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Board Approved School Budget

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1 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget
POCANTICO HILLS CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Board Approved School Budget April 15, 2011 Board of Education Meeting

2 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget The Budget Process
The Budget Process ensures the equitable distribution of all resources based upon student needs. Central Office develops and defines the budget process based upon the direction of the Board of Education. The Board of Education approves the budget to be placed before the registered voters of the District.

3 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Budget Development Principles
To prepare our students to access rigorous learning at our three public high schools or private high schools of their choice. To ensure that all staff are working full-time as per the contract. To ensure that all resources, human and material are organized in the most efficient and effective manner possible to enable us to deliver a high quality educational experience to our students.

4 Government/Regulatory Agencies
Federal Gov. NYS Ed. Dept. Regulations/Compliance NCLB, IDEA, Etc. Students Staff District Vision, Mission, Goals & Policy Student’ Needs Educational Socio-emotional Support Funding Planning Assessment Student Testing Program Evaluations Support Systems & Programs Design/ Development Educational Programming/ Curriculum Support Delivery/ Professional Development Student Assessment /Program Evaluation Students Successfully Graduate Instructional Delivery/ Pocantico School Board PTA’s/ Advocacy Groups Parents/ Pocantico Community Bargaining Units Relative Local Environmental Influences

5 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget District Staffing Changes
Positions to Excess: Teaching Assistant Positions Eliminated Via Attrition: Physical Education Teacher Positions to be Reduced: English as a Second Language World Language Teachers Special Education Teacher Psychologist

6 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget District Staffing Changes
Positions to be Eliminated: Computer Instruction Special Education Teacher Positions to be Added: S.T.E.M. Teacher F.A.C.E. Teacher Computer Technician Total Positions Reduced

7 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Duties of the Superintendent (Policy 3120) Relationship with the Board To serve as the executive officer for the Board and be charged with the responsibility for implementing the policies of the Board. To develop a harmonious and close working relationship with the Board. To serve as a resource person and advisor to the Board. To provide a continuous appraisal of all school policies originating with the Board.

8 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Duties of the Superintendent (Policy 3120) Educational Direction and Leadership To develop administrative principles and procedures for implementing Board policy. To understand and keep informed on all aspects of the instructional program at all levels. To recommend to the Board for its adoption all courses of study, curriculum guides and textbooks to be used in the school. To encourage a positive approach to student behavior and discipline.

9 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Personnel To Develop and implement sound personnel practices, consistent with law, Board policy and collective bargaining agreements, including recruitment, hiring, assignment, supervision, evaluation, promotion, and discipline of all personnel. To recruit qualified professional, civil service, and non-certified personnel. To supervise and ensure the evaluation of all staff members. To encourage in-service education and the professional growth of staff through conferences, workshops, group discussions, committee/individual studies and use of consultants. To advise the Board, in conjunction with the Board-designated negotiator (s), in all collective bargaining matters.

10 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Financial Management To prepare and present to the Board a preliminary annual budget in accordance with a schedule established with the Board.  To establish efficient procedures to maximize income, safeguard investments and provide effective controls for all expenditures of school funds in accordance with the adopted budget. Facilities Management To supervise operations, maintenance, alterations and repair to buildings and grounds, insisting on competent and efficient performance. To evaluate plant needs and recommend to the Board improvements, alterations and changes in the buildings and equipment of the district.

11 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Community Relations To supervise the public relations activities of the district. To establish and maintain an effective working relationship with all segments of the community:  parent-teacher organizations, local and state government, other school systems, institutions, agencies, civic organizations, and the general public.

12 Superintendent’s Duties and Responsibilities Policy 3120
Management Functions To coordinate and manage the district so that the school organization operates smoothly and efficiently Planning:  determining needs, objectives and goals Organization:  assigning roles, responsibilities and establishing lines of communication; Control: ensuring that progress is being made toward priorities, disciplining, making necessary staff reallocations and changes and evaluations; Decision-making: data-collecting, analyzing data and choosing appropriately from a variety of decision-making techniques; Problem-solving: sensitivity to problems, formulating problem statements, and using a variety of problem solving techniques; To perform such other duties as the majority of the Board may determine

13 Office of the Superintendent
The Superintendent has many responsibilities that must be fulfilled and she cannot devote sufficient time to ensure the detailed research and planning that is needed to implement the curriculum and instructions changes. She cannot perform the duties of the Chief Information Officer as these duties have to be performed by someone other than the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s role is to make decisions about Curriculum and Instruction, plan, monitor, supervise and implement and/or ensure implementation of Curriculum and Instruction decisions and evaluate the outcome; revise plans based on the success or continued challenges presented.

