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Measures of Student Achievement Appoquinimink School District November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures of Student Achievement Appoquinimink School District November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures of Student Achievement Appoquinimink School District November 2007

2 Elementary Highlights ASD Reading scores are among the best in the state. Writing scores at grades 3 and 5 increase significantly Science performance remains constant and at the top in the state

3 Grade 3 Reading: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

4 Grade 3 Reading: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

5 Grade 3 Mathematics: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

6 Grade 3 Mathematics: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

7 Grade 3 Writing: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

8 3 rd Grade Disaggregated


10 Grade 5 Reading: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

11 Grade 5 Reading: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

12 Grade 5 Mathematics: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

13 Grade 5 Mathematics: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

14 Grade 5 Writing: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

15 5th Grade Disaggregated


17 4 th Grade Science

18 4 th grade social studies

19 Elementary Next Steps Accelerated Reader will continue to be a district-wide program to support reading fluency and comprehension. Extended time programs continue to be targeted to student specific needs. Fastt Math is in its second year of implementation in all elementary schools. Full day kindergarten is in place for the second year. Common math program is in place in elementary schools. Research based reading intervention programs are being used with students reading below grade level Implementation and monitoring of Global Studies initiatives The district is taking steps to be fully prepared for implementation of Response to Intervention next year.

20 Middle School Highlights Middle School performance continues to exceed state standards in Reading, Writing and Math. We continue to narrow the gap between white and African American students in reading and writing. 6 th and 8 th grade science scores, while remaining steady, continue to exceed state standards.

21 Grade 8 Reading: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

22 Grade 8 Reading: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

23 Grade 8 Mathematics: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

24 Grade 8 Mathematics: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

25 Grade 8 Writing: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

26 8 th Grade Disaggregated


28 6 th grade science

29 6 th grade social studies

30 8 th grade science

31 8 th grade social studies

32 Middle School Next Steps Building administrators have developed intervention programs which take place during the school day and after hours to address the needs of students not meeting the standards. Red Flag assessments for math continue to be utilized to inform instruction. Data from these assessments will be reviewed to determine individual student needs. Attention continues to be focused on ensuring that special education students have access to the regular education curriculum. ISTs are fully operational in both buildings.

33 High School Highlights Red Flag assessments continue to be administered to inform instruction. Accelerated Reader continues to be in place for all 9 th and 10 th grade students. Attendance in the extended time program has increased. Student performance in writing, reading and math exceeds state standards.

34 Grade 10 Writing: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

35 Grade 10 Reading: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

36 Grade 10 Reading: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

37 Grade 10 Mathematics: Comparison of Change Percent of students who meet/exceed state content standards

38 Grade 10 Mathematics: Performance on Nationally Scored Questions Percentile ranking on nationally standardized questions (SAT 9/10)

39 10 th Grade Disaggregated


41 11 th grade science

42 11 th grade social studies

43 Advanced Placement

44 SAT Scores - Reading

45 SAT Scores - Math

46 SAT Scores - Writing

47 SAT State Comparison

48 High School Next Steps Staff will continue to implement brain-based learning strategies Continued emphasis will be placed on “CRISS”. Training for staff has been planned for this school year. Intervention programs have been put in place for both reading and mathematics. These should aid us as we attempt to close achievement gaps. Instructional Support Teams are being implemented at Middletown High School. There is 6-12 vertical articulation among teachers in core content areas. Administratively we have formed an Instructional Council which meets regularly to discuss student achievement at the secondary level.

49 Curriculum Review State Recommended Curriculum State StandardsGLEs/CLEs Instructional Programs/ Models

50 Next Steps Cross Walk Standards GLEs/CLEs Instructional Programs/Models Model Units/Lessons

51 Our Commitment Data-driven decision making at each school. A prescriptive plan for raising DSTP scores and other indicators of achievement in all content areas. Scientifically researched based interventions through the RTI process, for each child, regular and special education. Continued emphasis on professional development. Classroom evaluation to ensure effective, aligned instruction. Involvement of parents/community in the instructional dialogue Coordinated and aligned strategic plan that includes teacher goals, administrator goals, IDEA and Consolidated grant.

52 Thank You

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