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© 2010 AdvancED Oconee County Schools District Accreditation Process.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2010 AdvancED Oconee County Schools District Accreditation Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2010 AdvancED Oconee County Schools District Accreditation Process

2 Oconee County Schools  1 Primary School  5 Elementary Schools  2 Middle Schools  2 High Schools  6,777 Enrolled –83% White –6% Hispanic –5% African American –4% Asian –2% Multiracial –Less than 1% American Indian/Alaskan Native

3 Diversity by Socioeconomics Free and Reduced Lunch Percentages

4 Key Changes Leadership Changes CCGPS and RCD Implementation Revised State Assessments PARCC New Accountability System AdvancED Changes and Accreditation Visit



7 Presentation Wikispace

8 How did we conduct the internal review and what lessons have we learned?


10 Identification of Standard Leaders

11 The Work Identify Team Members: Teachers Parents Students Community Members/Business Partners Principals Assistant Principals BOE Members District Leaders


13 The Work Standard Team Meetings Common Timeline & FAQs Review 2007 District Accreditation Report Review 2009 Progress Report Revise System Improvement Plan & Align to AdvancED Standards Review Standard & Indicators Self-assess Using Rubric Rate Indicators Using Concept Map

14 The Work Standard Team Meetings Continued Review Survey Results Brainstorm Evidence & Artifacts for Standard Link Standard and Indicators to Appropriate BOE Policies and SIP Goals List Accomplishments, Strengths, Challenges, and Next Steps

15 The Work Standard Leaders Check Alignment of System Indicator Ratings to School Indicator Ratings Write Accreditation Report Executive Summary Standard Narratives Survey Results Student Achievement Results Assurances and SIP Quality Assurance Procedures

16 Informational Meetings & Training Leadership Summit AdvancED Training Standard Leader Meetings: System & School Standard Committee Meetings Faculty Meetings School Council Meetings District Leadership Meetings ASSIST and eBOARD Training


18 How did we prepare for the external review visit and what lessons have we learned?

19 The Work Prepare teachers for ELEOT Revise all Sections of Accreditation Report Submit Accreditation Reports in ASSIST Attach Evidence for Indicators in eBOARD

20 The Work Link Standard/Indicators to Appropriate BOE Policies in eBOARD Add System Improvement Plan to eBOARD Link Standard/Indicators to System Improvement Plan Goals in eBOARD



23 The Work District Leadership Preparation Meeting System Standard Committee Preparation Meetings BOE Preparation Meeting Student, Teacher, and Parent Preparation Meetings

24 Student Achievement: Electronic Data Profile

25 Pre-Visit with Lead Evaluator Provided demographic info & school selection worksheet in advance Prepared information notebook for LE Reviewed eBOARD platform for evidence & artifacts Made personal connections with LE

26 What did we do during the visit and what lessons have we learned?

27 The Visit External Review Team Work Room at Hotel “Who Needs to be Where” Spreadsheet Color Coded “To do” List Superintendent Overview Standards Overview Hospitality No gifts!

28 What are we doing after the visit and what lessons have we learned?

29 Post Visit Administered AdvancED surveys to begin gathering longitudinal data Posted 2 year comparison parent surveys on website Revised System Improvement Plan and included required actions Implementing 2 required actions

30 Community Strategic Planning Meeting

31 Data Teams Training

32 Presentation Wikispace


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