14 Graphic Representation of the Approximate Percentages of Time Spent on the Above Reference Duties - Superintendent

15 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Instructional Leadership: Developing and leading the Instructional Support Team as chairperson. Scheduling, ordering, and reporting of all district and state assessments as School Testing Coordinator. Preparation of report card information. Development and presentation of the annual school report card to teachers, parents and to the Board of Education. Supervise and oversee all Special Education testing modification for building testing, including assignment of staff, use of room and planning of testing schedules. Oversight of ongoing curriculum mapping and review.

16 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Instructional Leadership: Oversight over Special Education Inclusion model. Develop and implement Teacher Mentoring Program. Formal and informal observations of teacher’s classroom performance and making recommendations for Tenure. Oversight of the Response to Intervention model of service delivery.

17 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Administrative Responsibilities Lead District committees charged with the interviewing and hiring of new teachers. Chair textbook selection committees. Chair School Safety meeting Implementation of District Code of Conduct Policy Implementation of Federal and State Grants. Administration of substitute coverage on a daily basis. Evaluation of substitute teacher performance. Coordinate additional teaching assignments/duties i.e. detention, study hall.

18 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Administrative Responsibilities Coordinate additional teaching assignments/duties i.e. detention, study hall Provide teaching services when there is an insufficient number of substitute teachers. Arrange all short-term class coverage Develop all individual student fifth through eighth grade schedules. Develop and coordinate all teacher schedules.

19 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Professional Development Responsibilities Coordinate all district sponsored staff development. Coordinate curriculum consultants for staff development and curricular revisions.

20 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Student Services Responsible for Student Discipline, investigations, parent contact Supervise student parties and dances Supervise student sporting events Placement of new students Home-School Coordinator Responsible for student discipline Provide short-term crisis counseling on daily basis helping student’s problem solve day to day difficulties or conflict resolution

21 Pocantico Hills Principal – Current Duties and Responsibilities
Building Management: EAP liaison. Serve as substitute nurse. Title IX coordinator - sexual harassment officer. Developing and updating School/District Emergency Plan.

22 Graphic Representation of the Approximate Percentages of Time Spent on the Above Reference Duties - Principal

23 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
The position of Interim Curriculum Coordinator was created during the school year through the restructure of the teaching staff. Therefore, the District did not incur any additional incremental costs with the creation of this position. New Race To The Top law requires a Chief Information Officer (CIO). This position is to support the implementation of the law, specifically to identify, verify, maintain, report and analyze all of the district’s data on student performance class by class. (An Unfunded Mandate)

24 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
Regardless of size, schools are complicated and complex organizations. New laws, mandates and expectations for curriculum/instruction and student performance are constantly changing. We must have highly skilled adults who can meet the challenges of a global 21st century

25 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
New York recently adopted the new Common Core Standards, which call for changes in how we teach, the type of learning experiences our student have, and the expected outcomes. Fostering critical thinking, independent adaptation and application of knowledge, integration of technology and communication skills have never been more important.

26 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
The State has also mandated that schools finalize their plans for overseeing the implementation of a new model for students who are experiencing academic challenges – it is called Response to Intervention (RTI). This will remain another critical responsibility next year and beyond. This model for support must occur in the classroom and requires intense training for teachers.

27 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
All of these mandates, combined with the ongoing tasks of facilitating curriculum initiatives, providing targeted professional development and support, and serving as a technology integration specialist amidst an ever-changing technological landscape, makes four administrators absolutely critical.

28 Proposed Duties for Pocantico Hills Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction
The Coordinator of Curriculum and Instructions is a district-level position with administrative responsibilities for the following areas: 1) Curriculum and instruction; 2) Professional development; 3) Curriculum coordination; and 4) Testing coordination and data management. Responsibilities Curriculum and Instruction Responsible for K-8 curriculum development and implementation. Provide for curriculum coordination for grades Pre K through grade 8, to obtain greater instructional alignment with our partner high schools. Align and approve curriculum projects with district goals. Observe and evaluate instructional programs based upon the implementation of the Revised Common Core Standards. Establish instructional priorities.

29 Proposed Duties for Pocantico Hills Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction
Responsibilities Curriculum and Instruction Plan and introduce standards-aligned program initiatives. Research and procure improved instructional software. Work with building principal and teachers to forward instructional programs. Act as a resource person on curriculum questions. Coordinate annual update and publication of curriculum guides. Coordinate all Professional Development to meet District Goals in the area of implementation of Common Core Standards, and the implementation of Technology use in the classroom.

