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Lesson 17 Science Matters. ECO  Ecocide  Eco + cid (kill)  Literal definition – kill the environment  Dictionary definition – (n) the intentional.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 17 Science Matters. ECO  Ecocide  Eco + cid (kill)  Literal definition – kill the environment  Dictionary definition – (n) the intentional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 17 Science Matters

2 ECO  Ecocide  Eco + cid (kill)  Literal definition – kill the environment  Dictionary definition – (n) the intentional destruction of the natural environment, such as with pollutants  The ecocide of the oceans will have a drastic impact on the world’s ecosystem.

3 ECO  Ecology  Eco + logy (study of)  Literal definition – the study of the environment  Dictionary definition – (n) the branch of science that deals with the relationships between organisms and their environment  We studied the ecology of the rainforests during class and learned how destroying the rainforests affects climate.

4 ECO – HOUSE (ENVIRONMENT)  Economy  Eco + nemein (to manage)  Literal definition – to manage the environment  Dictionary definition – (n) the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially the production and consumption of goods and services; the careful management of resources  I wanted a car that had great fuel economy so that I could travel farther without having to stop for gas as often.

5 ERG  Energy  En (inside, within) + erg  Literal definition – work within  Dictionary definition – (n) power in action; the capacity for action; power derived from using chemical or physical resources to produce heat and light and to operate machines  Don’t use all your energy before the game; save some for the other team!

6 ERG  Ergonomic  Erg + nemein (to manage)  Literal definition – to manage work  Dictionary definition – (adj) intended or designed to provide the most comfort and to avoid causing pain or injury  The ergonomic design of the chair is the main reason I bought it.

7 ERG – WORK, POWER  Synergy  Syn (together, with, same) + erg  Literal definition – work together  Dictionary definition – (n) interactions as one group to accomplish together more than the individual parts could accomplish separately  The team’s synergy was evident as they passed and moved the ball with ease against the opposing team.

8 METER (METR)  Barometer  Baro (pressure) + meter  Literal definition – measure pressure  Dictionary definition – (n) an instrument for measuring air pressure that is frequently used by weather forecasters  The meteorologist used a barometer to determine whether or not it would rain the next day.

9 METER (METR)  Geometry  Geo (earth) + meter  Literal definition – measure earth  Dictionary definition – (n) the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, measurements, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids  We had a test in geometry today on measuring the surface area of a polygon.

10 METER (METR) - MEASURE  Meter  Literal definition – measure  Dictionary definition – (n) the basic unit of length in the metric system equal to 100 centimeters or approximately 39.37 inches  The drill sergeant demanded one-meter spacing when lining up in formation.

11 PHOTO  Photograph  Photo + graph (write, record)  Literal definition – record light  Dictionary definition – (n) a picture made by using a camera in which an image is recorded on film or other light-sensitive material and later made visible by a chemical process; (v) to make a picture using a camera  Some people like to share their photographs online so that relatives and friends who live far away can see them.

12 PHOTO  Photosynthesis  Photo + syn (together, with, same) + thesis (place, put) + sis (process)  Literal definition – process of putting together light  Dictionary definition – (n) the process by which plants with chlorophyll (green leaves) make their own food by changing light energy into chemical energy  In science class, we learned how photosynthesis is an important part of the life cycle of plants.

13 PHOTO - LIGHT  Telephoto  Tele (far, distant) + photo  Literal definition – distant light  Dictionary definition – (adj) pertaining to a camera lens that can magnify the image of a distant object  The paparazzi use telephoto lenses to capture photographs of celebrities they can’t get close to.

14 THERMO  Thermometer  Therm + meter (measure)  Literal definition – measure heat  Dictionary definition – (n) a device for measuring and recording temperature  I bought a thermometer when I got sick so that I could check my temperature.

15 THERMO  Thermos  Literal definition – heat  Dictionary definition – (n) a container that keeps a liquid either hot or cold  My lunch box came with a thermos I could use for soup.

16 THERMO - HEAT  Thermosphere  Therm + sphere (ball)  Literal definition – ball of heat  Dictionary definition – (n) the uppermost region of Earth’s atmosphere where the temperature increases rapidly  The heat shields on the rocket protected it when it entered the thermosphere during take off.

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