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And how you can handle it.  Trojan horses  Spyware  Adware  Rootkits  Viruses  Worms Software that works without the victim’s permission.

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Presentation on theme: "And how you can handle it.  Trojan horses  Spyware  Adware  Rootkits  Viruses  Worms Software that works without the victim’s permission."— Presentation transcript:

1 And how you can handle it

2  Trojan horses  Spyware  Adware  Rootkits  Viruses  Worms Software that works without the victim’s permission.

3  Like the ancient Greek legend.  Look harmless but then do damage.

4  A program hidden on your computer that essentally spies on you and can track key presses to possibly obtain passwords or account numbers  A program which automatically displays advertisements on a computer without user request

5  Runs secretly.  Allows the invader access to files and folders on the infected computer.  Can be used by law enforcement officials to search a suspect’s computer.

6  Are obtained through downloading an attachment on an email from a stranger or downloading a program or file from an non- trusted website.  Cause damage to files on a computer including vital operating system components.

7  Worms duplicate themselves until the amount of them is too much for the computer to handle and the computer eventually shuts down.  Can duplicate within a computer or over a network or the internet to cripple servers.

8  Help protect against cyber-attacks like viruses and worms by either preventing them from getting onto your computer or destroying them once they’re on your computer.


10  Geek Squad  Staples Tech help  Local computer technicians  Tech support


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