30 Proposed Duties for Pocantico Hills Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction
Coordinate, re-develop and oversee the implementation of curriculum maps. Establish student performance benchmarks. Establish academic intervention plans. Professional Development Responsible for district-wide professional development program. Organize Conference Days. Supervise mentoring program. Develop program of in-service credit courses. Facilitate staff training in the use of instructional software and programs.

31 Proposed Duties for Pocantico Hills Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction
Professional Development Establish protocols for approval of conferences and workshops. Conduct monthly Professional Development Committee meetings. Technology Services Supervise technology support staff, instructional media centers Introduce technology integration initiatives. Conduct monthly District Technology Committee meetings. Develop, write and submit district Technology Plan Supervise implementation of technology plan.

32 Proposed Duties for Pocantico Hills Coordinator for Curriculum and Instruction
Testing Coordination and Data Management – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Responsible for district-wide testing, data management. Supervise, review and correct testing reports. Coordinate with BOCES for Data Warehouse. Research, recommend and implement software for data management solutions. Manage data in student/teacher information system. Administrative Implement and evaluate Title grants Interface with BOCES Carry out any other assignments as delineated by the Superintendent.

33 Graphic Representation of the Approximate Percentages of Time Spent on the Above Reference Duties – Curriculum Coordinator

34 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
Teaching Salary $(121,000) Incremental Cost $ 12,000 BOCES Technology Coordinator $ (82,471) (3 Days Per Week) Chief Information Officer – est $ (35,000) Net Cost (Savings): $(105,471)

35 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Curriculum Coordinator
In , there will be no additional incremental costs due to the re-assignment of services previously purchased from BOCES, and with the need to hire a Chief Information Officer as described above.

36 2011-2012 Preliminary Initiatives
Curriculum Implementation: Updated Social Studies 7-8 New Reading PK-2 New Science PK-6 New Character Education PK-8 Curriculum Alignment: Common Core Math/ELA PK-8 Curriculum Mapping PK-8

37 2011-2012 Preliminary Initiatives
Curriculum Development: Science Regents and Advanced 8 Science Pre-Regents and Advanced 7 Math Regents and Advanced 8 Math Pre-Regents and Advanced 7 STEM Program K-8 FACE Program K-8 Media/Research Skills PK-8 Curriculum Search and Evaluation: Math PK-6

38 2011-2012 Preliminary Initiatives
Professional Development: Differentiation PK-8 RTI Tier I Interventions PK-8 Lesson Planning PK-8 APPR PK-8 Common Core Standards PK-8 Curriculum Mapping PK-8 Data Analysis PK-8 Technology Integration PK-8 Science PK-8 Math 7-8 Orton-Gillingham PK-4

39 2011-2012 Preliminary Initiatives
Framework Development: RTI Protocols and Resources PK-8 High School Articulation and Learning Communities with Neighboring Districts Using Data to Inform Instruction A Professional Development Goal

40 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Budget Development Process
Budget Availability; May 3: The budget document shall be complete and available upon request to residents within the district (7) days before the budget hearing and fourteen (14) days before the annual meeting/vote date. Budget Presentation May 10: The budget must be presented at the budget hearing, not less than seven (7) or more than fourteen (14) days prior to the annual meeting/budget vote date.

41 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Budget Development Process
Annual Meeting and Election: The annual meeting and election must be held on the third Tuesday of May. (May 17, 2011) Three-Part Budget: Districts are required to prepare a three-part budget containing administrative, program, and capital components.

42 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Three Part Budget $26,019,046

43 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Three Part Budget
Administrative (School Management) (7.97%) Includes items related to the management of our school programs: Salaries and benefits of staff who spend a majority of their time performing administrative, supervisory, or non-instructional duties Board, central office and school management expenses Planning and consulting costs not directly related to student services and programs

44 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Three Part Budget
Program: (72.53%) Includes items which are part of the instructional program: Salaries and benefits of staff who provide direct support to students Instructional materials, textbooks, library books Computers and instructional equipment Transportation expenses for both public and non-public students Field trips, extracurricular activities and interscholastic sports

45 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Three Part Budget
Capital (19.50%) Includes items related to building/property maintenance: Construction, renovations, repair, maintenance Custodial salaries Service Contracts Supplies Utilities Annual and total debt service Refunds of Property Taxes

