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Boe-Bot Challenge. Advanced Users (those who have used Boe-Bots in Digital Electronics) There are suggested activities / programs for each challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Boe-Bot Challenge. Advanced Users (those who have used Boe-Bots in Digital Electronics) There are suggested activities / programs for each challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boe-Bot Challenge

2 Advanced Users (those who have used Boe-Bots in Digital Electronics) There are suggested activities / programs for each challenge. Since you have already done many of these challenges, you need to go beyond what is required of your classmates. You can either follow the suggested activities – or you can create a ‘new assignment’ that demonstrates your skill with each of the challenges. Check for approval before you begin your alternate assignment. As always – make sure to document your code!

3 Challenge 1 Chapter #4

4 Challenge 1 Chapter #4 Navigate with time Avoid the Obstacle Start in large square End in Small Square

5 Challenge 1 – Advanced Users Make the robot go in a circle with a radius of 1.5 m. You can either navigate clockwise or counterclockwise. Make the robot go in a triangle with sides that are 0.5 m in length.

6 Challenge 2 Chapter #5

7 Challenge 2 Chapter #5 Tactile Navigation ( Whiskers ) Drive & touch wall Turn 180˚ Drive into box Stop

8 Challenge 2 – Advanced Users Write a program that allows the robot to get out of a corner or tight space.

9 Challenge 3 Chapter #6

10 Challenge 3 Chapter #6 Navigation with Light Sensing Start at left end Follow line End at right end by stopping or driving away

11 Challenge 3 – Advanced Users There are two basic ways to write this program – to either follow black or avoid white. Write Both versions of this program and write a short report that describes the merits (pros and cons) of both methods. Write a program so that a robot will follow a flashlight beam.

12 Challenge 4 Chapter #7

13 Challenge 4 Chapter #7 IR Navigation Start on left line Navigate via IR emitter & receiver End at right line Drive past or stop

14 Challenge 4 – Advanced Users Until now, the Boe-Bot has been programmed to avoid obstacles. You can also program the Boe-Bot to take evasive action when the obstacle is not detected – like being able to stay on a table top. The Boe-Bot will continue moving forward so long as the table is detected. Initial testing will be done with white paper and electrical tape – further testing will be done on a table top.

15 Bonus Challenge “The Labyrinth” 4’ x 4’ peg board ½” x 10” x 4’ walls Navigate via: Time Tactile IR Combine Methods

16 Bonus Challenge Come up with your own challenge – be creative. Make sure to get approval from me before you begin your challenge.

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