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Internet Safety Programs That Work David Finkelhor & Lisa Jones Crimes against Children Research Center University of New Hampshire FOSI Conference Washington,

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety Programs That Work David Finkelhor & Lisa Jones Crimes against Children Research Center University of New Hampshire FOSI Conference Washington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety Programs That Work David Finkelhor & Lisa Jones Crimes against Children Research Center University of New Hampshire FOSI Conference Washington, DC 9 November 2011

2 2 Ongoing Tracking Surveys National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (NJOVS) Survey of law enforcement Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS) Survey of youth 10-17

3 NJOVS: Trends in Arrests

4 YISS: Trends in Internet Risk Experiences

5 Good News Decline of sexual solicitation and unwanted porn exposure Small increase in harassment Harassment rates much lower than face-to- face bullying estimates Evidence that rates can shift considerably in short time frame

6 Sexual solicitation and porn exposure decline Prevention education? News coverage of aggressive law enforcement activity Better filtering software

7 *Source: FBI, Crime in the United States Reports and NCANDS FBI Forcible Rape Rate & NCANDS Sexual Abuse Rate FBI Forcible Rape Rate & NCANDS Sexual Abuse Rate 1990-2009 PA Sub 1990- 2005* 33% Decline 1992 - 2009 59% Decline 1990 - 2008 Forcible Rape Sexual Abuse

8 Warnings from Prevention Science First generation programs often fail Popular approaches (scare, movies) don’t work Prevention works best with simple clearcut messages Evaluation is crucial

9 Prevention Safety Education Successes Wear a bicycle helmet Don’t use illegal drugs Put on your seat belt Don’t smoke cigarettes Eat fruits and vegetables Use a condom

10 Features of Successful Education Specific and concrete Widespread consensus Not age related Clear connection to harm Internet safety education and messages LACK these attributes.

11 Internet Safety Don’t talk to strangers online –Who is a stranger? – Are there situations where a youth would have a good and positive reason to talk to stranger – Do adults talk to strangers

12 Internet Safety Don’t go to pornography sites –Is this a danger or a moral issue – Do we know what the harm is – Is this applicable to all age children

13 Internet Safety Don’t give out personal information –What is personal information – Are there situations where a youth would have a good and positive reason to talk to give out personal information – Do adults give out personal information

14 Internet Safety Don’t send out sexual image –What is a sexual image –Is there consensus that this is bad or harmful – Are there situations where a youth would have a positive reason to share a sexual image – Do we tell adults not to do this

15 Internet Safety Don’t harass or be mean to other people online –What is harassment or meanness

16 Internet Safety Boils down to –Make responsible sexual choices –Golden rule –Avoid criminals These are complex problems that we have had questionable success in teaching efficiently and consistently

17 Implications Incorporate Internet safety into broader educational programs on personal safety, sexual education and decision-making Do not disseminate Internet safety education without evaluation Research focus on generic skills that improve online health and safety

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