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“Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),47

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1 “Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),47

2 I am going to show you how to make a large paper ring out of a 5″ x 7″ piece of paper.
To do this I must follow the directions exactly. ____________ stand and gently slip the paper ring over your head and guide it to the floor.

3 How is eternal marriage like a ring?
It has no end. What is required for a temple marriage to last forever and have no end? Both the husband and wife must obey Heavenly Father’s commandments and keep their covenants.

4 In this lesson we will learn more about eternal marriage.
Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to receive the same blessings that he promised Abraham. Let’s read Genesis 22:17–18 The Lord made the same covenants with Isaac and Jacob that he did with Abraham and that he promises the same things to everyone who marries in the temple and keeps his or her temple covenants.

5 Rebekah lifted the water pitcher to her shoulder and started from her home toward the well outside the city gate. It was evening in the city of Nahor as she went to carry out her daily task. Many women were gathered at the well to draw its cool water. Rebekah filled her pitcher, and as she started back, a stranger approached her. “Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher,” he asked.

6 Rebekah could see that the man was a traveler and that he had come a long way. Quickly she lowered the pitcher and kindly said, “Drink, my lord.” As the stranger quenched his thirst, Rebekah was aware of his camels. They would also need water. Even as she voiced her willingness to care for the needs of his animals, she emptied the rest of the water from her pitcher into the trough for them and ran to the well for more.

7 Rebekah was puzzled that the stranger seemed filled with awe and excitement as she performed these simple acts of kindness. When he asked who her parents were and if he might find lodging at their home for the night, Rebekah responded graciously and said that he would be welcome.

8 Later, as the guest sat with Rebekah’s family and they were about to begin the evening meal, the stranger announced, “I will not eat, until I have told mine errand.” Rebekah and her family were astonished as he told his story. He said that he was the chief servant of Abraham, a great and righteous follower of the Lord. Abraham had entrusted him to come all the way to Nahor to find a worthy wife for his son Isaac. It was important to Abraham that his son marry a young woman who would also love the Lord and be faithful in keeping His covenants.

9 The servant had been very prayerful in this sacred assignment
The servant had been very prayerful in this sacred assignment. He explained that when he arrived outside the city gates, he had asked the Lord to help him know who Isaac’s wife should be. He then planned to ask the young women who came to the well for a drink of water. He prayed that whoever would not only give him water but also offer to water his camels would be the one the Lord had chosen to be Isaac’s wife. Rebekah was the answer to his prayers.

10 Rebekah’s family realized that what had happened was according to the Lord’s will. They answered Abraham’s servant, “Let her be thy master’s son’s wife, as the Lord hath spoken.”

11 Rebekah’s heart must have been filled with wonder and excitement and prayer throughout the night. In the morning her family came to her with a question. Abraham’s servant was anxious to return to his master with Rebekah, but her family hoped that she could remain at home for at least ten days. Now they asked her what she would do. Though she had not met Isaac, and though she would be leaving her family to live in another land, Rebekah trusted in the Lord and knew that He was directing these events. With deep faith, she answered her family simply, “I will go.”

12 After many days, the caravan approached the place where Isaac lived
After many days, the caravan approached the place where Isaac lived. Rebekah saw someone in the fields walking toward them. It was Isaac. Undoubtedly he had also given much thought and prayer to the servant’s mission. Now as he was meditating and walking in the fields at evening, he and Rebekah saw each other for the first time. The servant dismounted and reported his mission. When Isaac heard of Rebekah’s kindness, of her willingness to be of service, and of her great faith in the Lord, it was little wonder that “he loved her.”

13 Why was Abraham concerned that Isaac not marry a Canaanite woman
Why was Abraham concerned that Isaac not marry a Canaanite woman? Genesis 24:3–4; Canaanites worshiped false gods. If Isaac married someone of another faith, he would marry outside the covenant. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a woman who would help him remain faithful. Only in this way would the priesthood remain with Abraham’s descendants and would they receive the special blessings the Lord had promised to Abraham and his seed.

14 Salt Lake Temple

15 Nauvoo Temple

16 Dallas Temple

17 Idaho Falls Temple

18 By marrying in the temple we can qualify for all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Let’s review those blessings: His name would be great among all nations. All who accept the gospel through baptism would be known as Abraham’s descendants. The Lord would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed Abraham. His descendants would have the priesthood. His seed would have the responsibility to be missionaries and take the gospel to all nations. Abraham and his descendants would be given the land of Canaan. The Lord would multiply Abraham’s seed greatly (Abraham would have many descendants).

19 How would you feel if someone arranged a marriage for you to a person you didn’t know, as happened with Isaac and Rebekah? What kind of person would you trust to choose your marriage partner?

