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Margaretville Central 2008-09 Superintendent’s Goals.

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1 Margaretville Central 2008-09 Superintendent’s Goals

2 MARGARETVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL Anthony R. Albanese 415 Main Street, Margaretville, New York 12455 Superintendent (845) 586-2647 FAX (845) 586-2949 Superintendent’s Goals 2008-09 Mission Statement: Margaretville Central School will develop capable individuals and critical thinkers, instilled with positive self- esteem, creativity, and a life-long desire for learning. To assure our school’s atmosphere for growth and achievement, we will foster a challenging educational environment supported by a dedicated staff and the cooperation of family peers, and community. The members of the Board of Education have agreed on the following district wide goals for the 2008-09 school year: 1.Build and maintain positive relationships among all school and community members. 2.Support effective leadership to meet the needs of the school district. 3.Foster a rigorous academic program and a supporting learning environment so that all children will achieve to their highest potential. 4.Develop a sound financial plan to provide high quality, cost effective educational opportunities for all. 5.Maintain a clean, safe, and modern facility that provides a setting for appropriate academic, extracurricular, and community activities.

3 In order to be effective, the Superintendent of Schools must embrace the Mission Statement and District Goals established by the Board of Education. To this end, the Annual Goals set forth by the Superintendent are developed in a manner that are investigative, probing, creative and result oriented. Two major questions will be addressed when reviewing each goal: 1.Are the decisions we are making in the best interests of our students? 2.Are the outcomes of those decisions in the best interest of our students, parents, and community?

4 Curriculum and Instruction A review of all programs and services provided through MCS is necessary. Understanding how our curriculum links together across all grades is necessary to adequately prepare our students for the 21st Century. The Special Education Program will be reviewed and recommendations will be made to the BOE. The Reading Program will be reviewed and recommendations will be made to the BOE. The School Report Card will be used to define areas of strength and improvement in our student’s assessment program. An update on the work of the Curriculum Specialists will be provided to the BOE and community. The use of technology as a learning tool will be reviewed.

5 Human Resources (Personnel) A review of the current supervisory and evaluation program is needed for all faculty and staff. The Professional Development Program will be reviewed and evaluated. Consideration will be given to the provision and tracking of the 150 and 75 hours of PD needed for teachers and LTA’s, respectively. Job descriptions need to be reviewed and updated. The contracts of MESPA and MTA will be reviewed and, where necessary, clarified. Personnel practices and procedures will be reviewed and clarified.

6 Budget and Finance A sound and fiscally responsible budget will be developed with BOE and community input. A plan will be developed to address current budget limitations due to State Aid cutbacks. The Administrative Support Team will meet regularly and will play a role in budget development. Functions supporting the day to day operations related to the budget will be supported through the use of new technology tools. Facility A review of the overall plant and facility will be conducted. An evaluation of the bus garage will be conducted. The current phone system will be evaluated and the VOIP will be reviewed. Energy alternatives will be reviewed. Updating our transportation fleet with cost and energy efficient vehicles will be addressed.

7 Public Relations Communication with parents, faculty and community members will occur through written and electronic methods. School Climate and Learning Environment Discussions will occur with the faculty and students concerning the school climate. Information will be gathered to better understand what support is needed to promote a positive school climate and learning environment. Collaboration with community support agencies will be developed. Policy Most of the Board of Education Policy Manual was last updated in 1996. A thorough review and updating of the Board Policy Manual is recommended. A Board Policy Manual Committee is recommended to review, update and complete this endeavor by January 2011. The manual shall contain no policy with an adoption date that is earlier than December 31, 2005.

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