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West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume II Standards-Based Curriculum.

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1 West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume II Standards-Based Curriculum

2 West Virginia Department of Education Mission The West Virginia Department of Education, in conjunction with the Regional Education Service Agencies and the Office of Performance Audits, will create systemic conditions, processes and structures within the West Virginia public school system that result in (1) all students achieving mastery and beyond and (2) closing the achievement gap among sub-groups of the student population.

3 Robert Hutchins The Conflict in Education in a Democratic Society “Perhaps the greatest idea that America has given the world is education for all. The world is entitled to know whether this idea means that everybody can be educated or simply that everyone must go to school.”

4 What We Know…  An emerging body of research identifies characteristics of high performing school systems.  These school systems have made significant progress in bringing all students to mastery and in closing the achievement gap.  These systems share characteristics described in The West Virginia Framework for High Performing Schools.


6 Framework for High Performing School Systems Implementation of a Rigorous Standards-Based Curriculum for All Students that Aligns with West Virginia’s Content Standards and Objectives

7 High Performing School Systems Many school systems across the country have made significant progress in assisting students to achieve at mastery and beyond. These school systems share many common characteristics. One of those common characteristics is the implementation of a rigorous standards-based curriculum.

8 Curriculum Pillar GOAL : To assure all students master an appropriately prioritized and sequenced K-12 curriculum that develops enduring understandings, essential skills and critical knowledge as defined through the policies of the WV Board of Education and the WV Content Standards and Objectives.

9 Agreed Upon Tenets of Standards-Based Education Learning goals, called standards, are specified. Standards apply to all students. Assessment provides feedback about student performance relative to standards. McCrel Report – November 2000

10 Session Objectives Participants will  Define what a standards-based education is.  Develop an understanding of standards-based education.  Identify the implications of standards-based curriculum for assessment.  Understand what “the standards apply to all students” means for classroom teachers.  Identify supports that enhance the effective implementation of standards-based curriculum.

11 Essential Question How does the implementation of a rigorous standards-based curriculum for all students aligned with WV’s Content Standards and Objectives establish the foundation of school improvement efforts?

12 Activity Take a sheet of paper and write three questions about Standards-Based Education. Share your questions with a partner and generate possible answers. Discuss your prior knowledge with the group.

13 Key Points Standards–Based Curriculum  Establishes rigorous academic standards and high expectations for all students.  Defines the essential knowledge and skills all students should know and understand.  Uses performance descriptors to assess student’s progress in mastering the essential learning.

14 Key Points Standards-Based Curriculum  Sets the parameters of what is taught but allows creativity in how the content is taught.  Is student-centered and focuses on learning, not teaching.  Makes all accountable for student learning.  Serves as a tool for communicating learning expectations to staff, parents, students and the public.

15 Key Points Implementation of a Standards-Based Curriculum -Requires a commitment to quality and equity. -Requires a common language and a common understanding of that language. -Requires providing educators with support and resources.

16 Key Points High performing school systems provide teachers with  Example unit/lesson plans.  Time to organize and develop materials.  Time and support to create assessments aligned with the units/lessons.  Extensive professional development related to assessment and instruction.

17 Jigsaw Activity Divide into groups of four (4). Individually read your selected reading (1-4). Regroup, forming expert groups, with those who have read the same numbered assignment. In your “expert group” discuss the reading, identify the key points, and decide how to teach these points to your original group. Return to your original group and teach the key points. Build consensus on three points to share with the large group.

18 Key Points from Readings: Defining Standards-Based Education The Four Components of Standards-Based Education  Clear, rigorous academic content standards  Clear support for teaching and learning  Fair and effective assessments  Strong accountability for results

19 Key Points from Readings: Understanding Standards-Based Education A Standards-Based Curriculum  Is the organizing point for instruction and assessment.  Needs to be explained in concrete terms.  Helps teachers understand how new practices improve student learning.  Helps focus the school systems’ efforts.  Is a blueprint or an instructional map that gives a clear focus to learning.

20 Key Points from Readings: (cont.) Understanding Standards-Based Education A Standards-Based Curriculum  Assures that students and educators are aware of the learning goals.  Requires the system to prioritize instruction.  Represents a systematically different approach to teaching and learning.  Does not use textbooks as the sole source of instruction.

21 Key Points from Readings: Assessment in a Standards-Based Curriculum  Learn new methods of assessment for teaching and learning.  Use a broad array of assessment methods.  Use assessments to determine if students are achieving standards.  Consider assessment as core of teaching practice.  Use assessment data to adjust instruction.

22 Key Points from Readings: Closing the Achievement Gap Teachers need better examples of how to translate standards into effective instruction. Special needs students must be challenged with high expectations. Teachers can design instruction to target specific knowledge once teachers understand what the standards mean.

23 Key Points from Readings: Closing the Gap Teachers must have professional development on instructional strategies in order to close the achievement gap. Teachers must be able to accurately evaluate and continually monitor the progress of students with limited skills to improve their learning.

24 Key Points from Readings: Supporting Standards-Based Education Student learning is unlikely to improve without support from teachers. Teachers need adequate time for learning and for completing the work. Collaboration and ample professional development are necessary for successful implementation.

25 Support Strategies of High Performing School Systems Communicating in word and action, commitment to standards-based education. Involving teachers in the planning dialogue. Ongoing sustained, focused professional development. Monitoring the implementation of standards-based until it is consistent and pervasive across the district.

26 Relationship to Other Framework Components Curriculum is the first pillar of WV Framework for High Performing School Systems Implementation of a standards-based curriculum provides the foundation for school improvement efforts.

27 Closing Activity Think-Pair-Share Reflection Sheet Implications for Action Questions for Clarity Validations of my Teaching

28 Closing Activity Share thoughts from Reflection Sheets with a partner. Discuss with tablemates. Select a table spokesperson to share with the group one agreed-upon idea. Participate in discussion as facilitated.

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