20 What characteristics did the servant of Abraham have that showed he could be trusted to find the right wife for Isaac? Genesis 24:12–14, 33, 48. He prayed for help by asking the Lord to confirm his plan rather than solve his problem. He was more concerned about completing his assignment than he was for his own comfort. He expressed gratitude for the Lord’s help. In seeking the Lord’s help, how can you follow the example of the servant of Abraham?

21 What did Rebekah’s willingness to water the servant’s camels show about the type of person she was? Genesis 24:18–19. What could you do to develop the qualities of being a hard worker, unselfish, and dependable? When you are given a hard task to do, what could you do to make the job more pleasant? How did Rebekah complete her difficult task? Genesis 24:20.

22 Rebekah was willing to serve others.
Though a camel can go for days without a drink of water, in the summer a camel may drink five gallons of water a day. Imagine how many trips Rebekah made to the well to fill her pitcher to draw water for ten camels to have enough to drink. Rebekah was willing to serve others. Here are several pitchurs similar to what Rachel used. Write in each one something you would be willing to do to serve someone else. Enrichment Activity 2

23 How did Rebekah’s father and brother respond to the request for Rebekah to marry Isaac? Genesis 24:50–51. How can the examples set by parents affect their children?

24 What great quality did Rebekah demonstrate when she answered her family about going with the servant? Genesis 24:58 She had faith in God. Why do you think Rebekah was willing to marry a stranger from another land? Rebekah wanted to marry in the covenant and provide the blessings of Abraham for herself and her children.

25 • What did Rebekah’s family do before she left them. (Genesis 24:60
• What did Rebekah’s family do before she left them? (Genesis 24:60.) How do you think a father’s blessing could help a person preparing for marriage?

26 When should you start preparing for your eternal marriage?
A latter-day prophet, Spencer W. Kimball, has said, “We recommend … that all boys and girls from their infancy up plan to be married only in the temple … to keep their lives spotless so that this can be accomplished” (“The Matter of Marriage” [address delivered at the Salt Lake Institute of Religion, 22 Oct. 1976]).

27 What are some things you might do to prepare for your eternal marriage?
What can you do in your family right now to help your family be more celestial?

28 What was one important thing that Isaac did to make his marriage happy
What was one important thing that Isaac did to make his marriage happy? Genesis 24:67 He loved his wife. How can you show more love for the members of your family?

29 Imagine that they are in heaven and their families are seated on these chairs.
What would heaven be like if you looked around and found one of your family members missing? Enrichment activity 3

30 …from President Ezra Taft Benson, thirteenth President of the Church:
“God intended the family to be eternal. With all my soul, I testify to the truth of that declaration. May He bless us to strengthen our homes and the lives of each family member so that in due time we can report to our Heavenly Father in His celestial home that we are all there—father, mother, sister, brother, all who hold each other dear. Each chair is filled. We are all back home” (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson [1988], p. 493).

31 What are some ways we can follow President Benson’s counsel now and in the future?
I encourage you to go home and discuss these ideas with your families and make a list of ideas that you can work on together.

32 Keep your body and mind clean and pure.
It is a sacred privilege it is to be permitted into the temple of the Lord. These are some of the things that are necessary for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to do to receive a temple recommend Keep your body and mind clean and pure. Sustain the President of the Church as a prophet, seer, and revelator. Pay a full tithe. Live the Word of Wisdom. Be totally honest. Attend Church meetings and keep the commandments. Treat your family with kindness. Set the goal now to be married in the temple so you can qualify for the blessings of Abraham and so you can make these blessings available to your children. Erichment activity 5

33 President Spencer W. Kimball, twelfth President of the Church taught:
“Having in mind the importance of temple work, wouldn’t it be wonderful if every Latter-day Saint home had in the bedroom of each boy and each girl, or on the mantel of the living room, a fairly good-sized picture of a temple which would help them recall, frequently, the purpose of these beautiful edifices. I believe there would be far more marriages in the temple than there are today, because the children would have as a part of their growing experience the picture of one of our temples constantly before them as a reminder and a goal. I recommend that to the Saints” (“The Things of Eternity—Stand We in Jeopardy?” Ensign, Jan. 1977, p. 7).

34 Sing “Families Can Be Together Forever”
And/or “I Love to See the Temple” Enrichment activity 7

35 Clipart and images are from lds
Clipart and images are from (magazine library) and Microsoft Office images. The scripture stories & hymn are from Lesson and Enrichment Activities are from the Primary 6 Old Testament Manual. No copyrighted materials were knowingly used improperly or without consent. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use.

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