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Puerto Triunfo Project Considerations for combined oilseed crushing and biodiesel processing plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Puerto Triunfo Project Considerations for combined oilseed crushing and biodiesel processing plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puerto Triunfo Project Considerations for combined oilseed crushing and biodiesel processing plant

2 2 Paraguayan Plant  Ideal climate/excellent feedstock availability  Plant enjoys private sector and political support  Plant produces positive socioeconomic impact creating jobs and additional exports  Plant creates value added downstream exports  Ready access to foreign commodity markets  Paraguay offers attractive tax structure  Labor is educated and relatively inexpensive  Low cost green electricity

3 3 Ideal Climate/Expandable Agricultural Base  Soybean yield/acre equal to or greater than Iowa  Over 70 Inches of rainfall annually in immediate area of plant  3 crop cycles per year  Large modern farming complex  Significant (former cotton) acreage lies fallow

4 4 Paraguay shares the biggest fresh water deposit in the world: The Guarani Aquifer Paraguay river Paraná river Pilcomayo river Source: Instituto Geográfico Militar - IGM Extremely Large Hydrographic Basin

5 5 Economics  Crush: Significant value in crush spread  Oil: Crush creates low cost oil for biodiesel  Meal: Meal provides almost 50% of site revenue  Biodiesel: Significant competitive advantage vs. North American feedstock model  Project Revenue: $690 Million + per year

6 6 Site  At epicenter of oilseed production in Paraguay. 4 Million metric tons (4 x plant requirement) grown within 80 miles of the plant.  Local growers realize logistics benefit  Ready access to world markets via Parana river

7 7 Site Advantages, Puerto Triunfo  62 % of oilseed in country grown within 80 miles of site  8 Farmers Cooperatives nearby  Good feeder road system in place  Low cost hydro-electric power at 2.78 miles from the site  Nearest existing crushers: 100 miles 167 miles (land-locked) 40 miles (smaller land-locked)  Trucking savings for producer  Excellent product insertion point into Mercosur (5 country free trade agreement)

8 8 Markets: Mercosur and World Markets  Site: Paraná River  Barge access to: A.Rosario B.Buenos Aires  Barge delivery to Mercosur countries (tariff free)  Ocean transport worldwide

9 9 Extremely Favorable Tax Environment (Among the lowest in the world) Sources: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( Direccion Nacional de Estadisticas, Encuestas s y Censos (

10 10 Clean Hydroelectric Power Cost Advantage

11 11 Job Creation & Feedstock  Job Creation 250 jobs created in construction phase 50 permanent jobs created in plant operations  Current Feedstock Soy Canola Sunflower  Future Feedstock Jatropha Castor Bean

12 12 Paraguayan Government Financial Stability Source: Banco Central del Paraguay

13 13 Paraguay: Plant Positively impacts balance of trade

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