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Human Biology, Science, and Society

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1 Human Biology, Science, and Society
1 Human Biology, Science, and Society 1

2 The Characteristics of Life
What is SCIENCE? What is NATURE? What is BIOLOGY?

3 The Characteristics of Life
Living things Have a different molecular structure than nonliving things Require energy and raw materials Are composed of cells Maintain homeostasis Respond to their external environment Grow and reproduce Populations of living things evolve 3

4 Living Things Are Grouped According to Characteristics
Protista (Protozoans and algae) Animalia (Animals) Fungi (Fungi) Plantae (Plants) Kingdoms (Bacteria; Single cells, no nucleus) (Bacteria; primitive single cells, no nucleus, live in extreme conditions) BACTERIA ARCHAEA EUKARYA DOMAINS Figure 1.4 Domains and kingdoms. Earliest Organisms 4

5 Fundamental Criteria Used for Classification
Presence or absence of a nucleus Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea lack a membrane-bound nucleus Domain Eukarya have a membrane-bound nucleus Number of cells Unicellular Multicellular Type of metabolism

6 Domain Eukarya Protista: unicellular and simple multicellular, eukaryotic (protozoa, algae, slime molds) Plantae: multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic Animalia: multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic Fungi: (molds, yeasts, mushrooms) eukaryotic, decomposers 6

7 Classification of Humans (Homo sapiens)
Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens

8 Living Things Are Grouped According to Characteristics
Smallest unit of classification system is species One or more populations of organisms Similar physical and functional characteristics Can interbreed and produce fertile offspring Second smallest unit is genus All living human beings belong to the same genus and species Homo sapiens

9 Defining Features of Humans
Bipedalism: able to stand upright and walk on two legs Opposable thumbs: able to grasp objects between thumb and tips of fingers Large brain: relative to body size Capacity for language: both spoken and written 9

10 Human Chimpanzee Figure 1.5
Figure 1.5 How humans and chimpanzees hold small objects. Human Chimpanzee 10

11 Human Biology Can Be Studied On Any Level of Biological Organization
Atom and molecule Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere 11

12 Organism Organ Population system Molecule Atom Organ Tissue Cell
Figure 1.7 Organism Organ system Population Molecule Atom Organ Tissue Cell Community Figure 1.7 Levels of organization in human biology. Ecosystem Biosphere 12

13 Science Is Both a Body of Knowledge and a Process
Science is the study of the natural world Science is two things 1. Knowledge about the natural world 2. The process used to acquire knowledge Called the scientific method

14 The Scientific Method Science Process & Information Scientific Method
What is the purpose of the scientific method? Science Process & Information Scientific Method Scientific knowledge

15 The Scientific Method Is a Process for Testing Ideas
Steps in the scientific method Observe and generalize Formulate a hypothesis Make a testable prediction Experiment or observe Modify the hypothesis as necessary and repeat 15

16 Case of the faulty flashlight…
Observation: Flashlight does not work! Question: Why isn’t the flashlight working? Hypothesis: The batteries are dead. Prediction: Replacing batteries will fix it. Results: It works (or does not work) with new batteries Conclusion: Test does (or does not) falsify the hypothesis

17 Figure 1.8 2 5 5 4 4 1 Formulate a hypothesis Modify hypothesis as necessary and repeat steps 3 and 4 Modify hypothesis as necessary and repeat steps 3 and 4 Direction of increasing confidence in hypothesis Experiment or observe Experiment or observe Observe and generalize 3 Figure 1.8 The scientific method. Make a testable prediction 3 Make a testable prediction 3 Make a testable prediction 17

18 The Scientific Method Is a Process for Testing Ideas
Observe and generalize Inductive reasoning: make generalizations based on observations about the world Example: Observation: “Every winter in the past was colder than the preceding summer.” Generalization: “Winter will always be colder than summer.”

19 The Scientific Method Is a Process for Testing Ideas
Formulate a hypothesis A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the natural world

20 The Scientific Method Is a Process for Testing Ideas
Make a testable prediction Hypotheses should be tested under many different conditions Testable predictions Should be based on the hypothesis Should employ deductive reasoning Are often in the form of “if…then” statements Should be specific in order to be testable Experiment and observe..

21 Yes No Select a large number of appropriate subjects.
Figure 1.9 Select a large number of appropriate subjects. Randomly divide the subjects into two groups. Group 1 Group 2 Treat the groups equally in all ways but one. Experimental group: receives treatment Control group: receives placebo Observe or make measurements. Figure 1.9 The steps in a controlled experiment. Are blood pressures lower In the experimental group? Compare results. Yes No Hypothesis received support. Modify hypothesis to fit the new findings. 21

22 The Scientific Method Is a Process for Testing Ideas
Modify the hypothesis as necessary and repeat Steps three and four If prediction is false, the hypothesis must be modified. If the prediction is true, only one small part of the hypothesis has been tested. Further testing required. Hypotheses cannot be proved true, only supported or disproved.

23 Hypothesis Becomes a Theory
For a hypothesis to become a theory it must: be broad be extensively tested be supported over time explain a broad range of facts have a high degree of reliability Theories may be refuted in the future 23

24 The Scientific Method For a hypothesis to become a theory it must be…
broad extensively tested supported over time Explain a broad range of facts Have a high degree of reliability Theories may be refuted in the future

25 Learning to be a Critical Thinker
What makes a good OBSERVER or SCIENTIST? Become a skeptic; a questioning attitude Appreciate the value of statistics; numerical data Learn to read graphs; display data Distinguish anecdotes from scientific evidence Separate facts from conclusions Fact is a verifiable piece of information Conclusion is a judgment based on facts Understand the differences between correlation and causation Correlation does not imply causation

26 Why do we spend billions of dollar on research?
Science in Society Why do we spend billions of dollar on research? Science improves technology and the human condition Science helps us to make informed choices Science has limits!!!

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