46 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget School District Funds
The general fund relies on taxes, state aid, and miscellaneous revenue and supports all regular school activities The school lunch fund provides the child nutrition program to our students. The special aid fund provides for the district’s grant funded programs

47 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget School District Funds
The capital fund provides for all permanent improvements to our facilities and is funded from the general fund and bond issue proceeds The trust and agency funds are used to account for assets held by a governmental unit in a trustee capacity and/or as agent for individuals. The funds are custodial in nature and are used to account for contributions or endowments

48 Where Every Revenue Dollar Comes From $26,019,046

49 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Drivers
Retirement Incentive State Aid Reduction BOCES Aid Reduction Payment Tax Certiorari Refunds Reduction in Assessed Value Tax Certiorari Reserve Health Insurance Rate Increase Teacher Retirement System Rate Increase Negotiations With PHTA Negotiations With CSEA Tuition – High School Selection, and Special Education Placements

50 Tax Certiorari, Assessment Changes, and Reserve Balance
A Tax Certiorari Challenge Comes About as a Result of a Commercial Property Owner Claiming That Their Property Assessment is Too High. Court Ordered Judgments to Reduce The Assessment of a Commercial Property, Plus Refunds of Taxes Overpaid in Prior Years Affects the School Tax Rate Negatively. The Projected Total of The District’s Reserve Will be approximately $960,000 on July 1. The Reserve is Funded From the Surplus of the School Budget Plus a Budget Line Item.

51 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Important Facts
Tax Levy % Budget Increase % % % % % % % 8.14% % % % 9.54% % 9.03% % 5.95% % 5.07% % 3.69% % % % %

52 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Assessed Valuation
Mt. Pleasant Greenburg ,631, ,723,576 ,248, ,879,798 ,870, ,827,504 ,761, ,045,433 ,833, ,050,932 ,467, ,902,951 ,028, ,778,726 ,769, ,178,764 Change 10-11/ (288,610) (2,599,962) Tax Rate Impact % % Subject to Change

53 Tax Rate Impact 2011-2012 Board Approved Budget Greenburgh
Assessed Annual Monthly FMV Value Taxes Taxes Increase Increase 100, , 250, , , , 500, , , , 750, , , , 1,000, , , , Note: A/V and Equalization rate for as of March 31,

54 Tax Rate Impact 2011-2012 Board Approved Budget Mt. Pleasant
Assessed Annual Monthly FMV Value Taxes Taxes Increase Increase 100, , 250, , , , 500, , , , 750, , , , 1,000, , , , Note: A/V and Equalization rate for as of March 31,

55 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget
Projected Increase in Tax Levy % Budget to Budget Increase % Projected Tax Rate Increases: Greenburgh: % Mt. Pleasant: %

56 Impact of Change in Assessed Value on the Projected Tax Rate
Change in Tax Levy

57 Impact of Change in Assessed Value on the Projected Tax Rate
Change in Tax Levy

58 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget
BUDGET AMOUNT IMPACT ON TAX RATE $ , % $ , % $ , % $ , % $ , % $ 1,000, % Note: Impact based on change in Greenburgh tax rate

59 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Where Your Dollar Goes $26,019,046

60 2011-2012 Draft School Budget Increases/(Decreases)
Salaries $ (481,627) Equipment $ (11,966) Contractual $ (36,890) Tax Certiorari Reserve $ ,000 Utilities $ ,576 Supplies $ (8,344) Special Ed. Tuition $ ,589 High School Tuition $ 173,610 Textbooks $ ,956 Incarcerated Youth $ BOCES $ (70,039) Benefits $ ,908 Debt Service $ (93,827) Software $ (353) Total $ ,595

61 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget District Personnel
Adopted Adj. Change Administrators Clerical Security Guard Custodial Computer Tech Teachers (3.80) Teacher Asst (1.45) Teacher Aides Monitors After School Day Camp Total (4.25)

62 2010-2011 Board Approved School Budget
Uniform System of Accounts Function Object

63 2011-2012 Draft School Budget 2010-11 2011-12
1000-General Support $ 3,139,582 $ 3,717, ,565 2000-Instruction $14,882,198 $14,546, (335,217) 5000-Transportation $ 1,323,156 $ 1,350, ,367 7000-Community Svc. $ ,734 $ , ( 8,494) 9000-Undistributed $ 5,560,781 $ 5,866, ,974 Total Budget $25,457,451 $26,019, ,595

