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Robust och Multidisciplinär Optimering av Fordonsstrukturer 2009-00314 Fordons- och Trafiksäkerhet Resultatkonferens - 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Robust och Multidisciplinär Optimering av Fordonsstrukturer 2009-00314 Fordons- och Trafiksäkerhet Resultatkonferens - 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robust och Multidisciplinär Optimering av Fordonsstrukturer 2009-00314 Fordons- och Trafiksäkerhet Resultatkonferens - 2014

2 Project Partners Principal applicant:Volvo Car Corporation Project partners:Combitech AB Altair Engineering EnginSoft Nordic AB Dynamore Nordic AB Academic partner:Linköpings Tekniska Högskola

3 Overall Project Objective Find suitable methods for implementing robust and multidisciplinary design optimization in automotive product development process Sandeeep Shetty

4 Robust design optimization Scope  Develop efficient methodologies to perform multiobjective robust and reliability- based design optimization of large-scale vehicle structures  Investigation of approximate modelling techniques to reduce the computational effort of the optimization process  Implementation of developed methodologies into the existing product development process Sandeeep Shetty

5  Different approaches to evaluate robustness and to perform non-deterministic optimisation have been studied  An approach to perform multiobjective reliability-based optimization and robust design optimization is presented and verified using a vehicle side impact crashworthiness application  An efficient reliability-based optimization using a combined metamodel and FE- based strategy is proposed and illustrated using industrial examples  Comparison between FE-based and metamodel-based robustness analysis has been performed  An approach to handle the discrete responses using metamodels is also presented  PhD courses – 60hp Overall accomplishments Sandeeep Shetty

6 Define problem Inputs and outputs Select Objectives Uncertainties quantification DOE strategy Design of experiments Verification Robust design procedure Optimisation strategy Estimation of the mean and standard deviation Meta model ‘ Design evaluation Select a optimum design Verification Sandeeep Shetty

7 Article -1 Robustness-analysis  Comparison between FE-based and metamodel-based robustness analysis  Validation of metamodels  New metamodelling approach to handle discrete responses is proposed Conclusion  Computational effort is minimised significantly by using meta models  Meta-model approach had acceptable accuracy compared to FE-based approach. Article -2 Non-deterministic optimization  Comparative study of deterministic and non- deterministic optimization  An approach to perform optimization of large- scale vehicle structural application is presented Conclusion  Presented metamodel-based approach was found to be suitable for large-scale deterministic optimization  Further improvement in the presented approach is required in the case of non-deterministic optimization Article -3 Efficient Reliability-based optimization approach  An efficient reliability-based optimization method is proposed and validated using industrial examples Conclusion  Proposed method has better accuracy and the method is computationally efficient Articles Sandeeep Shetty

8 Documented Results Licentiate thesis S.shetty: Optimization of Vehicle Structures under Uncertainties, Licentiate thesis, Linköping university, Thesis No. 1643 Journal Papers S. Shetty and L. Nilsson: Multiobjective reliability-based and robust design optimisation for crashworthiness of a vehicle side impact, accepted for publication in the international journal of vehicle design. S. Shetty and L. Nilsson: Robustness study of a hat profile beam made of boron steel subjected to three point bending, Submitted for publication. Conference Paper S.shetty: Efficient reliability-based optimization using a combined metamodel and FE-based strategy. published in proceedings of 4th International Conference on engineering optimization (EngOpt2014) Sandeeep Shetty

9 Ann-Britt Ryberg Multidisciplinary design optimization of automotive structures Scope Find an efficient MDO process  for large-scale applications  that takes the special characteristics of automotive structural applications into account  considers aspects related to implementation within an organization and product development process Outcome  Description and demonstration of an MDO process that is  simpler than multi-level methods  fits existing organizations better than sequential response surface methods (SRSM) and direct optimization  often more computationally efficient than direct optimization, SRSM and multi-level methods

10 Ann-Britt Ryberg Work performed Literature survey MDO methods metamodel-based optimization  Technical report PhD courses optimization courses solid mechanics courses etc  75.5 hp Comparison of MDO methods single-level methods multi-level methods Conclusion: A single-level method + metamodels is often the best choice  Article 1 MDO process description demonstration on a simple example Conclusion: The process is efficient, flexible, and suitable for common automotive structural MDO applications. The process fits existing organizations and product development processes. etc.  Article 2 MDO studies different software different sizes different methods  Experience Licentiate thesis

11 Ann-Britt Ryberg MDO processApplication example Decision Initiation Design of experiments Variable screening Metamodel creation Setup Verification load case 1 Design of experiments Variable screening Metamodel creation Setup Verification load case n … Optimization Step 1 Define problem (load cases, objectives, constraints, and design variables). Step 2 Find important design variables. Step 3 Define DOE, run simulations, and extract results. Step 4 Build, check, and compare metamodels. Step 5 Find optimum solutions. Step 6 Check results with detailed model. Modal analysis freq_m1_modal freq_m2_modal Front impact v tx05_mid_front intr_mid_front Roof crush d forc_3_roof forc_max_roof Side impact v intr_upper_side intr_lower_side Setup Minimize mass without degrading the disciplinary performances. Screening 25  15, 7, 11, 12 variables DOE Acceptable accuracy  90, 42, 55, 48 simulations Metamodels RBF neural networks + Feedforward neural networks Optimization Adaptive simulated annealing Verification RBFNN: 8% mass red. (1 constr. viol.) FFNN: 12% mass red.

12 Ann-Britt Ryberg Publications Licentiate thesis LIU-TEK-LIC-2013:1 Metamodel-based design optimization – A multidisciplinary approach for automotive structures by A-B Ryberg;jsessionid=d0d8422fc5bf97e6f729a89c0b32?searchId=1&pid=diva2:601789;jsessionid=d0d8422fc5bf97e6f729a89c0b32?searchId=1&pid=diva2:601789 Technical report LIU-IEI-R-12/003 Metamodel-based multi-disciplinary design optimization for automotive applications by A-B Ryberg, R D Bäckryd, L Nilsson Article 1 Multidisciplinary design optimization methods for automotive structures by R D Bäckryd, A-B Ryberg, L Nilsson Submitted Article 2 A metamodel-based multi-disciplinary design optimization process for automotive structures by A-B Ryberg, R D Bäckryd, L Nilsson Under revision

13 Phase II accepted and started Project number: 2014-01340 Aim: Take researcher from licentiate to PhD. Continue development of models for industrial problems. Industrial implementation of the result from earlier project. Couple the two areas in a combined study and paper.. Futured work

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