Removal, Cleaning, Finishing and Inspection: – After the casting is removed from the mould it is thoroughly cleaned and the excess material usually along the parting line and the place where the molten metal was poured, is removed using a potable grinder. – White light inspection, pressure test, magnetic particle inspection, radiographic test, ultrasonic inspection etc. are used

26 Steps involved in making a casting: Make the pattern out of Wood, Metal or Plastic. Prepare the necessary sand mixtures for mould and core making. Prepare the Mould and necessary Cores. Melt the metal/alloy to be cast. Pour the molten metal/alloy into mould and remove the casting from the mould after the metal solidifies

27 Clean and finish the casting. Test and inspect the casting. Remove the defects, if any. Relieve the casting stresses by Heat Treatment. Again inspect the casting. The casting is ready for shipping

28 Advantages of metal casting: 1.Casting is one of the most versatile manufacturing process. 2. Casting provides the greatest freedom of design in terms of shape, size and the product quantity. 3. Casting imparts uniform directional properties and better vibration capacity to the cast parts. 4. Casting produces machinable parts. 5. Shapes difficult and uneconomic to obtain otherwise may be achieved through casting process. Casting process can be mechanised and usefully employed for mass production of components.

29 Limitations of casting : a)Dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the castings made by sand casting processes are a limitation to this technique. b)Many new casting processes have been developed which can take into consideration the aspects of dimensional accuracy and surface finish. c)The metal casting process is a labor intensive process

30 Applications of Casting: Transportation vehicles Turbine vanes Power generators Railway crossings Agricultural parts Aircraft jet engine parts Sanitary fittings Communication, Construction and Atomic Energy applications, etc..

31 Different Sections in Foundry: Pattern making Sand mixing & preparation Mould and core making Mould assembly & handling Melting Pouring Shaking out Fettling & finishing Heat treatment Inspection & testing



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