64 2011-2012 Draft School Budget 2010-2011 2011-2012 GENERAL SUPPORT
1010-Board of Education $ 13,728 $ 12, (1,618) 1040 -District Clerk $ 8, $ 6, (2,000) 1060-District Meeting $ 6, $ , ,330 Total Board of Education $ 28,400 $ 30, ,712

65 2011-2012 Draft School Budget GENERAL SUPPORT 2010-2011 2011-2012
Superintendent , , ,681 Superintendent , ,367 Secretary , , ,318 Other Expenses , , ,360 Supplies , , 1240-Chief School Adm $ 319, $ 339, ,727 The Superintendent’s contract salary from September 7, 2010 through September 6, 2011 is $237,189. The annual salary for the period September 7, 2011 through September 6, 2012 shall be $225,000. The Budget reflects the proration of both contract salary years.

66 2011-2012 Draft School Budget 2010-2011 2011-2012 GENERAL SUPPORT
1310-Business Admin. $ 364, $ 362, (1,586) 1320-Auditing $ 59, $ 67, ,655 1325-Treasurer $ 29, $ 28, (946) Total Finance $413, $459,337 1420-Legal $ 283,061 $269,524 (13,537) 1480-Public Info $ 49, $ 48,577 ( )

67 2011-2012 Draft School Budget CENTRAL SERVICES 2010-2011 2011-2012
Operations $ 933,986 $ 990, ,946 Maintenance $ 339, $ 315,800 (23,714) 1670-Central Print $ 45, $ 51, ,159 Total Central Services $1,318, $1,358, ,391 SPECIAL ITEMS 1910-Insurance $ 61, $ 46, (14,431) 1920-School Assn. Dues $ 14, $ ,388 ( ) 1930-Judgements & Claims $ 450, $1,000, ,000 1950-Assessment $ 45, $ , (2,553) 1964-Refund of Tax $ 38, $ , (3,174)

68 2011-2012 Draft School Budget SPECIAL ITEMS 2010-2011 2011-2012
Met. Commuter Tax $ 29, $ , (5,320) 1981-Admin BOCES $ 47, $ , ,351 Total Special Items $ 686, $ 1,212, ,492 Total General Support $3,139, $ 3,718, ,715

69 2011-2012 Draft School Budget INSTRUCTION 2010-2011 2011-2012
2020-Instruct. Supv $ 75, $ , ,992 2070-Inser. Training $ 41, $ , ,665 2110-Teaching $9,457, $ 9,745, ,447 Supv & Instruct $9,575, $10,001, ,103 2250-Stud.with Disab $4,145,903 $3,731, (414,706)

70 2011-2012 Draft School Budget INSTRUCTION 2010-2011 2011-2012
2610-School Library $133, $137, ,296 2630-Computer Instr. $640, $314, (291,324) Total Library & CAI $773, $451, (287,028)

71 2011-2012 Draft School Budget INSTRUCTION 2010-2011 2011-2012
2810-Guidance $ 139, $132, ( 7,538) 2815-Health $ 119, $119, 2820-Psychology $ 113, $ 63, (49,616) Total Pupil Personnel $ 373, $315, (57,130)

72 2011-2012 Draft School Budget INSTRUCTION 2010-2011 2011-2012
2855-Interscholastic $ , $ , ( 2,457) Total Instruction $14,882, $14,546, (335,217)

73 2011-2012 Draft School Budget TRANSPORTATION 20100-2011 2011-2012
5510-District Oper. $ 839,130 $ 867, ,858 5540-Private Carrier $ 484, $ 482, (1,492) Total Transportation $ 1,323,156 $1,350, ,367

74 2011-2012 Draft School Budget Community Service 2010-2011 2011-2012
7140-Community Rec. $ 156,444 $ 153, (3,100) 7141-Day Camp $ 311,808 $ 316, ,597 7142-Afterschool $ 83,482 $ 67, (15,591) Total Community Svce. $ 551,734 $ ,640 (14,094)

75 2011-2012 Draft School Budget Undistributed – Employee Benefits
9000-Empl. Benefits $ 3,110, $3,510, ,800 Debt Service 9700-Debt Service $ 2,345, $2,251,686 (93,827) INTERFUND TRANSFERS 9900-Interfund Tranf. $ $ 105, $ 105, Total Budget $25,457, $26,019, ,595

76 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget
Projected Contingency Tax Rate Increase: Greenburgh % Mt. Pleasant % Projected Approved Tax Rate Increase: Greenburgh % Mt. Pleasant %

77 Contingency Budget Should The Voters Defeat The Budget, The District Has The Option Of Offering A Revised Budget To Voters For A Revote, Or Immediately Adopting A Contingency Budget. Districts Are Only Allowed One Budget Revote To Be Held On The Third Tuesday In June. In The Case Of A Contingency Budget, Districts Are Constrained In Two Ways – Determination Of Ordinary Contingency Budget Appropriations, And The Statutory Caps.

