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Warm Up (use same sheet of paper from a few classes ago) Science is a part of history and geography too…the weather and earth’s climate play a role in.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up (use same sheet of paper from a few classes ago) Science is a part of history and geography too…the weather and earth’s climate play a role in."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm Up (use same sheet of paper from a few classes ago) Science is a part of history and geography too…the weather and earth’s climate play a role in how human history is shaped… Question: Describe a situation you may be familiar with in which the weather/climate has impacted an event in human history OR describe a situation where humans are impacted by weather/climate on a daily basis! HOLD ONTO THIS PAPER, WE WILL BE USING IT FOR THE NEXT FEW CLASSES!!! IT WILL BE COLLECTED EVENTUALLY FOR A GRADE SO DON’T LOSE IT!

3 Themes of Geography Human/Environment Interactions Chapter 1 Pg. 6&7 EQ: How does geography and the earth’s environment influence history?

4 Understanding Humans and the Environment Human Activities: The actual activities by humans that directly affect the environment. Or Human-Environment Interactions: The ways in which human society and the natural environment affect each other.

5 Why are we talking about this? DE Geography Standard 2 says… Students will develop a knowledge of the ways humans modify and respond to the natural environment [ENVIRONMENT]. 9-12: students will understand the Earth’s physical environment as a set of interconnected systems (ecosystems) and the ways humans have perceived, reacted to, and changed environments at local to global scales.

6 Humans and the Earth’s Physical Climate Human activities correlate to where certain climate regions are located on the globe (OVERHEAD) Tundra = Cold inhospitable environment where you cannot grow anything Coniferous Forests = Dense pines and acidic soils, still cold Mid-Latitude = The hearts of civilizations, the absolute perfect, temperate environments Desert = Sand everywhere, HOT, DRY, ARID, limited locations Tropical Savanna = Grasslands that are HOT yet soils are good and some rain falls Tropical Rainforest = WET, HOT, HUMID with bad soils Ice Caps = Unlivable Highlands = Mountainous regions with extreme temperature variations, most people concentrate into valleys NOTICE THE PATTERNS ON THE MAP!

7 Human-Environment Interactions Defined Environmental Determinism Environment dictates human activity humans do adapt to environmental constraints  Andes Mts. – the natives have large lungs for the lack of oxygen  Eskimos – have genetic disposition to have more body fat Skin pigmentation – people in warmer climates are darker, more the sun, the more the melanin in the body darkens the skin Environmental Accommodation Humans make slight changes to the environment to find what works to survive RF= slash & burn Irrigation is an accommodation Environmental Modification a drastic change to an environment (modernizations) the NE US was once all forest, not anymore cities are a drastic change to the environment areas on the overhead only show drastic changes in relation to population density and mid-latitude environments

8 For the remainder of time… Color your map to look like mine Positives/Negatives Chart –On this chart, brainstorm the positive (what is good about it) and negative (what is bad about it) aspects of each environment as they pertain to human survival Above items due NEXT CLASS We will also watch a film on people who survive in the harshest climate of all!

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