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1 East Lyme Public Schools Superintendent’s Presentation of the Proposed Budget for 2011-2012 Dr. James D. Lombardo EL BOE Public Hearing 1/31/11.

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Presentation on theme: "1 East Lyme Public Schools Superintendent’s Presentation of the Proposed Budget for 2011-2012 Dr. James D. Lombardo EL BOE Public Hearing 1/31/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 East Lyme Public Schools Superintendent’s Presentation of the Proposed Budget for 2011-2012 Dr. James D. Lombardo EL BOE Public Hearing 1/31/11

2 2 2011-2012 Budget Priorities Ensure that Our Students and Staff Work and Learn in a Safe and Healthy School Environment: Increase Repair Budgets; Begin to address long-term maintenance needs in ELPS Feasibility Study Ensure that Our Students are Engaged and Challenged to Achieve a Personal Vision of Success: Increase the level of instructional resources to offset sharp reductions in recent years; Implement a hardware and software replacement schedule that maintains student and staff access to educational technology; Implement changes for an improved alternative education program; Implement program revisions to improve the efficiency of the special education program

3 2011-2012 Budget Priorities Ensure that Our Students Are Supported by the Best Leadership Practices: Ensure professional development resources to address the differentiated learning needs of our teachers, administrators, and staff Ensure that Each Child is Supported by Caring Adults: Provide adequate professional development for all concerned with the implementation of Scientifically Research Based Intervention (SRBI) and Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s); Maintain reasonable class sizes that reflect the current research on class size; Provide the services of a school social worker 3

4 4 Budget Overview: FY 2011-2012 draft budget represents a 4.7% increase. Budget maintains current staffing levels, although some reallocation of staff may occur to accommodate program changes and District priorities. FY 2010-2011 budget reflected no salary increases for administrators, teachers, secretaries, aides, and voluntary furlough day for custodians; FY 2012 budget includes average increase of 2.9% for indicated groups. Salary and benefit changes represent 3.4 of the 4.7% budget increase; the remaining budget accounts for 1.3 of the 4.7% increase.

5 5 2011-2012 Major Increases Category IncreaseChange Salaries $ 722, 535 2.9% Benefits 614, 870 9.5% Maintenance 212,602 40.0% Instruction 84, 22212.3% Equipment 340, 890 122.3%

6 6 Cost Controls, Program Modifications Included in 2011-2012 Budget Proposal Reduction in substitute account of $85,000 ° Will require some adjustments in practices Reduction in special education tuition and transportation due to program changes ° $780K in combined grant and general fund reduction Savings in “communications” due to new phone systems ° $38,000 in savings Reduction in fuel costs due to new high school boilers ° $27,000 in net cost savings

7 Special Education Tuition

8 8 Staff Changes Included in 2011-12 Budget Proposal Administration No change Teachers +2.0* Secretaries/Clerical +1.0 Paraprofessionals No change Custodians/MaintenanceNo change * Offset by reduction in tuition and transportation. New programs (Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Medically Fragile)

9 Federal Jobs Bill Positions 2011-2012 (not in general fund) Alternative Ed. Admin.$51,000 Clerical (Curric./Flanders) 34,000 Social Worker 40,000 Reading Specialist (H.S.) 50,000 Internship Coord. (Alt. Ed.) 50,000 Uncommitted 80,000 9

10 A Few Bits of Related Information Changes in Enrollment Budget Calendar Feasibility Study Preview 10

11 Enrollment Changes (as of 12/31/10) Gr FY12 FY11 Change K 169 169 0 1 169 178 (9) 2 178 193 (15) 3 193 213 (20) 4 213 204 9 5 213 210 3 6 210 211 (1) 11

12 Enrollment Changes (Cont.) Gr FY12 FY11 Change 7 211217(6) 8 2172152 9 278290(12) 10 290299(9) 11 2992945 12 294329(35) 2934 3022 (88) 12

13 13 2011-2012 BOE Budget Calendar Jan 19 Superintendent’s Presentation of First Draft of the Proposed ELPS Budget for 2011-2012 to BOE Jan 24 BOE Regular Meeting and Budget Discussion Technology Improvement Plan Presentation Jan 31 Public Hearing and BOE Special Budget Meeting Alternative Education Program Presentation Feb 7 BOE Special Meeting and Budget Discussion Feasibility Study Presentation Health Clinic Discussion Feb 14 BOE Regular Meeting and Possible Adoption of 2011-2012 Budget Feb 28 Final BOE Meeting to Adopt Budget

14 Major Findings in Feasibility Study The brick “skin” of the elementary schools will need re-pointing and some replacement High school exterior brick wall needs to be replaced as soon as possible Windows and hvac systems will require upgrades Elementary schools and Central Office paving and parking lot renovations 14

15 Major Findings of Feasibility Study (Cont.) Elementary schools and Central Office code issues: ADA accessibility; improvements to security; fire notification systems Roof replacements in Haynes, Flanders and the Central Office; the Learn wing roof at Haynes requires immediate replacement Sprinkler systems in elementary schools and the Central Office. Not required, but desired 15

16 Thank you to the real workers… Nancy Burdick Don Meltabarger Lynn and Leigh Jeanne LeBlanc ELPS Administrators Teachers and Staff 16

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