78 Contingency Budget What Items May A Board Of Education Include In A Contingency Budget? After Determining Teachers’ Salaries Necessary To Retain And Recruit Competent Teachers, The Board Is Faced With The Necessity Of Determining Ordinary Contingent Expenses. In General, The Term “Ordinary Contingent Expense” Encompasses All Expenditures Deemed To Be Needed To Provide The Minimum Services Legally Required To Operate And Maintain Schools And The Educational Program Of The School District And Preserve The Property Of The District In Order To Assure The Health And Safety Of The Students And Staff.

79 Ordinary Contingent Expenses
When A Board Of Education Is Faced With Adopting A Contingent Budget The Crucial Question Is The Determination Of What Constitutes Ordinary Contingent Expenditures. In General, An Ordinary Contingent Expenditure Is An Expenditures Deemed To Be Absolutely Necessary To Operate And Maintain Schools. The Emphasis Should Be On Those Expenditures Considered Essential To Maintain An Educational Program, Preserve Property, And Assure The Health And Safety Of Students And Staff.

80 Ordinary Contingent Expenses
Ordinary Contingent Expenditures Are Divided Into Three Categories: Legal Expenditures Expenditures Specifically Authorized By Statute; Other Items Necessary To Maintain The Education Program, Preserve Property And Assure The Health And Safety Of Students, And Staff.

81 2011-2012 Contingent Budget Calculation
Debt Service ( 2,345,513) Adj. Base Budget $23,111,938 120% of CPI or 4% % Contingent Budget $23,555,687 Debt Service ,251,686 Expense due to enrollment ,794 $26,061,167 Board Approved Budget $26,019,046 Contingent Budget $25,996,862 (Proposed Budget less Equipment) For Illustration purposes only.

82 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Development Timeline
February 15, 2011 Board Discussion of Significant Budgetary Considerations March 4 Preliminary Budget Sent to Board of Education March 8 Board of Education Meeting/Review of Preliminary Budget March 22 Board of Education Meeting/Review of Preliminary Budget

83 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Development Timeline
March 31 Mail First Budget Newsletter to Community April 4 PTA Budget Presentation April 5 Board of Education Meeting/Review of Preliminary Budget, Board Adoption of Budget April 11 Neighborhood Meeting – Budget Workshop – Fire Department April 12 Neighborhood Meeting – Budget Workshop – Westchester Hills Condo’s April 28 Neighborhood Meeting – Budget Workshop – Fire Department

84 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Budget Development Timeline
April 18 Last Day to File Petitions for Board Election and Propositions May 3 PTA Budget Presentation May 3 Budget Newsletter Mailed to Residents May 4 School Budget Notice Mailed to Residents May 9 PTA Meet the Candidates Night May 10 Board Meeting-Public Hearing Presentation Only May Budget Vote

85 2011-2012 Annual Election and Budget Vote/Annual Meeting
May 17, 2011: School Library 7:00 A.M. Through 9:00 P.M. Vote For Two Members Of The Board Of Education Vote on School Budget Vote On Proposition To Purchase Two Replacement School Buses Friday May 13, is the last date to register for May 17 vote

86 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Communication Plan
In addition to the budget newsletter, there will be three neighborhood budget workshops, and two Superintendent community updates. The instructional staff, student government, School Foundation and PTA will be provided with a budget presentation. Board approved Communication Plan.

87 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Communication Plan
The Budget Newsletter, Neighborhood meetings, and the Superintendent’s updates are intended to generate community input prior to the Board’s adoption of the budget. A special address has been reestablished to provide an avenue for community residents to pose questions and/or comments, and receive a response from the Assistant Superintendent

88 2011-2012 Board Approved School Budget Communication Plan
Budget information will be posted to the District’s website throughout the budget development process beginning March 7. Reminder to Vote telephone chains will be employed to encourage community members to vote on May 17, 2011. The Connect Ed. system will be used periodically to remind all who have registered to attend the budget workshops.

89 BUDGETARY OVERVIEW OF 2011-2012 Board Approved BUDGET

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