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American Studies The Political Spectrum. What is your political philosophy? Are you a liberal or a conservative?

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1 American Studies The Political Spectrum


3 What is your political philosophy? Are you a liberal or a conservative?

4 Political Spectrum Hot Cold in between is a full range of temperatures Extremes at Both Ends Expressed in “Degrees” A continuum is a line used to show relative degrees of something, with extremes at both ends. When used as a political spectrum, it shows relative degrees of political thought.


6 Objectives: Define each political term like liberal and conservative Place in its correct relative position on the spectrum Explain political methods of each philosophy Explain degree of change advocated Describe direction of change Identify the Political Compass and where you may fall on this.

7 What is the role of government? Traditional View Provide for defense and law and order. Hands off the economy. Opposing View Regulate business, care for needy, provide health care, education, etc.

8 Degrees of Difference People are divided over this and other issues. The differences are expressed in degrees, not absolutes.

9 Gustavo Palmas Reyes A drunken 5'3", 180-pound Gustavo Palmas Reyes of Anaheim arrived home one night and beat his live-in girlfriend--she had made the mistake of cooking him dinner when he wasn't hungry. Annoyed, the 42-year-old then left to drink alcohol and eat fried chicken with friends. Later that night, he came home to the couple's one-bedroom apartment, where he stripped, molested, raped and killed his girlfriend's mute, developmentally disabled 12-year-old daughter.

10 What’s your view on capital punishment? Barbaric, should never be used Execute all who commit murders, etc. Something in between?

11 Among the key findings in the Columbia team's report: The eyewitness statements actually conflict with each other. What witnesses said about the appearance and location of the suspect suggest that they were describing more than one person. Photos of a bloody footprint and blood spatter on the walls suggest the killer would have had blood on his shoes and pant legs, yet DeLuna's clothes were clean. Prosecutors and police ignored tips unearthed in the case files that Carlos Hernandez, an older friend of DeLuna, who had a reputation for wielding a blade, had killed Lopez. The defense failed to track down Hernandez, who bore a striking resemblance to DeLuna.

12 Political Survey Military spending Health care Business regulation Transportation Education Environment Seatbelts Civil Liberties Minimum Wage Sports Stadiums Turn to the survey in your packet.

13 Placing Terms on the Spectrum RadicalLiberalConservativeReactionary Left Wing and Right Wing Can you name any others?

14 PhilosophyRadicalUltra Liberal ConservativeUltra Conservative Reactionary Favors Change?Yes NoNo/MaybeYes! To what degree? Drastic/slight Drastic Some/ slight As little as possible None or change to past Change to past Direction? Past practices/status quo/new- experimental New Status Quo (Keep things the same) Status quo or past practices Old- to previous ways of doing things. By which method? Voting/violence Any, even violence Voting/ protest Tradition al/ Mainstrea m voting Traditional/ Mainstream voting Traditional/ mainstream protest Any, including violence When? Immediate/or gradual Now! Gradual, by the system As slowly as possible Now! Characteristics Read the chart in your packet vertically.

15 Three Cautions: Degrees, not boxes. No blanket labeling Mainstream views change i.e. slavery

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