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Corporate Identity Including Case study. Content What is it? Corporate Identity vs. corporate image Corporate image Corporate identity Visual identity.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Identity Including Case study. Content What is it? Corporate Identity vs. corporate image Corporate image Corporate identity Visual identity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Identity Including Case study

2 Content What is it? Corporate Identity vs. corporate image Corporate image Corporate identity Visual identity Corporate personality Researching actual and desired corporate image

3 What is it? Image - idea produced from imagination of public Identity - individual characteristics by which a thing defines itself Reputation - Notoriety or fame Corporate identity management is motivating a wide range of stakeholders

4 What is it? Corporate identity express organisation’s personality Identity includes: ― design aspects : logos, colour, typeface and house style ― intangible aspects: behaviour, culture, values, mission, communication style and associations

5 Corporate identity vs. Corporate image Corporate identity is what the organisation communicates via various ways, its image is how the publics actually view it. Publics interpret an identity in a wider context with broader frames of reference.

6 Corporate image we cannot construct it because we cannot control the context the communication is received, well-managed corporate identity can effects an image is abstract, a series of linked pictures about the organisation can be specific or diffused

7 Corporate identity Who do we think we are? should be involved in strategic planning, policy and practice must be comprehend by target public based on the mission, goodwill, (important) emotional elements, cultural views.

8 Corporate identity Corporate identity mix: – symbolism – communication – behaviour

9 Visual identity (symbols) it supports reputation through impressive design, effective application on identity carriers cultural codes and associated meanings – provoke emotional responses visual representation of reality - corporate image

10 Visual identity it has to create: an idea behind the organisation, up to date, flexible and cheap in use, evoking strong, positive emotional feelings in all stakeholders important and trendy: message of social responsility and ethics

11 Corporate personality (corporate portrait) is made up of the organisation’s history, culture, values and beliefs (philosophy, mission and strategies) realised through its staff, structures systems, its products and or services. Corporate personality – express through symbolism, communication, behaviour


13 Researching actual and desired corporate image Identifying desired corporate identity - a dialogic (or two-way) process with stakeholders Communication and behavioural audits - behaviour of staff and impact of company - communication techniques and its styles of delivery

14 Researching actual and desired corporate image The visual or design audit - organisation present themselves in: – factories, showrooms... – product, packaging and information material – liveries, signs, brochures, advertising, instruction manuals, other form of graphics

15 Holiday Inn Case study over 400,000 rooms (3,125 hotels) open globally good service, sense of security and familiarity everywhere all over the world a drastic change of brand in late 2008 – new logo – bottom-up rethinking of their services – new service promise costs $1 billion, new look - end of 2010

16 Holiday Inn Case study based on consumer research on 18,000 travellers Elements of relaunch: – Redesigned Brand Signage – Refreshed Guest Rooms – Warm Welcome – New Service Promise

17 x

18 Tasks for you You have a Missoni hotel’s informations. Rebrand the Missoni hotel, create new corporate identity. Remember: What do you change? Why? Logo, slogan, graphic materials Behaviour of employees Communication

19 Thank you for your attention Have a nice day

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