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THE SOMERSET HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT Strategic Plan Summary Report – Year 1 - 2008-2009 Implementation Overview – Year 2 – 2009-2010.

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1 THE SOMERSET HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT Strategic Plan Summary Report – Year 1 - 2008-2009 Implementation Overview – Year 2 – 2009-2010

2 Strategic Plan Process October 2007- A 30 member Planning Team attended a three-day retreat to develop the district’s: Mission Statement Objectives Beliefs Strategies Winter/Spring 2007-2008 – Approximately 200 community members and staff served on action team sub-committees to develop 47 Action Plans for the seven strategies. March 2008 – Planning Team reconvened to review specific results and action plans; revisions requested. April 2008 – Action Teams reconvened to review Planning Team’s input. May 2008 – Final seven strategies, specific results and action plans presented to Planning Team. June 25, 2008 – Strategies and specific results presented to BOE at public meeting.

3 Strategic Plan Process (cont.) Summer 2008 - Administrative Team completed a cost analysis feasibility study of each strategy implementation matrix September 2008-June 2009 – Administrators began to implement specific results. Implementation matrix reviewed by Finance Committee during 2009/10 budget development. Summer 2009 – Administrators report progress to Superintendent. October 20, 2009 – Planning Team meets for annual update (progress on 2008-2009 initiatives and presentation of 2009-2010 specific results). November 18, 2009 – Full BOE public presentation

4 Strategy 1: We will implement a process enabling each student to develop and pursue a personalized learning plan. 2008-2009 No action plans assigned for implementation  The Department of Education is currently working on an initiative for Personalized Learning Plans for pilot districts. More to follow as information becomes available. 2009-2010 District technology driven, customized, differentiated learning experiences for all SHSD students.

5 Strategy 2: We will reconceptualize teaching and learning. 2008-2009 An integrated K-12 environmental education curriculum  Environmental activities to enrich and extend environmental concepts within established curriculum to promote Earth Day.  New AP Environmental Studies course in 2009-10. Effective communication skills.  Writing lab added at BHS fully equipped with 15 computers.  SHEF grant for another lab equipped with 25 additional computers.  In future can offer virtual courses not currently offered at BHS. 2009-2010 No action plans assigned for implementation.

6 Strategy 3: We will expand our students’ understanding of the global community and their role within it. 2008-2009 Establishment of a district Earth Day.  Bedwell: Sold reusable shopping bags; Energy Efficiency Squad; Capri Sun package recycling program; Earth Hour-all lights turned off; Encourage lunches packed in reusable bags and containers; SHEF grant for Pedal-A-Watt.  BMS: Calculated carbon footprints; “paperless” Earth Day; presentation on energy conservation and a wolf conservation presentation  BHS: Power and paper reduction; concert with proceeds to school’s recycling program; carpooling parking lot challenge

7 Strategy 3 (cont): We will expand our students’ understanding of the global community and their role within it. 2009-2010 Coordinated environmental awareness/recycling program throughout the district. Direct involvement in community service related to caring for our global environment. Internships and/or field experiences for after-school and/or summer work opportunities that expose students to global issues.

8 Strategy 4: We will recruit, retain, and support exemplary staff. 2008-2009 Best practices for recruitment and retention.  Job fairs, college faculty connections, district contacts Expanded professional development opportunities.  Professional affiliations with The College of NJ and Princeton University. User-friendly website.  New SHSD website provides teacher pages, current information, Friday Folders. 2009-2010 An administrative intern program.

9 Strategy 5: We will develop mutually beneficial relationships with our community. 2008-2009 No action plans assigned for implementation. 2009-2010 Establishment of a Community Forum to promote information exchange and strengthen ties between the school and communities. Establishment of a consistent model of communication for all constituents throughout the school community.

10 Strategy 6: We will position and structure the district to achieve optimal effectiveness for our students (building and athletic facilities). 2008-2009 Regionalization, consolidation, and/or shared services between SHSD and surrounding districts  Shared professional development opportunities; SEE Energy Program; county-wide Health Insurance Feasibility Study; Morris-Union Jointure Commission; property/liability insurance through shared services Maximize use of indoor and outdoor athletic facilities  Since turf field installed, no cancellations due to weather. Long-range facilities plan to accommodate instructional needs.  Space at Bedwell created to accommodate disabled class to reduce out- of-district placements; district administration utilized demographer’s projections, which have been consistently accurate when planning for future needs.

11 Strategy 6 (cont): We will position and structure the district to achieve optimal effectiveness for our students (building and athletic facilities). 2008-2009 (cont) Reduced SHSD operating costs.  Scheduling efficiencies, changes to co-curricular programs; fees assessed for student parking, AP tests and activities. A comprehensive green initiative promoting high performance, green, sustainable facilities.  Energy savings plan developed; SEE (Schools for Energy Efficiency) program selected. 2009-2010 No action plans assigned for implementation

12 Strategy 7: We will obtain and allocate our physical, human, and monetary resources to accomplish our mission and objectives. 2008-2009 A series of cultural and performing arts event fundraisers (not completed; moved to 2009-10) Funded grants for the SHSD  District working with grant consulting firm, Millenium Strategies, to seek funds. To date in 2009, almost $750,000 in received in grants. An energy management plan to achieve measurable savings in electric and gas expenses on a multi-year basis.  ESCO and SEE program selected; four extended days for summer hours thereby reducing energy costs.

13 Strategy 7 (cont): We will obtain and allocate our physical, human, and monetary resources to accomplish our mission and objectives. 2009-2010 Establishment of a BHS Alumni Association (BHSAA) A series of cultural and performing arts event fundraisers.

14 Summary 2008 – 2009 Initiatives will continue to be reviewed annually and modifications made as needed. Implementation 2009 – 2010 Administrators and staff will work to implement the selected 2009-10 Action Plans throughout the year.

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