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Boe – Bot Programming and Navigation By: Andre Smart David Sawyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Boe – Bot Programming and Navigation By: Andre Smart David Sawyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boe – Bot Programming and Navigation By: Andre Smart David Sawyer

2 INTRO/OVERVIEW Consulted Parallax and other sources. How to get the Boe- Bot to navigate the maze. Navigate the maze and stop at the top of a ramp in the course of three minutes. Research: Which sensor combination would be best to navigate the maze.

3 Research Question Using any combination of the four sensors learned, (Whiskers, Infrared LEDS, Photo resistors, and Accelerometers), navigate the maze in under 3 minutes.

4 Methods We used a combination of the Infrared LEDs and the accelerometer. For programming we used an “IF…THEN” statement in basic stamp.

5 Results Due to broken parts and a lack of supplies we were unable complete the maze. Though with working sensors performed favorably.

6 Discussion Expected results were for it to navigate the maze in 3 minutes. Basically, to have it go through the maze without getting stuck. The IR LEDs ceased functioning the day of the competition without reason. Could improve with another kind of sensor. For future prospects, would try to have more sensors in case of failure.

7 Summary/Conclusions Conclusion- the Boe – Bot can navigate a maze independently. Though our Boe – Bot did not complete the maze it is evident from other teams success.

8 Future Directions For future trials attempt to have more sensors in case of sensors failure. Learn better ways to combine the programs of two sensors.

9 References


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